24#include <tqcombobox.h>
25#include <tqdockarea.h>
26#include <tqguardedptr.h>
29#include <tqobjectlist.h>
30#include <tqprogressbar.h>
31#include <tqpushbutton.h>
32#include <tqsplitter.h>
34#include <tqwhatsthis.h>
36#include <dcopclient.h>
37#include <tdeapplication.h>
40#include <kedittoolbar.h>
43#include <kiconloader.h>
44#include <kkeydialog.h>
45#include <klibloader.h>
46#include <tdelistbox.h>
48#include <tdemessagebox.h>
49#include <tdeparts/componentfactory.h>
50#include <kplugininfo.h>
51#include <tdepopupmenu.h>
52#include <ksettings/dialog.h>
53#include <ksettings/dispatcher.h>
54#include <tdeshortcut.h>
55#include <tdestandarddirs.h>
56#include <kstatusbar.h>
57#include <kstdaction.h>
60#include <ksettings/componentsdialog.h>
61#include <kstringhandler.h>
62#include <krsqueezedtextlabel.h>
63#include <tdehtml_part.h>
64#include <tdehtmlview.h>
65#include <libtdepim/tdefileio.h>
68#include <tdeaboutdata.h>
69#include <tdemenubar.h>
70#include <tdestdaccel.h>
71#include <kcmultidialog.h>
74#include "aboutdialog.h"
75#include "iconsidepane.h"
76#include "mainwindow.h"
79#include "profiledialog.h"
80#include "profilemanager.h"
81#include "progressdialog.h"
82#include "statusbarprogresswidget.h"
83#include "broadcaststatus.h"
85using namespace Kontact;
87class SettingsDialogWrapper :
public KSettings::Dialog
90 SettingsDialogWrapper( ContentInListView content, TQWidget * parent = 0 )
91 : KSettings::Dialog( content, parent, 0 )
96 void fixButtonLabel( TQWidget *widget )
98 TQObject *
object = widget->child(
"KJanusWidget::buttonBelowList" );
99 TQPushButton *button =
>( object );
101 button->setText( i18n(
"Select Components ..." ) );
106 : Kontact::
Core(), mTopWidget( 0 ), mSplitter( 0 ),
107 mCurrentPlugin( 0 ), mAboutDialog( 0 ), mReallyClose( false ), mSyncActionsEnabled( true )
111 setWFlags( getWFlags() | WGroupLeader );
117void MainWindow::initGUI()
121 setHelpMenuEnabled(
false );
122 KHelpMenu *helpMenu =
new KHelpMenu(
this, 0,
true, actionCollection() );
123 connect( helpMenu, TQ_SIGNAL( showAboutApplication() ),
124 TQ_SLOT( showAboutDialog() ) );
126 TDETrader::OfferList offers = TDETrader::self()->query(
127 TQString::fromLatin1(
"Kontact/Plugin" ),
128 TQString(
"[X-TDE-KontactPluginVersion] == %1" ).arg( KONTACT_PLUGIN_VERSION ) );
129 mPluginInfos = KPluginInfo::fromServices( offers, Prefs::self()->config(),
"Plugins" );
131 KPluginInfo::List::Iterator it;
132 for ( it = mPluginInfos.begin(); it != mPluginInfos.end(); ++it ) {
135 TDEAction *action =
new TDEAction( (*it)->name(), (*it)->icon(), TDEShortcut(),
136 this, TQ_SLOT(slotActionTriggered()),
137 actionCollection(), (*it)->pluginName().latin1() );
138 action->setName( (*it)->pluginName().latin1() );
139 action->setWhatsThis( i18n(
"Switch to plugin %1" ).arg( (*it)->name() ) );
141 TQVariant hasPartProp = (*it)->property(
"X-TDE-KontactPluginHasPart" );
142 if ( !hasPartProp.isValid() || hasPartProp.toBool() ) {
143 mActionPlugins.append( action );
147 KStdAction::keyBindings(
this, TQ_SLOT( configureShortcuts() ), actionCollection() );
148 KStdAction::configureToolbars(
this, TQ_SLOT( configureToolbars() ), actionCollection() );
149 setXMLFile(
"kontactui.rc" );
151 setStandardToolBarMenuEnabled(
true );
158 setAutoSaveSettings();
160 connect( Kontact::ProfileManager::self(), TQ_SIGNAL( profileLoaded(
const TQString& ) ),
161 this, TQ_SLOT( slotLoadProfile(
const TQString& ) ) );
162 connect( Kontact::ProfileManager::self(), TQ_SIGNAL( saveToProfileRequested(
const TQString& ) ),
163 this, TQ_SLOT( slotSaveToProfile(
const TQString& ) ) );
167void MainWindow::initObject()
170 mPartManager =
new KParts::PartManager(
this );
171 connect( mPartManager, TQ_SIGNAL( activePartChanged( KParts::Part* ) ),
172 this, TQ_SLOT( slotActivePartChanged( KParts::Part* ) ) );
175 mSidePane->updatePlugins();
178 KSettings::Dispatcher::self()->registerInstance( instance(),
