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Event Classes

These classes are used to create and handle events.

For more information see the Object model and Signals and Slots.

TQChildEventEvent parameters for child object events
TQCloseEventParameters that describe a close event
TQContextMenuEventParameters that describe a context menu event
TQCustomEventSupport for custom events
TQDragEnterEventEvent which is sent to the widget when a drag and drop first drags onto the widget
TQDragLeaveEventEvent which is sent to the widget when a drag and drop leaves the widget
TQDragMoveEventEvent which is sent while a drag and drop is in progress
TQDropEventEvent which is sent when a drag and drop is completed
TQEventThe base class of all event classes. Event objects contain event parameters
TQEventLoopManages the event queue
TQFocusEventEvent parameters for widget focus events
TQHideEventEvent which is sent after a widget is hidden
TQIconDragEventSignals that a main icon drag has begun
TQIMEventParameters for input method events
TQKeyEventDescribes a key event
TQMouseEventParameters that describe a mouse event
TQMoveEventEvent parameters for move events
TQPaintEventEvent parameters for paint events
TQResizeEventEvent parameters for resize events
TQShowEventEvent which is sent when a widget is shown
TQTabletEventParameters that describe a Tablet event
TQTimerTimer signals and single-shot timers
TQTimerEventParameters that describe a timer event
TQWheelEventParameters that describe a wheel event

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TQt 3.3.8