#trinity-desktop < 2024/10/22 >
[01:55]micheleC has joined
[01:55]micheleC: @agneli: are you building from master or r14.1.x?
[01:56]micheleC: in master, src-moc target no longer exists, it is now src-tqmoc
[01:56]micheleC: this is part of the effort to merge tqtinterface into tqt3 (almost completed) and clean up tqt3 code, which was a bit of a mess
[03:13]rav has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[03:13]rav has joined
[04:48]rav: any news about new version of tde?
[04:53]micheleC: R14.1.3 coming this Sunday
[04:53]micheleC: we are finishing up the last few things left
[04:54]micheleC: and we have already started working on R14.1.4 :-)
[04:57]inverted_rabbit: Happy to have contributed a great four characters of text so far. I love letter capitalization.
[04:57]inverted_rabbit: Anyone here use TDevelop? More particularly, it's C/C++ part?
[04:58]micheleC: every little helps, although the 4 letters contribution will go into R14.1.4 :-)
[04:59]inverted_rabbit: I've been investigating little hiccups here and there and maybe eventually I'll fix a bug or two.
[05:00]inverted_rabbit: Right now, I'm investigating TDevelop.
[05:06]micheleC: thanks, always good to see users contributing changes. Big or small, doesn't matter. The more people contribute, the better for the project as a whole
[05:11]inverted_rabbit: Anybody with the ability to do a quick test up for something? I don't have a TDE buildsystem up at the moment so I'm kind of stuck on a stable.
[05:12]inverted_rabbit: Have a C++ header file that seems to be a trigger for TDevelop to crash.
[05:13]inverted_rabbit: https://xmpp.worlio.com:5281/file_share/f18a_GRTydR0HolCYPmKA5j2/util.h
[05:28]micheleC: I can open util.h with TDevelop without crashes
[05:29]agneli: micheleC: I am on gentoo
[05:29]agneli: the one that does not even has X server yts
[05:30]agneli: *yet
[05:30]agneli: so as clean as it could be, fresh install
[05:30]agneli: I am using this: https://scm.trinitydesktop.org/gitea/TDE/tde-packaging-gentoo
[05:30]agneli: and I am using this live build or whatever it is called
[05:30]agneli: this 9999
[05:31]agneli: worked very well so far on many machines
[05:31]agneli: it is first time I am using this repo
[05:32]agneli: or perhaps not the first time :)
[05:32]agneli: https://mirror.git.trinitydesktop.org/gitea/TDE/tde-packaging-gentoo.git
[05:32]tde-bot: Page title: TDE/tde-packaging-gentoo: Trinity Desktop Environment Packaging – Gentoo ebuilds - tde-packaging-gentoo - TDE Gitea Workspace
[05:33]agneli: anyway det-tqt/tqt-9999
[05:33]agneli: gives me this error
[05:34]agneli: >>> Source configured.
[05:34]agneli: >>> Compiling source in /var/tmp/portage/dev-tqt/tqt-9999/work/tqt-9999 ...
[05:34]agneli: make -j2 src-qmake src-moc sub-src
[05:35]agneli: cd qmake && make
[05:35]agneli: make: *** No rule to make target 'src-moc'. Stop.
[05:35]agneli: make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
[05:35]agneli: make[1]: 'tqmake' is up to date.
[05:36]agneli: is changing src-moc to src-tqmoc in the ebuild enough to mitigate the issue, please?
[05:38]micheleC: I guess the gentoo port needs to be updated to reflect the recent changes
[05:38]micheleC: moc --> tqmoc
[05:38]agneli: https://github.com/Ray-V/tde-slackbuilds/blob/master/Deps/tqt3/tqt3.SlackBuild#L168
[05:38]micheleC: uic --> tquic
[05:38]tde-bot: Page title: tde-slackbuilds/Deps/tqt3/tqt3.SlackBuild at master · Ray-V/tde-slackbuilds · GitHub
[05:38]agneli: here it is the same issue I guess
[05:38]agneli: not sure how official is this build
[05:39]agneli: micheleC: ugh so ther eis more
[05:39]micheleC: things are changing quite a bit in master branch. tqtinterface is about to disappear for good
[05:39]micheleC: and there has been a big effort in cleaning up tqt3 code. There will be more changes to come indeed
[05:40]agneli: which is of course great :)
[05:40]micheleC: you can look at the commits in tqt3 in master and try to update the gentoo ports
[05:40]micheleC: or you can reach out on ML to those people maintaining the gentoo port. I guess they need to catch up with the latest changes
[05:40]micheleC: meanwhile you could build r14.1.x which is not affected by all these changes
[05:42]agneli: thanks micheleC I will see which of the options i can contribute best
[05:42]agneli: :)
[05:46]inverted_rabbit: micheleC: I get one, but after some testing, I only get a crash if I open it completed. If I open the file in TDev empty and paste the contents in, no problem.