179 TQ_SLOT( updateConfig() ) );
188 slotShowStatusMsg( TQString() );
190 connect( KPIM::BroadcastStatus::instance(), TQ_SIGNAL( statusMsg(
const TQString& ) ),
191 this, TQ_SLOT( slotShowStatusMsg(
const TQString& ) ) );
194 activatePluginModule();
196 if ( Prefs::lastVersionSeen() == tdeApp->aboutData()->version() ) {
197 selectPlugin( mCurrentPlugin );
200 paintAboutScreen( introductionString() );
201 Prefs::setLastVersionSeen( tdeApp->aboutData()->version() );
208 TQPtrList<KParts::Part> parts = *mPartManager->parts();
210 for ( KParts::Part *p = parts.last(); p; p = parts.prev() ) {
215 Prefs::self()->writeConfig();
218void MainWindow::setActivePluginModule(
const TQString &module )
220 mActiveModule = module;
221 activatePluginModule();
224void MainWindow::activatePluginModule()
226 if ( !mActiveModule.isEmpty() ) {
227 PluginList::ConstIterator end = mPlugins.end();
228 for ( PluginList::ConstIterator it = mPlugins.begin(); it != end; ++it )
229 if ( ( *it )->identifier().contains( mActiveModule ) ) {
236void MainWindow::initWidgets()
239 mTopWidget =
new TQHBox(
this );
240 mTopWidget->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken );
241 setCentralWidget( mTopWidget );
244 mSplitter =
new TQSplitter( mTopWidget );
245 mBox =
new TQHBox( mTopWidget );
246 mSidePane =
new IconSidePane(
this, mSplitter );
247 mSidePane->setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Maximum,
248 TQSizePolicy::Preferred ) );
250 TQValueList<int> sizes;
252 mSplitter->setSizes(sizes);
259 vBox =
new TQVBox( mSplitter );
261 vBox =
new TQVBox( mBox );
264 vBox->setSpacing( 0 );
266 mPartsStack =
new TQWidgetStack( vBox );
269 TQString loading = i18n(
"<h2 style='text-align:center; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px'>%1</h2>" )
270 .arg( i18n(
"Loading Kontact...") );
272 paintAboutScreen( loading );
275 KPIM::ProgressDialog *progressDialog =
new KPIM::ProgressDialog( statusBar(),
this );
276 progressDialog->hide();
278 mLittleProgress =
new KPIM::StatusbarProgressWidget( progressDialog, statusBar() );
280 mStatusMsgLabel =
new KRSqueezedTextLabel( i18n(
" Initializing..." ), statusBar() );
281 mStatusMsgLabel->setAlignment( AlignLeft | AlignVCenter );
283 statusBar()->addWidget( mStatusMsgLabel, 10 ,
false );
284 statusBar()->addWidget( mLittleProgress, 0 ,
true );
285 mLittleProgress->show();
289void MainWindow::paintAboutScreen(
const TQString& msg )
291 TQString location = locate(
"kontact/about/main.html" );
292 TQString content = KPIM::kFileToString( location );
293 content = content.arg( locate(
"libtdepim/about/kde_infopage.css" ) );
294 if ( tdeApp->reverseLayout() )
295 content = content.arg(
"@import \"%1\";" ).arg( locate(
"libtdepim/about/kde_infopage_rtl.css" ) );
297 content = content.arg(
"" );
299 mIntroPart->begin( KURL( location ) );
301 TQString appName( i18n(
"TDE Kontact" ) );
302 TQString catchPhrase( i18n(
"Get Organized!" ) );
303 TQString quickDescription( i18n(
"The TDE Personal Information Management Suite" ) );
305 mIntroPart->write( content.arg( TQFont().pointSize() + 2 ).arg( appName )
306 .arg( catchPhrase ).arg( quickDescription ).arg( msg ) );
310void MainWindow::initAboutScreen()
312 TQHBox *introbox =
new TQHBox( mPartsStack );
313 mPartsStack->addWidget( introbox );
314 mPartsStack->raiseWidget( introbox );
315 mIntroPart =
new TDEHTMLPart( introbox );
316 mIntroPart->widget()->setFocusPolicy( TQWidget::WheelFocus );
318 mIntroPart->setPluginsEnabled(
false );
319 mIntroPart->setJScriptEnabled(
false );
320 mIntroPart->setJavaEnabled(
false );
321 mIntroPart->setMetaRefreshEnabled(
false );
322 mIntroPart->setURLCursor( KCursor::handCursor() );
323 mIntroPart->view()->setLineWidth( 0 );
325 connect( mIntroPart->browserExtension(),
326 TQ_SIGNAL( openURLRequest(
const KURL&,
const KParts::URLArgs& ) ),
327 TQ_SLOT( slotOpenUrl(
