TaskView Member List
This is the complete list of members for TaskView, including all inherited members.
adaptColumns() (defined in TaskView) | TaskView | |
addTask(const TQString &taskame, long total, long session, const DesktopList &desktops, Task *parent=0) | TaskView | |
autoSaveChanged(bool) (defined in TaskView) | TaskView | protectedslot |
autoSavePeriodChanged(int period) (defined in TaskView) | TaskView | protectedslot |
clearActiveTasks() | TaskView | |
clipHistory() | TaskView | |
clipSession() | TaskView | |
clipTotals() | TaskView | |
closeStorage() | TaskView | |
count() | TaskView | |
current_item() const | TaskView | |
deleteTask(bool markingascomplete=false) | TaskView | slot |
deletingTask(Task *deletedTask) | TaskView | |
editTask() (defined in TaskView) | TaskView | slot |
exportcsvFile() | TaskView | slot |
exportcsvHistory() | TaskView | slot |
extractTime(int minutes) | TaskView | slot |
first_child() const | TaskView | |
getHistory(const TQDate &from, const TQDate &to) const | TaskView | |
iCalFileChanged(TQString file) | TaskView | |
iCalFileModified(ResourceCalendar *) | TaskView | protectedslot |
importPlanner(TQString fileName="") | TaskView | slot |
item_at_index(int i) | TaskView | |
itemStateChanged(TQListViewItem *item) | TaskView | protectedslot |
load(TQString filename="") | TaskView | |
loadFromFlatFile() | TaskView | slot |
markTaskAsComplete() (defined in TaskView) | TaskView | slot |
markTaskAsIncomplete() (defined in TaskView) | TaskView | slot |
minuteUpdate() (defined in TaskView) | TaskView | protectedslot |
newSubTask() | TaskView | slot |
newTask() | TaskView | slot |
newTask(TQString caption, Task *parent) | TaskView | slot |
preferences() | TaskView | |
refresh() | TaskView | slot |
reinstateTask(int completion) | TaskView | slot |
report(const ReportCriteria &rc) | TaskView | slot |
resetTimeForAllTasks() | TaskView | |
save() | TaskView | slot |
scheduleSave() | TaskView | |
setStatusBar(TQString) (defined in TaskView) | TaskView | signal |
startCurrentTimer() | TaskView | slot |
startNewSession() | TaskView | |
startTimerFor(Task *task, TQDateTime startTime=TQDateTime::currentDateTime()) | TaskView | |
stopAllTimers() | TaskView | slot |
stopAllTimersAt(TQDateTime qdt) | TaskView | slot |
stopCurrentTimer() | TaskView | slot |
stopTimerFor(Task *task) (defined in TaskView) | TaskView | |
storage() | TaskView | slot |
tasksChanged(TQPtrList< Task > activeTasks) (defined in TaskView) | TaskView | signal |
taskTotalTimesChanged(long session, long total) (defined in TaskView) | TaskView | inlineslot |
TaskView(TQWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, const TQString &icsfile="") (defined in TaskView) | TaskView | |
timersActive() (defined in TaskView) | TaskView | signal |
timersInactive() (defined in TaskView) | TaskView | signal |
totalTimesChanged(long session, long total) (defined in TaskView) | TaskView | signal |
updateButtons() (defined in TaskView) | TaskView | signal |
~TaskView() (defined in TaskView) | TaskView | virtual |