21#include <tqclipboard.h>
27#include <kxmlguifactory.h>
28#include <kxmlguibuilder.h>
29#include <ksystemtray.h>
31#include <kiconeffect.h>
32#include <tdestandarddirs.h>
33#include <tdepopupmenu.h>
36#include <kfinddialog.h>
37#include <kkeydialog.h>
38#include <tdeglobalaccel.h>
39#include <ksimpleconfig.h>
41#include <kbufferedsocket.h>
42#include <kserversocket.h>
44#include <libkcal/journal.h>
45#include <libkcal/calendarlocal.h>
49#include "knotesalarm.h"
50#include "knoteconfigdlg.h"
51#include "knotesglobalconfig.h"
52#include "knoteslegacy.h"
53#include "knotesnetrecv.h"
55#include "knotes/resourcemanager.h"
57using namespace KNetwork;
60class KNotesKeyDialog :
public KDialogBase
63 KNotesKeyDialog( TDEGlobalAccel *globals, TQWidget *parent,
const char* name = 0 )
64 : KDialogBase( parent, name, true, i18n(
"Configure Shortcuts"), Default|Ok|Cancel, Ok )
66 m_keyChooser =
new KKeyChooser( globals,
this );
67 setMainWidget( m_keyChooser );
68 connect(
this, TQ_SIGNAL(defaultClicked()), m_keyChooser, TQ_SLOT(allDefault()) );
71 void insert( TDEActionCollection *actions )
73 m_keyChooser->insert( actions, i18n(
"Note Actions") );
78 if ( exec() == Accepted )
83 KKeyChooser *m_keyChooser;
87int KNotesApp::KNoteActionList::compareItems( TQPtrCollection::Item s1, TQPtrCollection::Item s2 )
89 if ( ((TDEAction*)s1)->text() == ((TDEAction*)s2)->text() )
91 return ( ((TDEAction*)s1)->text() < ((TDEAction*)s2)->text() ? -1 : 1 );
96 : DCOPObject(
"KNotesIface"), TQLabel( 0, 0, WType_TopLevel ),
97 m_alarm( 0 ), m_listener( 0 ), m_find( 0 ), m_findPos( 0 )
99 connect( tdeApp, TQ_SIGNAL(lastWindowClosed()), tdeApp, TQ_SLOT(quit()) );
101 m_noteList.setAutoDelete(
true );
102 m_noteActions.setAutoDelete(
true );
105 KWin::setSystemTrayWindowFor( winId(), tqt_xrootwin() );
106 TQToolTip::add(
this, i18n(
"KNotes: Sticky notes for TDE" ) );
107 setBackgroundMode( X11ParentRelative );
108 setPixmap( KSystemTray::loadIcon(
"knotes" ) );
111 KNote::setStyle( KNotesGlobalConfig::style() );
114 new TDEAction( i18n(
"New Note"),
"document-new", 0,
115 this, TQ_SLOT(newNote()), actionCollection(),
"new_note" );
116 new TDEAction( i18n(
"New Note From Clipboard"),
"edit-paste", 0,
117 this, TQ_SLOT(newNoteFromClipboard()), actionCollection(),
"new_note_clipboard" );
118 new TDEAction( i18n(
"Show All Notes"),
"knotes", 0,
119 this, TQ_SLOT(showAllNotes()), actionCollection(),
"show_all_notes" );
120 new TDEAction( i18n(
"Hide All Notes"),
"window-close", 0,
121 this, TQ_SLOT(hideAllNotes()), actionCollection(),
"hide_all_notes" );
122 new KHelpMenu(
this, tdeApp->aboutData(),
false, actionCollection() );
124 m_findAction = KStdAction::find(
this, TQ_SLOT(slotOpenFindDialog()), actionCollection() );
125 KStdAction::preferences(
this, TQ_SLOT(slotPreferences()), actionCollection() );
126 KStdAction::keyBindings(
this, TQ_SLOT(slotConfigureAccels()), actionCollection() );
128 KStdAction::quit(
this, TQ_SLOT(slotQuit()), actionCollection() )->setShortcut( 0 );
130 setXMLFile( instance()->instanceName() +
"appui.rc" );
132 m_guiBuilder =
new KXMLGUIBuilder(
this );
133 m_guiFactory =
new KXMLGUIFactory( m_guiBuilder,
this );
134 m_guiFactory->addClient(
this );
136 m_context_menu =
this ));
137 m_note_menu =
this ));
140 TQString xmlFileName = instance()->instanceName() +
141 TQString filter = TQString::fromLatin1( instance()->instanceName() +
'/' ) + xmlFileName;