const KURL& ) ) );
329 connect( mIntroPart->browserExtension(),
330 TQ_SIGNAL( createNewWindow(
const KURL&,
const KParts::URLArgs& ) ),
331 TQ_SLOT( slotOpenUrl(
const KURL& ) ) );
334void MainWindow::setupActions()
336 KStdAction::quit(
this, TQ_SLOT( slotQuit() ), actionCollection() );
337 mNewActions =
new TDEToolBarPopupAction( KGuiItem( i18n(
"New" ),
"" ),
338 TDEStdAccel::shortcut(TDEStdAccel::New),
this, TQ_SLOT( slotNewClicked() ),
339 actionCollection(),
"action_new" );
341 TDEConfig*
const cfg = Prefs::self()->config();
342 cfg->setGroup(
"Kontact Groupware Settings" );
343 mSyncActionsEnabled = cfg->readBoolEntry(
true );
345 if ( mSyncActionsEnabled ) {
346 mSyncActions =
new TDEToolBarPopupAction( KGuiItem( i18n(
"Synchronize" ) ),
347 TDEStdAccel::shortcut(TDEStdAccel::Reload),
this, TQ_SLOT( slotSyncClicked() ),
348 actionCollection(),
"action_sync" );
350 new TDEAction( i18n(
"Configure Kontact..." ),
"configure", 0,
this, TQ_SLOT( slotPreferences() ),
351 actionCollection(),
"settings_configure_kontact" );
353 new TDEAction( i18n(
"Configure &Profiles..." ), 0,
this, TQ_SLOT( slotConfigureProfiles() ),
354 actionCollection(),
"settings_configure_kontact_profiles" );
356 new TDEAction( i18n(
"&Kontact Introduction" ), 0,
this, TQ_SLOT( slotShowIntroduction() ),
357 actionCollection(),
"help_introduction" );
358 new TDEAction( i18n(
"&Tip of the Day" ), 0,
this, TQ_SLOT( slotShowTip() ),
359 actionCollection(),
"help_tipofday" );
361 KWidgetAction* spacerAction =
new KWidgetAction(
new TQWidget(
this ),
"", 0, 0, actionCollection(),
"navigator_spacer_item" );
362 spacerAction->setAutoSized(
true );
365void MainWindow::slotConfigureProfiles()
367 TQGuardedPtr<Kontact::ProfileDialog> dlg =
new Kontact::ProfileDialog(
this );
368 dlg->setModal(
true );
374 void copyConfigEntry( TDEConfig* source, TDEConfig* dest,
const TQString& group,
const TQString& key,
const TQString& defaultValue=TQString() )
376 source->setGroup( group );
377 dest->setGroup( group );
378 dest->writeEntry( key, source->readEntry( key, defaultValue ) );
382void MainWindow::slotSaveToProfile(
const TQString&
id )
384 const TQString path = Kontact::ProfileManager::self()->profileById(
id ).saveLocation();
388 TDEConfig*
const cfg = Prefs::self()->config();
389 Prefs::self()->writeConfig();
390 saveMainWindowSettings( cfg );
393 TDEConfig profile( path+
false );
394 ::copyConfigEntry( cfg, &profile,
"MainWindow Toolbar navigatorToolBar",
"true" );
395 ::copyConfigEntry( cfg, &profile,
"SidePaneSplitter" );
396 ::copyConfigEntry( cfg, &profile,
"Theme" );
398 for ( PluginList::Iterator it = mPlugins.begin(); it != mPlugins.end(); ++it ) {
399 if ( !(*it)->isRunningStandalone() ) {
402 (*it)->saveToProfile( path );
406void MainWindow::slotLoadProfile(
const TQString&
id )
408 const TQString path = Kontact::ProfileManager::self()->profileById(
id ).saveLocation();
412 TDEConfig*
const cfg = Prefs::self()->config();
413 Prefs::self()->writeConfig();
414 saveMainWindowSettings( cfg );
417 const TDEConfig profile( path+
false );
418 const TQStringList groups = profile.groupList();
419 for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = groups.begin(), end = groups.end(); it != end; ++it )
421 cfg->setGroup( *it );
422 typedef TQMap<TQString, TQString> StringMap;
423 const StringMap entries = profile.entryMap( *it );
424 for ( StringMap::ConstIterator it2 = entries.begin(), end = entries.end(); it2 != end; ++it2 )
426 if ( it2.data() ==
427 cfg->deleteEntry( it2.key() );
429 cfg->writeEntry( it2.key(), it2.data() );
434 Prefs::self()->readConfig();
435 applyMainWindowSettings( cfg );
436 TDEIconTheme::reconfigure();
437 const WId wid = winId();
438 KIPC::sendMessage( KIPC::PaletteChanged, wid );
439 KIPC::sendMessage( KIPC::FontChanged, wid );
440 KIPC::sendMessage( KIPC::StyleChanged, wid );
441 KIPC::sendMessage( KIPC::SettingsChanged, wid );
