KSpell Member List
This is the complete list of members for KSpell, including all inherited members.
addPersonal(const TQString &word) | KSpell | virtual |
addword(const TQString &originalword) | KSpell | signal |
autoDelete (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
caption (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
check(const TQString &_buffer, bool usedialog=true) | KSpell | virtual |
check2(TDEProcIO *) (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protectedslot |
check3() (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protectedslot |
checkList(TQStringList *_wordlist, bool usedialog=true) | KSpell | virtual |
checkList2() (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protectedslot |
checkList3a(TDEProcIO *) (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protectedslot |
checkList4() (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protectedslot |
checkListReplaceCurrent() (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protectedslot |
checkNext() (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protectedslot |
checkWord(const TQString &_buffer, bool usedialog=false) | KSpell | virtual |
checkWord(const TQString &buffer, bool _usedialog, bool suggest) | KSpell | |
checkWord2(TDEProcIO *) (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protectedslot |
checkWord3() (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protectedslot |
cleanFputs(const TQString &s, bool appendCR=true) (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
cleanFputsWord(const TQString &s, bool appendCR=true) (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
Cleaning enum value (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | |
cleanUp() | KSpell | virtual |
codec (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
corrected(const TQString &originalword, const TQString &newword, unsigned int pos) | KSpell | signal |
Crashed enum value (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | |
curprog (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
cwword (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
death() | KSpell | signal |
dialog(const TQString &word, TQStringList &sugg, const char *_slot) (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
dialog2(int dlgresult) (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protectedslot |
dialog3() (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | signal |
dialog3slot (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
dialogsetup (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
dialogwillprocess (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
dlgon (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
dlgorigword (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
dlgreplacement (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
dlgResult() const | KSpell | inline |
dlgresult (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
done(const TQString &buffer) | KSpell | signal |
done(bool) | KSpell | signal |
emitDeath() (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protectedslot |
emitProgress() (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
Error enum value (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | |
Finished enum value (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | |
FinishedNoMisspellingsEncountered enum value (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | |
funnyWord(const TQString &word) (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
heightDlg() const | KSpell | |
hide() | KSpell | |
HTML enum value (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | |
ignore(const TQString &word) | KSpell | virtual |
ignoreall(const TQString &originalword) | KSpell | signal |
ignorelist (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
ignoreword(const TQString &originalword) | KSpell | signal |
initialize(TQWidget *_parent, const TQString &_caption, TQObject *obj, const char *slot, KSpellConfig *_ksc, bool _progressbar, bool _modal, SpellerType type) (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
intermediateBuffer() const | KSpell | inline |
ispellErrors(TDEProcess *, char *, int) (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protectedslot |
ispellExit(TDEProcess *) (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protectedslot |
ksConfig() const | KSpell | |
ksconfig (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
ksdlg (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
KSpell(TQWidget *parent, const TQString &caption, TQObject *receiver, const char *slot, KSpellConfig *kcs=0, bool progressbar=true, bool modal=false) | KSpell | |
KSpell(TQWidget *parent, const TQString &caption, TQObject *receiver, const char *slot, KSpellConfig *kcs, bool progressbar, bool modal, SpellerType type) | KSpell | |
KSpell2(TDEProcIO *) (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protectedslot |
lastlastline (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
lastline (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
lastpos (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
lastPosition() const | KSpell | inline |
m_status (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
maxtrystart (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
misspelling(const TQString &originalword, const TQStringList &suggestions, unsigned int pos) | KSpell | signal |
modalCheck(TQString &text) TDE_DEPRECATED | KSpell | static |
modalCheck(TQString &text, KSpellConfig *kcs) | KSpell | static |
modaldlg | KSpell | protected |
modalreturn (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protectedstatic |
modaltext (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protectedstatic |
modalWidgetHack (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protectedstatic |
moveDlg(int x, int y) | KSpell | |
newbuffer (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
Nroff enum value (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | |
offset (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
orig (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
origbuffer (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
parent (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
parseOneResponse(const TQString &_buffer, TQString &word, TQStringList &sugg) (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
personaldict (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
posinline (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
proc (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
progres (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
progress(unsigned int i) | KSpell | signal |
progressbar (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
ready(KSpell *) | KSpell | signal |
replaceall(const TQString &origword, const TQString &replacement) | KSpell | signal |
replacelist (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
replacement() const (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | inlineprotected |
Running enum value (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | |
setAutoDelete(bool _autoDelete) | KSpell | inline |
setIgnoreTitleCase(bool b) | KSpell | |
setIgnoreUpperWords(bool b) | KSpell | |
setProgressResolution(unsigned int res) | KSpell | |
setUpDialog(bool reallyusedialogbox=true) (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
slotStopCancel(int) (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protectedslot |
SpellerType enum name | KSpell | |
spellStatus enum name | KSpell | |
Starting enum value (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | |
startIspell() (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
status() const | KSpell | inline |
sugg (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
suggestions() const | KSpell | inline |
suggestWord(TDEProcIO *) (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protectedslot |
TeX enum value (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | |
texmode (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
Text enum value (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | |
totalpos (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
trystart (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
usedialog (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
widthDlg() const | KSpell | |
wlIt (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
wordlist (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
writePersonalDictionary() (defined in KSpell) | KSpell | protected |
~KSpell() | KSpell | virtual |