#trinity-desktop < 2021/11/20 >
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[13:20]agneli has joined
[13:20]agneli: hello... :)
[13:20]agneli: anybody alive here?
[13:21]agneli: TDM apparetnly lost TDE :) :) :)
[13:21]agneli: I have TDM perfectly but then I cannot select TDE to log into...
[13:22]agneli: is someone could tell me where to look please, and spare me hours of fighting please :)
[14:21]agneli: Nov 20 14:18:48 tdm_config[1283] info: Cannot open master configuration file /etc/trinity/tdm/tdmdistrc
[14:21]agneli: is that bad?
[14:59]agneli: seems I have same message on all machies I have, regardless whether it devuan or gentoo
[15:00]agneli: I have also a question - which packages I need to have on devuan to have a running, minimal tde, please?
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[18:58]selk: Hi agneli
[18:59]selk: I remember that it happens the same to me when I was building TDE
[18:59]selk: Make sure that the config file is installed at /etc
[18:59]selk: Also, ensuring that the build script (of gentoo or whatever) specifies the CONFIG directory...
[19:00]selk: -DCONFIG_INSTALL_DIR=/etc/trinity \
[19:00]selk: -DSYSCONF_INSTALL_DIR=/etc/trinity \
[19:01]selk: Make sure to pass those two ^ build options...
[19:04]agneli: thank you selk, I just installed few packages and it started working
[19:04]selk: The "minimal" TDE is documented on the how to build TDE in the wiki
[19:05]selk: Ah, good!
[19:05]agneli: this tdmdistrc is still missing though
[19:05]selk: Maybe is in another directory
[19:05]agneli: i am using reliminary builds I think on both devuan and gentoo
[19:06]agneli: preliminary
[19:06]selk: For that reason I pass the previous two build options...
[19:06]agneli: i serched whole systems, it is not there :)
[19:06]agneli: i am using a ready overlay on gentoo, I believe the official one
[19:06]agneli: and ready made packages on devuan
[19:07]agneli: and hence my question - minimal install on devuan :D
[19:07]selk: Have you checked if it has the mentioned build options for the configs?
[19:07]agneli: i believe i did "too minimal" version, hence my issues of tde not starting :)
[19:07]agneli: selk: no...
[19:09]agneli: i can if that adds value
[19:12]selk: It must be in the tdebase build script...
[19:12]selk: Also, I pass the same for tdelibs..
[19:12]selk: for consistency.
[19:22]selk: agneli> i believe i did "too minimal" version, hence my issues of tde not starting :) <- That has sense. :-)
[19:26]agneli: heheeh
[19:27]agneli: but anyway that tdedistrc is still missing
[19:27]agneli: idk if that is important or not
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#trinity-desktop < 2021/11/20 >