442 for (
int i = 0; i < TDEIcon::LastGroup; ++i )
443 KIPC::sendMessage( KIPC::IconChanged, wid, i );
447 for ( PluginList::Iterator it = mPlugins.begin(); it != mPlugins.end(); ++it ) {
448 if ( !(*it)->isRunningStandalone() ) {
449 kdDebug() <<
"Ensure loaded: " << (*it)->identifier() << endl;
452 (*it)->loadProfile( path );
456bool MainWindow::isPluginLoaded(
const KPluginInfo *info )
458 return (pluginFromInfo( info ) != 0);
461Plugin *MainWindow::pluginFromInfo(
const KPluginInfo *info )
463 PluginList::ConstIterator end = mPlugins.end();
464 for ( PluginList::ConstIterator it = mPlugins.begin(); it != end; ++it )
465 if ( (*it)->identifier() == info->pluginName() )
471Plugin *MainWindow::pluginFromAction(
const TDEAction *action )
473 PluginList::ConstIterator end = mPlugins.end();
474 for ( PluginList::ConstIterator it = mPlugins.begin(); it != end; ++it ) {
475 if ( (*it)->identifier() == action->name() ) {
482bool MainWindow::isPluginLoadedByAction(
const TDEAction *action )
484 KPluginInfo::List::ConstIterator it;
485 for ( it = mPluginInfos.begin(); it != mPluginInfos.end(); ++it ) {
486 if ( !(*it)->isPluginEnabled() )
488 if ( isPluginLoaded( *it ) ) {
489 Plugin *plugin = pluginFromInfo( *it );
491 if ( plugin->
identifier() == action->name() ) {
500void MainWindow::sortActionsByWeight()
502 TQPtrList<TDEAction> sorted;
504 TQPtrListIterator<TDEAction> eit( mActionPlugins );
506 while ( ( action = eit.current() ) != 0 ) {
508 TQPtrListIterator<TDEAction> sortIt( sorted );
511 Plugin *p1 = pluginFromAction( action );
512 while ( ( saction = sortIt.current() ) != 0 ) {
513 Plugin *p2 = pluginFromAction( saction );
521 sorted.insert( at, action );
523 mActionPlugins = sorted;
526void MainWindow::loadPlugins()
528 TQPtrList<Plugin> plugins;
529 TQPtrList<KParts::Part> loadDelayed;
532 KPluginInfo::List::ConstIterator it;
533 for ( it = mPluginInfos.begin(); it != mPluginInfos.end(); ++it ) {
534 if ( !(*it)->isPluginEnabled() )
536 if ( isPluginLoaded( *it ) ) {
537 Plugin *plugin = pluginFromInfo( *it );
543 kdDebug(5600) <<
"Loading Plugin: " << (*it)->name() << endl;
545 KParts::ComponentFactory::createInstanceFromService<Kontact::Plugin>(
546 (*it)->service(),
this );
553 plugin->
setIcon( (*it)->icon() );
555 TQVariant libNameProp = (*it)->property(
"X-TDE-KontactPartLibraryName" );
556 TQVariant exeNameProp = (*it)->property(
"X-TDE-KontactPartExecutableName" );
557 TQVariant loadOnStart = (*it)->property(
"X-TDE-KontactPartLoadOnStart" );
558 TQVariant hasPartProp = (*it)->property(
"X-TDE-KontactPluginHasPart" );
560 if ( !loadOnStart.isNull() && loadOnStart.toBool() )
561 mDelayedPreload.append( plugin );
563 kdDebug(5600) <<
"LIBNAMEPART: " << libNameProp.toString() << endl;
567 if ( hasPartProp.isValid() )
570 for ( i = 0; i < plugins.count(); ++i ) {
571 Plugin *p = plugins.at( i );
576 plugins.insert( i, plugin );
579 for ( i = 0; i < plugins.count(); ++ i ) {
580 Plugin *plugin = plugins.at( i );
583 TQPtrList<TDEAction> *actionList = plugin->
585 for ( action = actionList->first(); action; action = actionList->next() ) {
586 kdDebug(5600) <<
"Plugging " << action->name() << endl;
587 action->plug( mNewActions->popupMenu() );
588 if ( action->name() == plugin->
identifier() ) {
589 mPluginAction.insert( plugin, action );
593 if ( mSyncActionsEnabled ) {
595 for ( action = actionList->first(); action; action = actionList->next() ) {
596 kdDebug(5600) <<
"Plugging " << action->name() << endl;
597 action->plug( mSyncActions->popupMenu() );
604 mNewActions->setEnabled( mPlugins.size() != 0 );
605 if ( mSyncActionsEnabled )
606 mSyncActions->setEnabled( mPlugins.size() != 0 );
609void MainWindow::unloadPlugins()
611 KPluginInfo::List::ConstIterator end = mPluginInfos.constEnd();
612 KPluginInfo::List::ConstIterator it;
613 for ( it = mPluginInfos.constBegin(); it != end; ++it ) {
