#trinity-desktop < 2023/07/04 >
[07:47]Armanelgtron has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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[08:42]SlavekB has quit (Quit: Kopete 0.12.7 : http://trinitydesktop.org)
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[10:23]agneli: why in konsole there is only a shortcut possible to shrink font
[10:24]agneli: i do not see the one to enlarge it...
[10:29]SlavekB: I look at the Konsole keyboard shortcuts and I see both - shrink and also enlarge.
[11:01]agneli: in the configure shortcuts I have only shrink
[11:02]agneli: 14.0.13
[11:02]agneli: maybe that is an old version
[11:02]agneli: debian 9...
[11:02]agneli: konsole 1.6.6
[11:03]SlavekB: No, it won't be the case. The test virtual machine I looked into is also R14.0.13.
[11:03]agneli: i can produce a screenshot
[11:06]SlavekB: In the list of shortcuts is listed as "Enlarge Font" => between Detach Session and Find In History.
[11:07]agneli: my...
[11:07]agneli: :(
[11:08]agneli: i was so sure it needs to be next to each other
[11:08]agneli: excuse me for wasting your time SlavekB
[11:08]agneli: and thank you very much
[11:10]SlavekB: No problem, you're welcome.
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[17:40]SlavekB has quit (Quit: TDE Kopete : https://trinitydesktop.org)
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[20:14]agneli has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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#trinity-desktop < 2023/07/04 >