#trinity-desktop < 2024/02/03 >
[03:17]a-865: What is supposed to be responsible for putting an item in TDM for /usr/share/xsessions/tde.desktop? None of trinity packages I normally install ever does it. I have to create one manually with each new installation. SUSE
[03:19]a-865: My TDM has 3 items for IceWM, 1 Failsafe, 1 Custom, 0 TDE. :(
[03:21]wirlaburla[x]: On Arch, it's tde-tdebase that provides /usr/share/xsessions/trinity.desktop
[03:21]a-865: seems like there should be rpm trinity-xsession unless some other required package is supposed to do it that I just haven't stumbled onto yet.
[03:22]a-865: I see. Nothing requires trinity-tdebase. :p
[03:23]a-865: trinity-tdebase-bin and trinity-tdebase-data are req, but not the basics :p
[03:24]a-865: now I see trinity-tdebase isn't so basic
[03:25]wirlaburla[x]: I am not sure how the packages are set up on SUSE but tde-tdebase is a requirement on Arch.
[03:28]a-865: trinity-tdebase is not required in a minimalist installation that does not install trinity-deskto*
[03:28]a-865: here, trinity-tdm owns tde.desktop
[03:33]a-865: update-alternatives --install /usr/share/xsessions/default.desktop default-xsession.desktop /usr/share/xsessions/tde.desktop 30 does the deed
[03:35]a-865: at least, it used to. On 15.6 it didn't, even after 2 tdm restarts
[03:37]a-865: reboot didn't work either
[03:40]a-865: I guess maybe something is different about 15.6 that it needs its own build instead of using 15.5's
[03:46]a-865: maybe something to do with missing /opt/trinity/bin/starttde?
[03:47]wirlaburla[x]: /opt/trinity/bin/starttde is also provided by tde-tdebase in Arch.
[03:48]a-865: /opt/trinity/bin/starttde owned by trinity-ksmserver in TW
[03:51]a-865: trinity-ksmserver got it going in 15.6 now :)
[04:55]wirlaburla[x]: Alright, how can I open something like xdg-open but with trinity? Clearly Trinity doesn't really work with xdg for mimetype associations (atleast in what I'm seeing).
[04:56]wirlaburla[x]: All I want is for the http and https scheme handlers to be based on the uris mimetype.
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#trinity-desktop < 2024/02/03 >