614 if ( !(*it)->isPluginEnabled() )
619void MainWindow::updateShortcuts()
621 TQPtrList<TDEAction> loadedActions;
623 sortActionsByWeight();
625 TQPtrListIterator<TDEAction> it( mActionPlugins );
628 while ( ( action = it.current() ) != 0 ) {
630 if ( isPluginLoadedByAction( action ) ) {
631 loadedActions.append( action );
632 TQString shortcut = TQString(
"CTRL+%1" ).arg( i );
633 action->setShortcut( TDEShortcut( shortcut ) );
636 action->setShortcut( TDEShortcut() );
639 unplugActionList(
"navigator_actionlist" );
640 factory()->plugActionList(
this, TQString(
"navigator_actionlist" ), loadedActions );
643bool MainWindow::removePlugin(
const KPluginInfo *info )
645 PluginList::Iterator end = mPlugins.end();
646 for ( PluginList::Iterator it = mPlugins.begin(); it != end; ++it ) {
647 if ( ( *it )->identifier() == info->pluginName() ) {
651 TQPtrList<TDEAction> *actionList = plugin->
652 for ( action = actionList->first(); action; action = actionList->next() ) {
653 kdDebug(5600) <<
"Unplugging " << action->name() << endl;
654 action->unplug( mNewActions->popupMenu() );
657 if ( mSyncActionsEnabled ) {
659 for ( action = actionList->first(); action; action = actionList->next() ) {
660 kdDebug(5600) <<
"Unplugging " << action->name() << endl;
661 action->unplug( mSyncActions->popupMenu() );
664 removeChildClient( plugin );
666 if ( mCurrentPlugin == plugin )
669 plugin->deleteLater();
670 mPlugins.remove( it );
673 mPluginAction.remove( plugin );
676 if ( mCurrentPlugin == 0 ) {
677 PluginList::Iterator it;
678 for ( it = mPlugins.begin(); it != mPlugins.end(); ++it ) {
679 if ( (*it)->showInSideBar() ) {
693 kdDebug(5600) <<
"Added plugin" << endl;
695 mPlugins.append( plugin );
698 insertChildClient( plugin );
701void MainWindow::partLoaded(
Kontact::Plugin*, KParts::ReadOnlyPart *part )
704 if ( mPartsStack->id( part->widget() ) != -1 )
707 mPartsStack->addWidget( part->widget() );
709 mPartManager->addPart( part,
false );
711 part->widget()->hide();
714void MainWindow::slotActivePartChanged( KParts::Part *part )
721 kdDebug(5600) <<
"Part activated: " << part <<
" with stack id. "
722 << mPartsStack->id( part->widget() )<< endl;
726 statusBar()->clear();
729void MainWindow::slotNewClicked()
731 TDEAction *action = mCurrentPlugin->newActions()->first();
735 PluginList::Iterator it;
736 for ( it = mPlugins.begin(); it != mPlugins.end(); ++it ) {
737 action = (*it)->newActions()->first();
746void MainWindow::slotSyncClicked()
748 TDEAction *action = mCurrentPlugin->syncActions()->first();
752 PluginList::Iterator it;
753 for ( it = mPlugins.begin(); it != mPlugins.end(); ++it ) {
754 action = (*it)->syncActions()->first();
763TDEToolBar* Kontact::MainWindow::findToolBar(
const char* name)
766 return static_cast<TDEToolBar *
769void MainWindow::slotActionTriggered()
771 const TDEAction *actionSender =
static_cast<const TDEAction*
>( sender() );
772 TQString identifier = actionSender->name();
773 if ( !identifier.isEmpty() ) {
774 selectPlugin( identifier );
784 statusBar()->message( i18n(
"Application is running standalone. Foregrounding..." ), 1000 );
785 mSidePane->indicateForegrunding( plugin );
790 TDEApplication::setOverrideCursor( TQCursor( TQt::WaitCursor ) );
792 KParts::Part *part = plugin->
795 TDEApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
796 KMessageBox::error(
this, i18n(
"Cannot load part for %1." )
797 .arg( plugin->
title() )
798 +
"\n" + lastErrorMessage() );
799 plugin->setDisabled(
true );
800 mSidePane->updatePlugins();
805 TQWidget *focusWidget = tdeApp->focusWidget();
806 if ( mCurrentPlugin && focusWidget ) {
808 TQWidget *parent = focusWidget->parentWidget();
810 if ( parent == mCurrentPlugin->part()->widget() )
811 mFocusWidgets.insert( mCurrentPlugin->identifier(), TQGuardedPtr<TQWidget>( focusWidget ) );
813 parent = parent->parentWidget();
818 mSidePane->selectPlugin( plugin->