[05:46]inverted_rabbit: It's only on load.
[05:48]inverted_rabbit: Now I'm looking at what exactly in this file is crashing.
[05:50]inverted_rabbit: Oh, does KCharSelect hang on Table 15 for anybody else either? I keep forgetting to report this one.
[05:52]micheleC: TDevelop does has a number of crash issues. Some are even logged on TGW
[05:52]inverted_rabbit: Well, let me see if I can fix it up enough to where I can use it as my daily IDE.
[05:52]micheleC: (y)
[05:53]inverted_rabbit: I'm kind of tired of just using Kate and no other IDE cuts it for me. Look very ugly, annoying to set up, or is just web shit.
[05:54]inverted_rabbit: I have a particular software idealogy which makes TDE the best option for me and my tastes. Would be nice if the IDE could fit that hole too.
[05:54]inverted_rabbit: micheleC: What version of TDE and TDevelop did you test with?
[06:06]micheleC: I use PTB packages on Debian testing
[06:07]micheleC: neovim + a bunch of plugin is way better and much more powerful that TDevelop ;-)
[06:08]inverted_rabbit: This crash is very interesting. It only happens if the file is opened by TDev mid-run. If the last session had it open, no issue. If I refresh the file, no issue.
[06:21]Armanelgtron: inverted_rabbit: how about KDevelop from KDE5/6? I've not used either version, but at first glance it doesn't look like the UI has changed very much. I don't think it would be too out of place
[06:23]inverted_rabbit: Lines 40 and 45 in the util.h file causes it. Something about the callback function existing.
[06:23]inverted_rabbit: https://xmpp.worlio.com:5281/file_share/PGED-rTNaRIUAYFgzh0q_AF8/gdb.txt
[06:24]inverted_rabbit: I'm avoiding any KDE packages.
[06:24]inverted_rabbit: I'm one of THOSE people.
[06:25]inverted_rabbit: I want the TDE TDevelop, so might aswell try and fix it.
[06:36]micheleC: this may have something to do with the update to unique_ptr that we did a number of months ago, since auto_ptr have been removed
[06:36]micheleC: maybe the issue is bigger and unique_ptr is simply exposing it, while auto_ptr was not complaining
[06:50]inverted_rabbit: This doesn't make sense as to why I have this issue but you do not.
[06:57]micheleC: I save the file, the right click and chose to open with TDevelop C/C++
[06:57]micheleC: it didn't crash
[06:57]micheleC: that's as much as I can say :-)
[06:58]inverted_rabbit: Opening it up directly doesn't crash it.
[06:58]inverted_rabbit: It's only when it's tied to a project so far.
[06:59]inverted_rabbit: To reproduce, I make a custom makefile project, put the file in it, do not populate, and simply open it through the file view.
[07:02]inverted_rabbit: If I compile with no optimizations, it works completely fine.
[07:03]micheleC: I created an automake empty project, followed the wizard. Copied the file to the folder manually. opened the fine, still no crash
[07:03]micheleC: even close and reopened TDevelop, no crashes
[07:11]inverted_rabbit: I'll do some more testing and check out the latest master at some point.
[07:11]inverted_rabbit: Removing any compile optimizations gives me a clue though.
[07:27]agneli: micheleC: I changed src-moc to src-tqmoc in tqt-9999.ebuild and it emerged without error
[07:29]agneli: I continue emerging the trinity-base/tdebase-meta
[07:29]agneli: so far so good
[07:29]rav: micheleC: will be probably few days more until they make Arch packages...?
[07:30]rav: anyway, I'm waiting to test, I love the feel of old good KDE
[07:30]inverted_rabbit: Most usable desktop environment.