142 TQStringList fileList = instance()->dirs()->findAllResources(
"data", filter ) +
143 instance()->dirs()->findAllResources(
"data", xmlFileName );
146 KXMLGUIClient::findMostRecentXMLFile( fileList, doc );
147 m_noteGUI.setContent( doc );
150 m_globalAccel =
new TDEGlobalAccel(
"global accel" );
151 m_globalAccel->insert(
"global_new_note", i18n(
"New Note"),
152 TDEShortcut(), TDEShortcut(),
153 this, TQ_SLOT(newNote()),
true );
154 m_globalAccel->insert(
"global_new_note_clipboard", i18n(
"New Note From Clipboard"),
155 TDEShortcut(), TDEShortcut(),
156 this, TQ_SLOT(newNoteFromClipboard()),
true );
157 m_globalAccel->insert(
"global_hide_all_notes", i18n(
"Hide All Notes"),
158 TDEShortcut(), TDEShortcut(),
159 this, TQ_SLOT(hideAllNotes()),
true );
160 m_globalAccel->insert(
"global_show_all_notes", i18n(
"Show All Notes"),
161 TDEShortcut(), TDEShortcut(),
162 this, TQ_SLOT(showAllNotes()),
true );
164 m_globalAccel->readSettings();
166 TDEConfig *config = TDEGlobal::config();
167 config->setGroup(
"Global Keybindings" );
168 m_globalAccel->setEnabled( config->readBoolEntry(
true ) );
170 updateGlobalAccels();
173 KNotesLegacy::cleanUp();
176 m_manager =
new KNotesResourceManager();
177 connect( m_manager, TQ_SIGNAL(sigRegisteredNote( KCal::Journal * )),
178 this, TQ_SLOT(createNote( KCal::Journal * )) );
179 connect( m_manager, TQ_SIGNAL(sigDeregisteredNote( KCal::Journal * )),
180 this, TQ_SLOT(killNote( KCal::Journal * )) );
186 KCal::CalendarLocal calendar( TQString::fromLatin1(
"UTC" ) );
187 if ( KNotesLegacy::convert( &calendar ) )
189 KCal::Journal::List notes = calendar.journals();
190 KCal::Journal::List::ConstIterator it;
191 for ( it = notes.constBegin(); it != notes.constEnd(); ++it )
192 m_manager->addNewNote( *it );
199 m_alarm =
new KNotesAlarm( m_manager,
this );
202 m_listener =
new TDEServerSocket();
203 m_listener->setResolutionEnabled(
true );
204 connect( m_listener, TQ_SIGNAL(readyAccept()), TQ_SLOT(acceptConnection()) );
205 updateNetworkListener();
207 if ( m_noteList.count() == 0 && !tdeApp->isRestored() )
213void KNotesApp::resizeTrayIcon ()
217 TQPixmap scaledpixmap;
219 origpixmap = KSystemTray::loadSizedIcon(
"knotes", TQWidget::width() );
220 newIcon = origpixmap;
221 newIcon = newIcon.smoothScale(TQWidget::width(), TQWidget::height());
222 scaledpixmap = newIcon;
223 setPixmap(scaledpixmap);
226void KNotesApp::resizeEvent ( TQResizeEvent * )
232void KNotesApp::showEvent ( TQShowEvent * )
242 blockSignals(
true );
244 blockSignals(
false );
251bool KNotesApp::commitData( TQSessionManager& )
259TQString KNotesApp::newNote(
const TQString& name,
const TQString& text )
262 KCal::Journal *journal =
new KCal::Journal();
265 if ( !name.isEmpty() )
266 journal->setSummary( name );
268 journal->setSummary( TDEGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( TQDateTime::currentDateTime() ) );
271 journal->setDescription( text );
273 if ( m_manager->addNewNote( journal ) ) {
274 showNote( journal->uid() );
276 return journal->uid();
279TQString KNotesApp::newNoteFromClipboard(
const TQString& name )
281 const TQString& text = TDEApplication::clipboard()->text();
282 return newNote( name, text );
285void KNotesApp::hideAllNotes()
287 TQDictIterator<KNote> it( m_noteList );
292void KNotesApp::showAllNotes()
294 TQDictIterator<KNote> it( m_noteList );
301void KNotesApp::showNote(
const TQString&
id )
303 KNote* note = m_noteList[id];
