#tde-devs < 2023/05/16 >
[01:20]micheleC has joined
[01:20]micheleC: @denk if you need guidance on squashing commits, just reach out here
[06:54]SlavekB has quit (Quit: Kopete 0.12.7 : http://trinitydesktop.org)
[06:57]denk: micheleC: I need to push to tde-cmake but in the local git repo I see another server and cannot push anything
[06:57]denk: due to login incorrect
[06:59]denk: remote: Verify
[06:59]denk: fatal: Authentication failed for 'https://scm.trinitydesktop.org/gitea/TDE/tde-cmake/';
[07:04]denk: micheleC: https://paste.dilos.org/?c4b8359ddba1c03e#9sTAsHeV1r7O+Nvgvca6rA3Umw9Aj+bDE9stesa89F0=
[07:49]SlavekB has joined
[08:40]micheleC: this is the official repository. We don't push into this
[08:40]micheleC: instead you should create a PR for tde-cmake on TGW
[08:40]micheleC: https://mirror.git.trinitydesktop.org/gitea/TDE/tde-cmake
[08:40]tde-bot: Page title: TDE/tde-cmake: Shared cmake folder - tde-cmake - TDE Gitea Workspace
[08:41]micheleC: note the address is different (mirror.git.... instead of scm...._
[08:41]micheleC: @denk
[08:42]denk: yes, I understood you, but I don't know how git clone works if I see scm.trinitydesktop.org in the config file
[08:43]micheleC: the clone address is on TGW page (https://mirror.git.trinitydesktop.org/gitea/TDE/tde-cmake.git)
[08:43]micheleC: or gitea@mirror.git.trinitydesktop.org:TDE/tde-cmake.git
[08:44]micheleC: the scm address in .gitmodules is for official repo, which is a mirror of the development TGW
[08:44]micheleC: but yeah, a bit of a controversial point that we work on TGW but addresses are for official site
[08:45]denk: I changed it directly in the config file of git
[08:45]denk: let's try to do it once again
[08:46]micheleC: (y)
[08:46]SlavekB: Yes, the change url directly in the configuration file is the way that works.
[08:52]denk: ok, pushed to a mirror repo
[08:53]denk: https://mirror.git.trinitydesktop.org/gitea/TDE/tde-cmake/pulls/91
[08:53]tde-bot: Page title: #91 - disable -pie flag for SunOS ld - tde-cmake - TDE Gitea Workspace
[08:54]micheleC: the "mirror repo" is the real development center
[08:54]micheleC: ;-)
[08:54]denk: ok, to the dev repo! :)
[08:55]denk: and from time to time I need some help with git
[08:56]micheleC: sure, just ask
[08:57]denk: when I defecate to the repo :)
[08:57]micheleC: :-D
[08:58]denk: last time I created a small tip about git commands, Slavek helped me and I use it to commit the changes
[08:59]denk: really, thank you very much
[09:02]micheleC: you are welcome. git has a bit of a learning curve, but once you get to understand the workflow, it is a very powerful too
[09:02]micheleC: tool
[09:04]denk: deep core of zfs is more easy for me than git
[09:37]micheleC: ahahha, just a matter of practice :-)
[12:04]micheleC has quit (Quit: Kopete 0.12.7 : http://trinitydesktop.org)
[16:26]SlavekB has quit (Quit: TDE Kopete : https://trinitydesktop.org)
[17:34]SlavekB has joined
[18:07]tde-bot has joined
[18:07]tde-bot started logging
[18:11]SlavekB has quit (Quit: Kopete 0.12.7 : http://trinitydesktop.org)
[23:21]SlavekB has joined

#tde-devs < 2023/05/16 >