KXESpecProcInstrDialogBase Lumir Vanek KXESpecProcInstrDialogBase 0 0 216 191 5 5 0 0 Special processing instruction unnamed 11 6 m_pTextLabel1 XML &version: m_pLineEditVersion <b>XML version</b><br/> You can determine the XML version for XML document. m_pLineEditVersion <b>XML version</b><br/> You can determine the XML version for XML document. m_pTextLabel2 &Encoding: m_pComboBoxEncoding <b>Encoding</b><br/> You can determine the encoding used while saving this XML document. m_pComboBoxEncoding true <b>Encoding</b><br/> You can determine the encoding used while saving this XML document. layout4 unnamed m_pDontShowAgain Do not show this dialog again Ctrl+T <b>Do not show this dialog again</b><br/> If you select this option, your choice will be remembered. Next time you create a new file, you won't be disturbed by this dialog box. m_pHLine HLine Raised layout2 unnamed spacer1 Horizontal Expanding 40 20 m_pBtnOK &OK true m_pBtnCancel &Cancel false m_pBtnCancel clicked() KXESpecProcInstrDialogBase reject() m_pLineEditVersion m_pComboBoxEncoding m_pDontShowAgain m_pBtnOK m_pBtnCancel