identifier() );
823 mPartManager->setActivePart( part );
824 TQWidget *
view = part->widget();
828 mPartsStack->raiseWidget( view );
831 if ( mFocusWidgets.contains( plugin->
identifier() ) ) {
832 focusWidget = mFocusWidgets[ plugin->
identifier() ];
834 focusWidget->setFocus();
838 mCurrentPlugin = plugin;
839 TDEAction *newAction = plugin->
840 TDEAction *syncAction = plugin->
842 createGUI( plugin->
part() );
844 TDEToolBar* navigatorToolBar = findToolBar(
"navigatorToolBar" );
846 if ( navigatorToolBar && !navigatorToolBar->isHidden() &&
847 navigatorToolBar->barPos() == TDEToolBar::Top ) {
848 topDock()->moveDockWindow( navigatorToolBar, -1 );
851 setCaption( i18n(
"Plugin dependent window title" ,
"%1 - Kontact" ).arg( plugin->
title() ) );
854 mNewActions->setIcon( newAction->icon() );
855 mNewActions->setText( newAction->text() );
857 PluginList::Iterator it;
858 for ( it = mPlugins.begin(); it != mPlugins.end(); ++it ) {
859 newAction = (*it)->newActions()->first();
861 mNewActions->setIcon( newAction->icon() );
862 mNewActions->setText( newAction->text() );
867 if ( mSyncActionsEnabled ) {
869 mSyncActions->setIcon( syncAction->icon() );
870 mSyncActions->setText( syncAction->text() );
872 PluginList::Iterator it;
873 for ( it = mPlugins.begin(); it != mPlugins.end(); ++it ) {
874 syncAction = (*it)->syncActions()->first();
876 mSyncActions->setIcon( syncAction->icon() );
877 mSyncActions->setText( syncAction->text() );
886 TQStringList::ConstIterator it;
887 for ( it = invisibleActions.begin(); it != invisibleActions.end(); ++it ) {
888 TDEAction *action = part->actionCollection()->action( (*it).latin1() );
890 TQPtrListIterator<TDEToolBar> it( toolBarIterator() );
891 for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) {
892 action->unplug( it.current() );
897 TDEApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
900void MainWindow::selectPlugin(
const TQString &pluginName )
902 PluginList::ConstIterator end = mPlugins.end();
903 for ( PluginList::ConstIterator it = mPlugins.begin(); it != end; ++it )
904 if ( ( *it )->identifier() == pluginName ) {
910void MainWindow::loadSettings()
913 mSplitter->setSizes( Prefs::self()->mSidePaneSplitter );
916 PluginList::ConstIterator it;
917 for ( it = mDelayedPreload.begin(); it != mDelayedPreload.end(); ++it )
920 selectPlugin( Prefs::self()->mActivePlugin );
923void MainWindow::saveSettings()
926 Prefs::self()->mSidePaneSplitter = mSplitter->sizes();
928 if ( mCurrentPlugin )
929 Prefs::self()->mActivePlugin = mCurrentPlugin->identifier();
932void MainWindow::slotShowTip()
937void MainWindow::slotShowIntroduction()
939 mPartsStack->raiseWidget( 0 );
942void MainWindow::showTip(
bool force )
945 PluginList::ConstIterator end = mPlugins.end();
946 for ( PluginList::ConstIterator it = mPlugins.begin(); it != end; ++it ) {
947 TQString file = (*it)->tipFile();
948 if ( !file.isEmpty() )
952 KTipDialog::showMultiTip(
this, tips, force );
955void MainWindow::slotQuit()
961void MainWindow::slotPreferences()
963 static SettingsDialogWrapper *dlg = 0;
966 TQValueList<KPluginInfo*> filteredPlugins = mPluginInfos;
967 PluginList::ConstIterator it;
968 for ( it = mPlugins.begin(); it != mPlugins.end(); ++it )
969 if ( (*it)->isRunningStandalone() ) {
970 TQValueList<KPluginInfo*>::ConstIterator infoIt;
971 for ( infoIt = filteredPlugins.begin(); infoIt != filteredPlugins.end(); ++infoIt ) {
972 if ( (*infoIt)->pluginName() == (*it)->identifier() ) {
973 filteredPlugins.remove( *infoIt );
978 dlg =
new SettingsDialogWrapper( KSettings::Dialog::Configurable,
this );
979 dlg->addPluginInfos( filteredPlugins );
980 connect( dlg, TQ_SIGNAL( pluginSelectionChanged() ),
981 TQ_SLOT( pluginsChanged() ) );
985 dlg->fixButtonLabel(
this );
988int MainWindow::startServiceFor(
const TQString& serviceType,
989 const TQString& constraint,
990 const TQString& preferences,
