#trinity-desktop < 2023/07/10 >
[03:29]Armanelgtron has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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[18:46]toiletflusher has joined
[18:46]toiletflusher: hello, is there a way to replace tdescreeensaver with xscreensaver?
[18:47]toiletflusher: i get that you can run xscreensaver on tde but lock will still use tdescreensaver
[19:29]SlavekB: There it should be possible to use xscreensavers within tdescreensaver.
[19:53]toiletflusher: i know you can use xscreensavers in tdescreensavwer
[19:53]toiletflusher: *tdescreensaver
[19:53]toiletflusher: but i prefer xscreensaver, the locking part
[21:37]toiletflusher has quit (Remote host closed the connection)

#trinity-desktop < 2023/07/10 >