- page Trinity HTML Parser and Widget
- Torben Weis <weis@> stud .uni- fran kfurt .de
Josip A. Gracin <grac@> fly. cc.fe
Martin Jones <mjone> s@kd
Waldo Bastian <basti> an@k de.or g
Lars Knoll <knoll> @kde .org
Antti Koivisto <koivi> sto@ iki.f i
Dirk Mueller <muell> er@k de.or g
Peter Kelly <pmk@p> ost. com
George Staikos <staik> os@k de.or g
Allan Sandfeld Jensen <kde@c> arew olf.c om
Germain Garand <germa> in@e books fran ce.or g
Maksim Orlovich <maksi> m@kd
TDEHTML has also heavily benefited from the work of Apple Computer, Inc. @maintainers Allan Sandfeld Jensen
Germain Garand
Maksim Orlovich