166 " Warning: this language table may exceed the maximum total affix length\nof %d by up to %d bytes. You should either increase MAXAFFIXLEN in config.X\nor shorten your largest affix/strip string difference. (This is the\n", \
169 "difference between the affix length and the strip length in a given\nreplacement rule, or the affix length if there is no strip string\nin that rule.)\n"
176#define BHASH_C_USAGE "Usage: buildhash [-s] dict-file aff-file hash-file\n\tbuildhash -c count aff-file\n"
199#define CORR_C_HELP_X_CMD "X Write the rest of this file, ignoring misspellings,\r\n and start next file.\r\n"
200#define CORR_C_HELP_Q_CMD "Q Quit immediately. Asks for confirmation.\r\n Leaves file unchanged.\r\n"
209#define CORR_C_MINI_MENU "[SP] <number> R)epl A)ccept I)nsert L)ookup U)ncap Q)uit e(X)it or ? for help\r\n"
232#define ISPELL_C_USAGE1 "Usage: %s [-dfile | -pfile | -wchars | -Wn | -t | -n | -x | -b | -S | -B | -C | -P | -m | -Lcontext | -M | -N | -Ttype | -V] file .....\n"
235#define ISPELL_C_USAGE3 " %s [-dfile | -pfile | -ffile | -Wn | -t | -n | -s | -B | -C | -P | -m | -Ttype] {-a | -A}\n"
237#define ISPELL_C_USAGE3 " %s [-dfile | -pfile | -ffile | -Wn | -t | -n | -B | -C | -P | -m | -Ttype] {-a | -A}\n"