991 TQString *error, TQCString* dcopService,
994 PluginList::ConstIterator end = mPlugins.end();
995 for ( PluginList::ConstIterator it = mPlugins.begin(); it != end; ++it ) {
996 if ( (*it)->createDCOPInterface( serviceType ) ) {
997 kdDebug(5600) <<
"found interface for " << serviceType << endl;
999 *dcopService = (*it)->dcopClient()->appId();
1000 kdDebug(5600) <<
"appId=" << (*it)->dcopClient()->appId() << endl;
1006 "Didn't find dcop interface, falling back to external process" << endl;
1008 return KDCOPServiceStarter::startServiceFor( serviceType, constraint,
1009 preferences, error, dcopService, flags );
1012void MainWindow::pluginsChanged()
1016 mSidePane->updatePlugins();
1020void MainWindow::updateConfig()
1022 kdDebug( 5600 ) << k_funcinfo << endl;
1028void MainWindow::showAboutDialog()
1030 TDEApplication::setOverrideCursor( TQCursor( TQt::WaitCursor ) );
1032 if ( !mAboutDialog )
1033 mAboutDialog =
new AboutDialog(
this );
1035 mAboutDialog->show();
1036 mAboutDialog->raise();
1037 TDEApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
1040void MainWindow::configureShortcuts()
1042 KKeyDialog dialog(
this );
1043 dialog.insert( actionCollection() );
1045 if ( mCurrentPlugin && mCurrentPlugin->part() )
1046 dialog.insert( mCurrentPlugin->part()->actionCollection() );
1051void MainWindow::configureToolbars()
1053 saveMainWindowSettings( TDEGlobal::config(),
"MainWindow" );
1055 KEditToolbar edit( factory() );
1056 connect( &edit, TQ_SIGNAL( newToolbarConfig() ),
1057 this, TQ_SLOT( slotNewToolbarConfig() ) );
1061void MainWindow::slotNewToolbarConfig()
1063 if ( mCurrentPlugin && mCurrentPlugin->part() ) {
1064 createGUI( mCurrentPlugin->part() );
1066 if ( mCurrentPlugin ) {
1067 applyMainWindowSettings( TDEGlobal::config(),
"MainWindow" );
1072void MainWindow::slotOpenUrl(
const KURL &url )
1074 if ( url.protocol() ==
"exec" ) {
1075 if ( url.path() ==
"/switch" ) {
1076 selectPlugin( mCurrentPlugin );
1078 if ( url.path() ==
"/gwwizard" ) {
1079 KRun::runCommand(
"groupwarewizard" );
1082 if ( url.path().startsWith(
"/help" ) ) {
1083 TQString app(
"kontact" );
1084 if ( !url.query().isEmpty() ) {
1085 app = url.query().mid( 1 );
1087 tdeApp->invokeHelp( TQString(), app );
1090 new KRun( url,
this );
1094void MainWindow::readProperties( TDEConfig *config )
1096 Core::readProperties( config );
1098 TQStringList activePlugins = config->readListEntry(
"ActivePlugins" );
1099 TQValueList<Plugin*>::ConstIterator it = mPlugins.begin();
1100 TQValueList<Plugin*>::ConstIterator end = mPlugins.end();
1101 for ( ; it != end; ++it ) {
1104 TQStringList::ConstIterator activePlugin = activePlugins.find( plugin->
identifier() );
1105 if ( activePlugin != activePlugins.end() ) {
1112void MainWindow::saveProperties( TDEConfig *config )
1114 Core::saveProperties( config );
1116 TQStringList activePlugins;
1118 KPluginInfo::List::Iterator it = mPluginInfos.begin();
1119 KPluginInfo::List::Iterator end = mPluginInfos.end();
1120 for ( ; it != end; ++it ) {
1121 KPluginInfo *info = *it;
1122 if ( info->isPluginEnabled() ) {
1123 Plugin *plugin = pluginFromInfo( info );
1125 activePlugins.append( plugin->
identifier() );
1131 config->writeEntry(
"ActivePlugins", activePlugins );
1134bool MainWindow::queryClose()
1137 if ( tdeApp->sessionSaving() )
1140 bool localClose =
1141 TQValueList<Plugin*>::ConstIterator end = mPlugins.end();
1142 TQValueList<Plugin*>::ConstIterator it = mPlugins.begin();
1143 for ( ; it != end; ++it ) {
1153void MainWindow::slotShowStatusMsg(
const TQString &msg )
1155 if ( !statusBar() || !mStatusMsgLabel )
1158 mStatusMsgLabel->setText( msg );
1161TQString MainWindow::introductionString()
1163 TDEIconLoader *iconloader = TDEGlobal::iconLoader();
1164 int iconSize = iconloader->currentSize( TDEIcon::Desktop );
1166 TQString handbook_icon_path = iconloader->iconPath(
"contents2", TDEIcon::Desktop );
