KTimezoneWidget Member List
This is the complete list of members for KTimezoneWidget, including all inherited members.
aboutToMove() | TDEListView | signal |
acceptDrag(TQDropEvent *event) const | TDEListView | protectedvirtual |
activateAutomaticSelection() | TDEListView | protected |
addColumn(const TQString &label, int width=-1) | TDEListView | virtual |
addColumn(const TQIconSet &iconset, const TQString &label, int width=-1) | TDEListView | virtual |
alternateBackground() const | TDEListView | |
ascendingSort(void) const | TDEListView | |
automaticSelection() const | TDEListView | protected |
autoOpen() const | TDEListView | |
below(const TQRect &rect, const TQPoint &p) | TDEListView | inlineprotected |
below(TQListViewItem *i, const TQPoint &p) | TDEListView | inlineprotected |
cleanDropVisualizer() | TDEListView | protectedslot |
cleanItemHighlighter() | TDEListView | protectedslot |
columnSorted(void) const | TDEListView | |
contentsDragEnterEvent(TQDragEnterEvent *) | TDEListView | protectedvirtual |
contentsDragLeaveEvent(TQDragLeaveEvent *event) | TDEListView | protectedvirtual |
contentsDragMoveEvent(TQDragMoveEvent *event) | TDEListView | protectedvirtual |
contentsDropEvent(TQDropEvent *) | TDEListView | protectedvirtual |
contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent(TQMouseEvent *e) | TDEListView | protectedvirtual |
contentsMouseMoveEvent(TQMouseEvent *e) | TDEListView | protectedvirtual |
contentsMousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent *e) | TDEListView | protectedvirtual |
contentsMouseReleaseEvent(TQMouseEvent *) | TDEListView | protectedvirtual |
contextMenu(TDEListView *l, TQListViewItem *i, const TQPoint &p) | TDEListView | signal |
createChildren() const TDE_DEPRECATED | TDEListView | |
deactivateAutomaticSelection() | TDEListView | protected |
depthToPixels(int depth) | TDEListView | protected |
disableAutoSelection() | TDEListView | protected |
displayName(const KTimezone *zone) | KTimezoneWidget | static |
doneEditing(TQListViewItem *item, int row) (defined in TDEListView) | TDEListView | protectedslot |
doubleClicked(TQListViewItem *item, const TQPoint &pos, int c) | TDEListView | protected |
dragEnabled() const | TDEListView | |
dragObject() | TDEListView | protectedvirtual |
drawDropVisualizer(TQPainter *p, TQListViewItem *parent, TQListViewItem *after) | TDEListView | protectedvirtual |
drawItemHighlighter(TQPainter *painter, TQListViewItem *item) | TDEListView | protectedvirtual |
dropHighlighter() const | TDEListView | |
dropped(TQDropEvent *e, TQListViewItem *after) | TDEListView | signal |
dropped(TDEListView *list, TQDropEvent *e, TQListViewItem *after) | TDEListView | signal |
dropped(TDEListView *list, TQDropEvent *e, TQListViewItem *parent, TQListViewItem *after) | TDEListView | signal |
dropped(TQDropEvent *e, TQListViewItem *parent, TQListViewItem *after) | TDEListView | signal |
dropVisualizer() const | TDEListView | |
dropVisualizerWidth() const | TDEListView | |
emitContextMenu(TQListViewItem *, const TQPoint &, int) | TDEListView | protectedslot |
emitContextMenu(TDEListView *, TQListViewItem *) | TDEListView | protectedslot |
emitExecute(TQListViewItem *item, const TQPoint &pos, int c) | TDEListView | protected |
event(TQEvent *) | TDEListView | protectedvirtual |
executed(TQListViewItem *item) | TDEListView | signal |
executed(TQListViewItem *item, const TQPoint &pos, int c) | TDEListView | signal |
Extended enum value (defined in TDEListView) | TDEListView | |
FileManager enum value (defined in TDEListView) | TDEListView | |
fileManagerKeyPressEvent(TQKeyEvent *) | TDEListView | protected |
findDrop(const TQPoint &pos, TQListViewItem *&parent, TQListViewItem *&after) | TDEListView | protectedvirtual |
focusInEvent(TQFocusEvent *fe) | TDEListView | protectedvirtual |
focusOutEvent(TQFocusEvent *fe) | TDEListView | protectedvirtual |
fullWidth() const | TDEListView | |
isExecuteArea(const TQPoint &point) | TDEListView | virtual |
isExecuteArea(int x) | TDEListView | |
isRenameable(int column) const | TDEListView | |
itemAdded(TQListViewItem *item) (defined in TDEListView) | TDEListView | signal |
itemAtIndex(int index) | TDEListView | |
itemIndex(const TQListViewItem *item) const | TDEListView | |
itemRemoved(TQListViewItem *item) (defined in TDEListView) | TDEListView | signal |
itemRenamed(TQListViewItem *item, const TQString &str, int col) | TDEListView | signal |
itemRenamed(TQListViewItem *item) | TDEListView | signal |
itemsMovable() const | TDEListView | |
itemsRenameable() const | TDEListView | |
keyPressEvent(TQKeyEvent *) | TDEListView | protectedvirtual |
