#trinity-desktop < 2022/08/05 >
[03:26]micheleC has joined
[06:07]a-865: default repos for openSUSE are not reachable
[06:14]micheleC: please try again
[06:14]micheleC: we are experiencing some issues on our VPS machine and we a number of restarts were required for the web server
[06:15]micheleC: still monitoring the situation
[06:15]micheleC: please let us know if it works fine now
[06:24]micheleC: you may still experience short interruptions from time to time
[06:25]a-865: it's timing out, taking a long time to do so
[06:26]micheleC: the server is currently up and running. There was another brief downtime some minutes ago
[06:26]micheleC: if you are updating multiple machines at the same time, I would suggest doing one at a time, it would help the server :-)
[06:46]a-865: - Timeout exceeded when accessing 'http://mirror.ppa.trinitydesktop.org/trinity/rpm/osstw/trinity-r14/RPMS/noarch/content';
[06:47]a-865: I'm not trying to update, only refresh, which indicates accessibility.
[06:48]a-865: I rarely do more than one PC update at a time.
[06:49]micheleC: uhm... looks like the trinity/rpm link is not working, while the trinity/deb does.
[06:49]a-865: If I did that, likely the Rokus would complain.
[06:50]micheleC: I will see if I can find something
[06:50]micheleC: ok, thanks for the info on the update process on your side (y)
[06:50]a-865: I'm on my way to bed soon
[06:50]micheleC: will post here if I find out what is wrong
[06:51]micheleC: it is not the same issue of the apache server, although they may be related
[06:51]a-865: It's been like this since probably at least 8 hours ago.
[06:51]micheleC: wow
[06:52]a-865: I think it was with Leap earlier
[06:57]micheleC: for the time being you could try this link: https://archive.trinitydesktop.net/trinity/rpm/ which seems to work
[06:57]micheleC: it's the bigger overall archive
[07:06]a-865: it works
[07:08]micheleC: yes :-)
[07:08]micheleC: still looking on what is wrong on the main server rpm link
[07:59]micheleC: @a-865: original rpm link is now operational again
[08:14]micheleC: VPS server seems to be stable again.
[08:14]micheleC: if anyone spots any access issues, please let us know
[14:57]brocashelm has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[15:09]micheleC has left (Kopete 0.12.7 : http://trinitydesktop.org)
[15:10]brocashelm has joined
[16:41]RedW has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[16:45]RedW has joined

#trinity-desktop < 2022/08/05 >