307 kdWarning(5500) <<
"showNote: no note with id: " <<
id << endl;
310void KNotesApp::hideNote(
const TQString&
id )
312 KNote* note = m_noteList[id];
316 kdWarning(5500) <<
"hideNote: no note with id: " <<
id << endl;
319void KNotesApp::killNote(
const TQString&
bool force )
321 KNote* note = m_noteList[id];
323 note->slotKill( force );
325 kdWarning(5500) <<
"killNote: no note with id: " <<
id << endl;
329void KNotesApp::killNote(
const TQString&
id )
331 killNote(
false );
334TQMap<TQString,TQString> KNotesApp::notes()
336 TQMap<TQString,TQString> notes;
337 TQDictIterator<KNote> it( m_noteList );
339 for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
340 notes.insert( it.current()->noteId(), it.current()->name() );
345TQDateTime KNotesApp::getLastModified(
const TQString&
id )
347 KNote* note = m_noteList[id];
350 d = note->getLastModified();
354TQString KNotesApp::name(
const TQString&
id )
356 KNote* note = m_noteList[id];
363TQString KNotesApp::text(
const TQString&
id )
365 KNote* note = m_noteList[id];
372void KNotesApp::setName(
const TQString&
const TQString& newName )
374 KNote* note = m_noteList[id];
376 note->setName( newName );
378 kdWarning(5500) <<
"setName: no note with id: " <<
id << endl;
381void KNotesApp::setText(
const TQString&
const TQString& newText )
383 KNote* note = m_noteList[id];
385 note->setText( newText );
387 kdWarning(5500) <<
"setText: no note with id: " <<
id << endl;
390TQString KNotesApp::fgColor(
const TQString&
id )
392 KNote* note = m_noteList[id];
394 return note->fgColor().name();
399TQString KNotesApp::bgColor(
const TQString&
id )
401 KNote* note = m_noteList[id];
403 return note->bgColor().name();
408void KNotesApp::setColor(
const TQString&
const TQString& fgColor,
const TQString& bgColor )
410 KNote* note = m_noteList[id];
412 note->setColor( TQColor( fgColor ), TQColor( bgColor ) );
414 kdWarning(5500) <<
"setColor: no note with id: " <<
id << endl;
417int KNotesApp::width(
const TQString&
id )
419 KNote* note = m_noteList[id];
421 return note->width();
426int KNotesApp::height(
const TQString&
id )
428 KNote* note = m_noteList[id];
430 return note->height();
435void KNotesApp::move(
const TQString&
int x,
int y )
437 KNote* note = m_noteList[id];
439 return note->move( x, y );
441 kdWarning(5500) <<
"move: no note with id: " <<
id << endl;
444void KNotesApp::resize(
const TQString&
int width,
int height )
446 KNote* note = m_noteList[id];
448 return note->resize( width, height );
450 kdWarning(5500) <<
"resize: no note with id: " <<
id << endl;
453void KNotesApp::sync(
const TQString& app )
455 TQDictIterator<KNote> it( m_noteList );
457 for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
458 it.current()->sync( app );
461bool KNotesApp::isNew(
const TQString& app,
const TQString&
id )
463 KNote* note = m_noteList[id];
465 return note->isNew( app );
470bool KNotesApp::isModified(
const TQString& app,
const TQString&
id )
472 KNote* note = m_noteList[id];
474 return note->isModified( app );
482void KNotesApp::mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent* e )
484 if ( !rect().contains( e->pos() ) )
487 switch ( e->button() )
489 case TQt::LeftButton:
490 if ( m_noteList.count() == 1 )
492 TQDictIterator<KNote> it( m_noteList );
493 showNote( it.toFirst() );
495 else if ( m_note_menu->count() > 0 )
496 m_note_menu->popup( e->globalPos() );
501 case TQt::RightButton:
