< 2022/01/24 >
[00:16]Slávek has joined
[01:14]michelec2 has joined
[02:57]michelec2: @blu.256: when you use TDevelop Designer, do you use a project? or just edit a .ui file?
[02:57]michelec2: just trying to pick up more info on why it crashes here. I simply open it, then New and select MainWindow and it crashes
[02:59]michelec2: initial debugging shows a form point becoming invalid somewhere through the process, but I wonder why you don't see the same on your side :-(
[03:05]michelec2: @Philippe: if you could help testing TDE/tdevelop#16, it would be great! :-)
[03:05]tde-bot: [TGW][tdevelop] #16 - Designer: use global includes instead of includehints and remove duplicated include directives if found in UI files.
[03:12]michelec2: @blu.256: when you launch TDevelo Designer (not TQt Designer), do you use a project or just edit a .ui file?
[03:12]michelec2 has left
[03:15]michelec2 has joined
[03:16]michelec2 has left
[03:17]michelec2 has joined
[03:18]michelec2: just trying to pick up more info on why it crashes here. I simply open it, then New and select MainWindow and it crashes
[03:18]michelec2: initial debugging shows a form point becoming invalid somewhere through the process, but I wonder why you don't see the same on your side :-(
[03:18]michelec2: @Philippe: if you could help testing TDE/tdevelop#16, it would be great! :-)
[03:18]tde-bot: [TGW][tdevelop] #16 - Designer: use global includes instead of includehints and remove duplicated include directives if found in UI files.
[03:19]michelec2: I repeated some of the messages because I wasn't sure they were delivered. Jabbim still playing up sometimes
[03:22]michelec2 has left
[05:12]blu.256: I don't usually use a project (because something has gone wrong on my Slackware machine and there are no project types to begin with). I usually just launch kdevdesigner.
[05:13]blu.256: I'll try to find time for testing TDE/tdevelop#16
[05:13]tde-bot: [TGW][tdevelop] #16 - Designer: use global includes instead of includehints and remove duplicated include directives if found in UI files. < 2022/01/24 >