#trinity-desktop < 2023/04/12 >
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[11:57]AndromedaX: Hello, I am trying to install the KDE3.5 theme Acqua but am having no joy as after using the install script it fails to show up in themes and styles. https://www.trinity-look.org/p/1100596/
[11:57]AndromedaX: Are folders for themes and such different in Trinity as I think that may be causing the issue.
[12:41]SlavekB: The installation script uses a variable KDEHOME, while the TDEHOME variable is now set.
[12:45]AndromedaX: So I'd change it to this? https://pastebin.com/DNGvPzJn
[12:45]AndromedaX: Or is changing it to ".trinity" not required?
[12:46]SlavekB: TDEHOME should refer to ".trinity" directory of the current user.
[12:47]SlavekB: Oh, I'm now looking at the installation script in more detail...
[12:48]SlavekB: This is trying to install the theme for all existing users.
[12:50]SlavekB: OK, I didn't pay enough attention to it... It tries to build TDEHOME variable by searching ".trinity" directory in the home folder of the current user.
[12:51]SlavekB: There could be the use of an existing TDEHOME value if it is already set.
[12:52]SlavekB: It is unlikely that the user would have more ".trinity*" directories, because there are no different directories for different TDE versions. So there should be enough ".trinity".
[12:54]AndromedaX: I'm really confused. Apologies since I'm a newb to bash.
[12:54]SlavekB: Instead of "kstyle" is now the "tdestyle" directory and instead of "kwin" is the "twin" directory.
[12:56]AndromedaX: So this? https://pastebin.com/K8WpCLDA
[13:00]SlavekB: Because the original "for" was used incorrectly, you can use instead:
[13:00]SlavekB: if [-n "$TDEHOME"] && [ -d "$TDHOME" ]; then
[13:00]SlavekB: ...and "fi" instad of "done".
[13:01]SlavekB: ehm, some typos fixed:
[13:01]SlavekB: if [ -n "$TDEHOME"] && [ -d "$TDEHOME" ]; then
[13:02]AndromedaX: Did this and it still isn't showing up sadly. https://pastebin.com/j1KCspyz
[13:11]AndromedaX: Do I restart Trinity?
[13:12]SlavekB: I assume that such themes should appear without the need for restart.
[13:13]AndromedaX: Somethings wrong then.
[13:17]AndromedaX: Getting this error: ./install.sh: line 2: [: missing `]'
[13:18]SlavekB: missing space before first ']':
[13:18]SlavekB: if [ -n "$TDEHOME" ] && [ -d "$TDEHOME" ]; then
[13:20]AndromedaX: "Acqua" is showing in Styles now, but shows some sort of default/fallback theme
[13:20]AndromedaX: The ICEWM window decoration works though so at least some of it works.
[13:34]AndromedaX: brb
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[13:38]AndromedaX: Restarted , the Acqua style is still showing this strange fallback style.
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#trinity-desktop < 2023/04/12 >