502 m_context_menu->popup( e->globalPos() );
509void KNotesApp::slotShowNote()
512 showNote( TQString::fromUtf8( sender()->name() ) );
515void KNotesApp::slotWalkThroughNotes()
518 TQDictIterator<KNote> it( m_noteList );
519 KNote *first = it.toFirst();
521 if ( (*it)->hasFocus() )
531void KNotesApp::slotOpenFindDialog()
533 KFindDialog findDia(
"find_dialog" );
534 findDia.setHasSelection(
false );
535 findDia.setHasCursor(
false );
536 findDia.setSupportsBackwardsFind(
false );
538 if ( (findDia.exec() != TQDialog::Accepted) || findDia.pattern().isEmpty() )
542 m_findPos =
new TQDictIterator<KNote>( m_noteList );
546 m_find =
new KFind( findDia.pattern(), findDia.options(),
this );
551void KNotesApp::slotFindNext()
555 KNote *note = **m_findPos;
557 note->find( m_find->pattern(), m_find->options() );
561 m_find->displayFinalDialog();
569void KNotesApp::slotPreferences()
572 if ( KNoteConfigDlg::showDialog(
"KNotes Default Settings" ) )
576 KNoteConfigDlg *dialog =
new KNoteConfigDlg( 0, i18n(
578 connect( dialog, TQ_SIGNAL(settingsChanged()),
this, TQ_SLOT(updateNetworkListener()) );
579 connect( dialog, TQ_SIGNAL(settingsChanged()),
this, TQ_SLOT(updateStyle()) );
583void KNotesApp::slotConfigureAccels()
585 KNotesKeyDialog keys( m_globalAccel,
this );
586 TQDictIterator<KNote> notes( m_noteList );
587 if ( !m_noteList.isEmpty() )
588 keys.insert( (*notes)->actionCollection() );
591 m_globalAccel->writeSettings();
592 updateGlobalAccels();
595 m_noteGUI.setContent(
596 KXMLGUIFactory::readConfigFile( instance()->instanceName() +
"ui.rc", instance() )
599 if ( m_noteList.isEmpty() )
603 TQValueList<TDEAction *> list = (*notes)->actionCollection()->actions();
604 for ( TQValueList<TDEAction *>::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it )
607 for ( ++notes; *notes; ++notes )
609 TDEAction *toChange = (*notes)->actionCollection()->action( (*it)->name() );
610 if ( toChange->shortcut() != (*it)->shortcut() )
611 toChange->setShortcut( (*it)->shortcut() );
616void KNotesApp::slotNoteKilled( KCal::Journal *journal )
619 m_manager->deleteNote( journal );
623void KNotesApp::slotQuit()
625 TQDictIterator<KNote> it( m_noteList );
628 if ( (*it)->isModified() )
629 (*it)->saveData(
638void KNotesApp::showNote( KNote* note )
641 KWin::setCurrentDesktop( KWin::windowInfo( note->winId() ).desktop() );
642 KWin::forceActiveWindow( note->winId() );
646void KNotesApp::createNote( KCal::Journal *journal )
648 if( journal->uid() == m_noteUidModify)
650 KNote *note = m_noteList[m_noteUidModify];
652 note->changeJournal(journal);
656 m_noteUidModify = journal->uid();
657 KNote *newNote =
new KNote( m_noteGUI, journal, 0, journal->uid().utf8() );
658 m_noteList.insert( newNote->noteId(), newNote );
660 connect( newNote, TQ_SIGNAL(sigRequestNewNote()), TQ_SLOT(newNote()) );
661 connect( newNote, TQ_SIGNAL(sigShowNextNote()), TQ_SLOT(slotWalkThroughNotes()) );
662 connect( newNote, TQ_SIGNAL(sigKillNote( KCal::Journal* )),
663 TQ_SLOT(slotNoteKilled( KCal::Journal* )) );
664 connect( newNote, TQ_SIGNAL(sigNameChanged()), TQ_SLOT(updateNoteActions()) );
665 connect( newNote, TQ_SIGNAL(sigDataChanged(
const TQString &)), TQ_SLOT(saveNotes(
const TQString &)) );
666 connect( newNote, TQ_SIGNAL(sigColorChanged()), TQ_SLOT(updateNoteActions()) );
667 connect( newNote, TQ_SIGNAL(sigFindFinished()), TQ_SLOT(slotFindNext()) );
674void KNotesApp::killNote( KCal::Journal *journal )