[07:33]agneli: shall I succeed with install you want me to send my findings here: devels@trinitydesktop.org
[07:34]agneli: correct?
[07:54]rav: inverted_rabbit: 3.5 was awesome. I couldn't stand when 4.0 was bred and born in pain
[07:56]inverted_rabbit: People just don't understand.
[07:56]inverted_rabbit: I'm a firm believer software was genuinely at its peak around 2008-2010.
[08:01]micheleC: @rav: Slavek is building Arch packages right now.
[08:02]micheleC: @agneli: the best is you create a pull request on TGW so the gentoo maintainers can review your work
[08:02]micheleC: mailing list is not the best way to share fixes, it makes the process much more slwo
[08:03]micheleC: slow
[08:04]inverted_rabbit: rav: Are you an Archie?
[08:05]Armanelgtron: rav: KDE 4 felt almost futuristic to me at the time. I loved the Oxygen theme at the time. I even sort of wonder if it could be ported to Qt3
[08:05]inverted_rabbit: I didn't mind KDE 4.
[08:05]agneli: 10:02 < micheleC> @agneli: the best is you create a pull request on TGW so the gentoo maintainers can review your work
[08:05]agneli: ups
[08:06]agneli: :)
[08:06]agneli: anyway - is there any manual on how to do this?
[08:14]micheleC: @agneli: https://wiki.trinitydesktop.org/TDE_Gitea_Workspace#To_contribute_code_changes
[08:17]agneli: thanx
[08:25]micheleC: once you have created a user on TGW, let us know and we will add you to the Contributors group, so that you can create a PR
[08:30]agneli: is this the same user I use to create issues?
[08:33]inverted_rabbit: Yes.
[08:35]micheleC: yes
[08:36]micheleC: @agneli: added to Contributors
[08:37]inverted_rabbit: Welcome to the special club.
[08:38]agneli: Thank you micheleC
[08:39]SlavekB has quit (Quit: Kopete 0.12.7 : http://trinitydesktop.org)
[08:46]agneli: inverted_rabbit: :)
[11:07]neoncortex has joined
[12:20]rav: inverted_rabbit: yes, Im on Arch Linux
[12:21]rav: micheleC: so it might be quicker than I thought :) good
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[12:44]agneli: also a guestion if any of the gentoo folks are here
[12:56]neoncortex has joined
[13:48]agneli: the fact that tde does not pull X or wayland
[13:48]agneli: is by design or is it a mistake?
[13:57]rav: i think X should be dependendcy, and I couldn't eg install XFCE without X
[14:01]denk: it depends of the package maintainer, a X client does not require X server, but it requires client libraries
[14:02]denk: some time ago I used tde as XDMCP server (tdm)
[14:02]denk: including on a remote sparc system
[14:06]denk: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_Window_System_core_protocol
[14:07]tde-bot: Page title: X Window System core protocol - Wikipedia
[14:07]denk: first step to understand it
[14:13]micheleC: @denk: great link for quick look up
[14:14]agneli: that is one of 2 killer features of tdm for me :)
[14:15]agneli: and I know xdmpc is outdated etc... but i do not care
[14:15]agneli: *xdmcp
[14:15]agneli: and yes I have jsut installed tde without any sort of bakend on gentoo
[14:15]agneli: hence my question
[14:16]agneli: is it a bug or is it a feature
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[14:18]denk: it depends on the number of drinks in the package maintainer, I guess
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[14:21]agneli: hehehe
[14:33]denk: agneli: just offer some changes, create a PR and wait for the feedback
[14:40]micheleC has left (Kopete 0.12.7 : http://trinitydesktop.org)
[14:48]agneli: for the X dependency I am not sure I want
[14:48]agneli: hence my questions what is the rationale
[14:48]agneli: meybe this is a bug and maybe I want it to stay this way
[14:48]agneli: then pointing it out would be counter protductive
[14:48]agneli: idk :)
[14:50]denk: nice, "I don't know what I want"
[15:25]agneli: exactly :)
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[19:56]inverted_rabbit: rav: Nice.
[20:43]rav has quit (Quit: WeeChat 4.4.2)
[22:46]SlavekB has joined

#trinity-desktop < 2024/10/22 >