1167 TQString html_icon_path = iconloader->iconPath(
"text-html", TDEIcon::Desktop );
1168 TQString wizard_icon_path = iconloader->iconPath(
"wizard", TDEIcon::Desktop );
1170 TQString info = i18n(
"<h2 style='text-align:center; margin-top: 0px;'>Welcome to Kontact %1</h2>"
1172 "<table align=\"center\">"
1173 "<tr><td><a href=\"%1\"><img width=\"%1\" height=\"%1\" src=\"%1\" /></a></td>"
1174 "<td><a href=\"%1\">%1</a><br><span id=\"subtext\"><nobr>%1</td></tr>"
1175 "<tr><td><a href=\"%1\"><img width=\"%1\" height=\"%1\" src=\"%1\" /></a></td>"
1176 "<td><a href=\"%1\">%1</a><br><span id=\"subtext\"><nobr>%1</td></tr>"
1177 "<tr><td><a href=\"%1\"><img width=\"%1\" height=\"%1\" src=\"%1\" /></a></td>"
1178 "<td><a href=\"%1\">%1</a><br><span id=\"subtext\"><nobr>%1</td></tr>"
1180 "<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px\"> <a href=\"%1\">Skip this introduction</a></p>" )
1181 .arg( tdeApp->aboutData()->version() )
1182 .arg( i18n(
"Kontact handles your e-mail, addressbook, calendar, to-do list and more." ) )
1183 .arg(
"exec:/help?kontact" )
1186 .arg( handbook_icon_path )
1187 .arg(
"exec:/help?kontact" )
1188 .arg( i18n(
"Read Manual" ) )
1189 .arg( i18n(
"Learn more about Kontact and its components" ) )
1190 .arg(
"http://kontact.org" )
1193 .arg( html_icon_path )
1194 .arg(
"http://kontact.org" )
1195 .arg( i18n(
"Visit Kontact Website" ) )
1196 .arg( i18n(
"Access online resources and tutorials" ) )
1197 .arg(
"exec:/gwwizard" )
1200 .arg( wizard_icon_path )
1201 .arg(
"exec:/gwwizard" )
1202 .arg( i18n(
"Configure Kontact as Groupware Client" ) )
1203 .arg( i18n(
"Prepare Kontact for use in corporate networks" ) )
1204 .arg(
"exec:/switch" );
1208#include "mainwindow.moc"
This class provides the interface to the Kontact core for the plugins.
Base class for all Plugins in Kontact.
KParts::ReadOnlyPart * part()
You can use this method if you need to access the current part.
virtual TQStringList invisibleToolbarActions() const
Returns a list of action name which shall be hidden in the main toolbar.
TQString title() const
Returns the localized title.
virtual bool isRunningStandalone()
Reimplement this method and return whether a standalone application is still running This is only req...
virtual bool queryClose() const
Reimplement this method if you want to add checks before closing down the main kontact window.
virtual bool showInSideBar() const
Returns whether the plugin provides a part that should be shown in the sidebar.
void setTitle(const TQString &title)
Sets the localized title.
void setIcon(const TQString &icon)
Sets the icon name.
TQPtrList< TDEAction > * syncActions() const
FIXME: write API doc for Kontact::Plugin::syncActions().
virtual void bringToForeground()
Reimplement this method if your application needs a different approach to be brought in the foregroun...
void setPartLibraryName(const TQCString &)
Set name of library which contains the KPart used by this plugin.
void setIdentifier(const TQString &identifier)
Sets the identifier.
virtual void select()
This function is called when the plugin is selected by the user before the widget of the KPart belong...
TQString identifier() const
Returns the identifier.
virtual int weight() const
Return the weight of the plugin.
virtual void saveProperties(TDEConfig *)
Session management: save properties.
virtual void readProperties(TDEConfig *)
Session management: read properties.
virtual void configUpdated()
This function is called whenever the config dialog has been closed successfully.
void setShowInSideBar(bool hasPart)
Set if the plugin provides a part that should be shown in the sidebar.
TQPtrList< TDEAction > * newActions() const
FIXME: write API doc for Kontact::Plugin::newActions().
void setExecutableName(const TQString &bin)
Sets the name of executable (if existant).
bool view(TQWidget *parent, Attachment *attachment)