#trinity-desktop < 2021/06/23 >
[00:15]Fat-Zer has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
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[01:19]micheleC has joined
[01:23]micheleC: test TDE/tdebase#1
[01:23]tde-bot: [TGW][tdebase] #1 - Konqueror shows "new file" icon on location bar for / folder
[01:23]tde-bot: https://mirror.git.trinitydesktop.org/gitea/TDE/tdebase/issues/1
[03:15]micheleC has quit (Quit: Kopete 0.12.7 : http://trinitydesktop.org)
[06:43]Fat-Zer has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
[06:57]Fat-Zer has joined
[08:58]mirda has quit (Quit: Leaf, leaves, leaving..)
[09:00]mirda has joined
[09:06]mib_hg0qy3 has joined
[09:09]mib_hg0qy3: Does TDE work with Pipewire?
[09:11]mib_hg0qy3 has quit (Quit: https://mibbit.com Online IRC Client)
[10:16]SlavekB: TDE does not have native Pipewire support for now. But as far as I know, Pipewire should provide both the Alsa and PulseAudio interface. So this should work through.
[17:50]tde-bot has joined
[17:50]tde-bot started logging
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[18:40]tde-bot started logging

#trinity-desktop < 2021/06/23 >