#trinity-desktop < 2021/10/11 >
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[04:58]roald: hi, im having an issue installing trinity on Linux Mint 20.2
[04:59]roald: trinity did not put a starttde file in /usr/bin
[04:59]roald: what do I do?
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[05:32]Armanelgtron: roald, the files are installed to /opt/trinity/
[05:33]Armanelgtron: so you'd add /opt/trinity/bin/ to PATH
[05:33]Armanelgtron: either way, starttde is in /opt/trinity/bin/
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[19:16]roald: Armanelgtron, trinity did not create a bin folder
[19:16]roald: is there a package i'm missing?
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[19:44]echedey: is there a way to add document templates for the contextual menu (mouse right-click in the "Create New" section)
[19:44]echedey: ?
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[20:29]SlavekB: Echedey, you can add files definitions into /opt/trinity/share/templates directory.
[20:33]echedey: Is there an user equivalent?
[20:33]echedey: Because other DE use /home/user/Templates directoy
[20:34]echedey: directory*
[20:34]echedey: Also, thank you for the answer
[20:35]SlavekB: You can check personal template directory in TDE Control Center. However, I'm not sure that the files from this folder are used for menu items.
[20:38]echedey: yes, i have it set but seems to not work
[20:38]echedey: idk why can be set then
[20:40]SlavekB: In Templates do you have of files specific formats or "*.desktop" files, as are files in /opt/trinity/share/templates?
[20:40]echedey: no, i have it in the format the rest of DE allow including KDE 5 Plasma, as files in their own format
[20:41]echedey: so, if i see correctly, i create a desktop file pointing to the real file with the URL property
[20:42]echedey: a bit weird, but ok
[20:44]SlavekB: Desktop files are used to specify a MIME type and description of the file formats.
[20:45]echedey: i dont get the mimetype in the desktop file at all, the mimetype is defined in the first bytes of a file
[20:48]SlavekB: I look into the code and there are processed not only desktop files, but all.
[20:50]echedey: mmm, so maybe «normal» files could work directly in the future?
[20:50]echedey: or you mean that should work?
[20:51]SlavekB: should work
[20:51]echedey: i could try copying my template files in my user folder to /opt/trinity/share/templates to confirm if it works
[20:52]SlavekB: There is still a question whether only the system folder of the templates is processed or even users folder...
[20:53]echedey: okay, they have no icon but worked, idk why they are only processed in the system folder
[20:53]echedey: so I have two questions and dont know where to redirect that.
[20:53]echedey: the first is if would be possible to make it work in user folder
[20:55]echedey: the second question is using the default icons set in the use sesion for files that are not .desktop
[20:56]SlavekB: You can report it as Issues for tdebase on TGW
[20:57]echedey: thank you
[22:01]roald has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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#trinity-desktop < 2021/10/11 >