676 if(m_noteUidModify == journal->uid())
681 KNote *note = m_noteList.take( journal->uid() );
684 note->deleteWhenIdle();
689void KNotesApp::acceptConnection()
692 TDEBufferedSocket *s =
static_cast<TDEBufferedSocket *
695 KNotesNetworkReceiver *recv =
new KNotesNetworkReceiver( s );
696 connect( recv, TQ_SIGNAL(sigNoteReceived(
const TQString &,
const TQString & )),
697 this, TQ_SLOT(newNote(
const TQString &,
const TQString & )) );
701void KNotesApp::saveNotes(
const TQString & uid )
703 m_noteUidModify = uid;
707void KNotesApp::saveNotes()
709 KNotesGlobalConfig::writeConfig();
713void KNotesApp::saveConfigs()
715 TQDictIterator<KNote> it( m_noteList );
716 for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
717 it.current()->saveConfig();
720void KNotesApp::updateNoteActions()
722 unplugActionList(
"notes" );
723 m_noteActions.clear();
725 for ( TQDictIterator<KNote> it( m_noteList ); it.current(); ++it )
727 TDEAction *action =
new TDEAction( it.current()->name().replace(
728 TDEShortcut(),
this, TQ_SLOT(slotShowNote()),
730 it.current()->noteId().utf8() );
731 TDEIconEffect effect;
732 TQPixmap icon = effect.apply( tdeApp->miniIcon(), TDEIconEffect::Colorize, 1,
733 it.current()->paletteBackgroundColor(),
false );
734 action->setIconSet( icon );
735 m_noteActions.append( action );
738 if ( m_noteActions.isEmpty() )
740 actionCollection()->action(
"hide_all_notes" )->setEnabled(
false );
741 actionCollection()->action(
"show_all_notes" )->setEnabled(
false );
742 m_findAction->setEnabled(
false );
743 TDEAction *action =
new TDEAction( i18n(
"No Notes") );
744 m_noteActions.append( action );
748 actionCollection()->action(
"hide_all_notes" )->setEnabled(
true );
749 actionCollection()->action(
"show_all_notes" )->setEnabled(
true );
750 m_findAction->setEnabled(
true );
751 m_noteActions.sort();
753 plugActionList(
"notes", m_noteActions );
756void KNotesApp::updateGlobalAccels()
758 if ( m_globalAccel->isEnabled() )
760 TDEAction *action = actionCollection()->action(
"new_note" );
762 action->setShortcut( m_globalAccel->shortcut(
"global_new_note" ) );
763 action = actionCollection()->action(
"new_note_clipboard" );
765 action->setShortcut( m_globalAccel->shortcut(
"global_new_note_clipboard" ) );
766 action = actionCollection()->action(
"hide_all_notes" );
768 action->setShortcut( m_globalAccel->shortcut(
"global_hide_all_notes" ) );
769 action = actionCollection()->action(
"show_all_notes" );
771 action->setShortcut( m_globalAccel->shortcut(
"global_show_all_notes" ) );
773 m_globalAccel->updateConnections();
777 TDEAction *action = actionCollection()->action(
"new_note" );
779 action->setShortcut( 0 );
780 action = actionCollection()->action(
"new_note_clipboard" );
782 action->setShortcut( 0 );
783 action = actionCollection()->action(
"hide_all_notes" );
785 action->setShortcut( 0 );
786 action = actionCollection()->action(
"show_all_notes" );
788 action->setShortcut( 0 );
792void KNotesApp::updateNetworkListener()
796 if ( KNotesGlobalConfig::receiveNotes() )
798 m_listener->setAddress( TQString::number( KNotesGlobalConfig::port() ) );
800 m_listener->listen();
804void KNotesApp::updateStyle()
806 KNote::setStyle( KNotesGlobalConfig::style() );
808 TQDictIterator<KNote> it( m_noteList );
809 for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
810 TQApplication::postEvent( *it,
new TQEvent( TQEvent::LayoutHint ) );
813#include "knotesapp.moc"