KTimezoneWidget(TQWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, KTimezones *db=0) | KTimezoneWidget | |
lastChild() const | TDEListView | |
lastItem() const | TDEListView | |
leaveEvent(TQEvent *e) | TDEListView | protectedvirtual |
menuShortCutPressed(TDEListView *list, TQListViewItem *item) | TDEListView | signal |
movableDropEvent(TQListViewItem *parent, TQListViewItem *afterme) | TDEListView | protectedvirtual |
moved() | TDEListView | signal |
moved(TQListViewItem *item, TQListViewItem *afterFirst, TQListViewItem *afterNow) | TDEListView | signal |
moved(TQPtrList< TQListViewItem > &items, TQPtrList< TQListViewItem > &afterFirst, TQPtrList< TQListViewItem > &afterNow) | TDEListView | signal |
moveItem(TQListViewItem *item, TQListViewItem *parent, TQListViewItem *after) | TDEListView | |
Multi enum value (defined in TDEListView) | TDEListView | |
NoSelection enum value (defined in TDEListView) | TDEListView | |
removeColumn(int index) | TDEListView | virtual |
rename(TQListViewItem *item, int c) | TDEListView | virtualslot |
renameLineEdit() const | TDEListView | |
renameNext(TQListViewItem *item, int col) | TDEListView | signal |
renameNextProxy(TQListViewItem *item, int col) (defined in TDEListView) | TDEListView | protectedslot |
renamePrev(TQListViewItem *item, int col) | TDEListView | signal |
renamePrevProxy(TQListViewItem *item, int col) (defined in TDEListView) | TDEListView | protectedslot |
resetAutoSelection() | TDEListView | protected |
resetKeyboardSelectionOperation() | TDEListView | protected |
restoreLayout(TDEConfig *config, const TQString &group) | TDEListView | |
saveLayout(TDEConfig *config, const TQString &group) const | TDEListView | |
selectAll(bool select) | TDEListView | virtualslot |
selectedItems() const | TDEListView | |
selectedItems(bool includeHiddenItems) const | TDEListView | |
selection() const | KTimezoneWidget | |
selectionModeExt() const | TDEListView | |
SelectionModeExt enum name | TDEListView | |
setAcceptDrops(bool) | TDEListView | virtual |
setActiveMultiSelectItem(TQListViewItem *item) | TDEListView | protected |
setAlternateBackground(const TQColor &c) | TDEListView | |
setAutoOpen(bool b) | TDEListView | virtualslot |
setCreateChildren(bool b) TDE_DEPRECATED | TDEListView | virtualslot |
setDragEnabled(bool b) | TDEListView | virtualslot |
setDropHighlighter(bool b) | TDEListView | virtualslot |
setDropVisualizer(bool b) | TDEListView | virtualslot |
setDropVisualizerWidth(int w) | TDEListView | slot |
setFullWidth() TDE_DEPRECATED | TDEListView | |
setFullWidth(bool fullWidth) | TDEListView | |
setItemsMovable(bool b) | TDEListView | virtualslot |
setItemsRenameable(bool b) | TDEListView | virtualslot |
setRenameable(int column, bool yesno=true) | TDEListView | slot |
setRenameSettings(const TDEListViewRenameSettings &renSett) | TDEListView | |
setSelected(const TQString &zone, bool selected) | KTimezoneWidget | |
setSelectionModeExt(SelectionModeExt mode) | TDEListView | slot |
setShadeSortColumn(bool shadeSortColumn) | TDEListView | |
setSorting(int column, bool ascending=true) | TDEListView | virtual |
setTabOrderedRenaming(bool b) | TDEListView | slot |
setTooltipColumn(int column) | TDEListView | virtualslot |
setUseSmallExecuteArea(bool enable) | TDEListView | |
shadeSortColumn(void) const | TDEListView | |
showTooltip(TQListViewItem *item, const TQPoint &pos, int column) const | TDEListView | protectedvirtual |
Single enum value (defined in TDEListView) | TDEListView | |
slotAutoSelect() | TDEListView | protectedslot |
slotDragExpand() (defined in TDEListView) | TDEListView | protectedslot |
slotHeaderChanged() | TDEListView | protectedslot |
slotMouseButtonClicked(int btn, TQListViewItem *item, const TQPoint &pos, int c) (defined in TDEListView) | TDEListView | protectedslot |
slotOnItem(TQListViewItem *item) | TDEListView | protectedslot |
slotOnViewport() | TDEListView | protectedslot |
slotSettingsChanged(int) | TDEListView | protectedslot |
startDrag() | TDEListView | protectedvirtual |
tabOrderedRenaming() const | TDEListView | slot |
takeItem(TQListViewItem *i) | TDEListView | virtual |
TDEListView(TQWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0) | TDEListView | |
tooltip(TQListViewItem *item, int column) const | TDEListView | protectedvirtual |
tooltipColumn() const | TDEListView | |
useSmallExecuteArea() const | TDEListView | |
viewportPaintEvent(TQPaintEvent *) | TDEListView | protectedvirtual |
viewportResizeEvent(TQResizeEvent *e) | TDEListView | protectedvirtual |
virtual_hook(int id, void *data) (defined in TDEListView) | TDEListView | protectedvirtual |
~KTimezoneWidget() | KTimezoneWidget | virtual |
~TDEListView() | TDEListView | virtual |