#trinity-desktop < 2024/10/30 >
[00:03]SlavekB has joined
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[07:27]agneli: i installed 14.1.1, same as on q4os yest I have same issue
[09:56]SlavekB has quit (Quit: Kopete 0.12.7 : http://trinitydesktop.org)
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[19:26]m1k3: agneli, thanks for confirming
[19:28]agneli: m1k3: not sure what did I confirm :) but u r welcome
[19:28]agneli: andybody tried to install preliminary testing builds on devuan daedalus?
[19:29]m1k3: agneli, you said "i installed 14.1.1, same as on q4os yest I have same issue"
[19:29]agneli: it says x11-utils dependecy is not possible to meet
[19:29]agneli: i did
[19:29]agneli: but tah was related to my own issues
[19:29]agneli: hoping it will ring somebodys bell
[19:29]m1k3: Ohhh, ok. Sorry - I thought you were referring to my question about neovim
[19:31]m1k3: I was trying to catch up on the web IRC logs
[19:31]m1k3: I probably should set up a bouncer so I don't have to do thart
[19:31]agneli: anyway i installed x11-utils manually and it stopped to be an issue
[19:31]agneli: despite being at exactly the same version :)
[19:32]m1k3: What would be kind of neat is if there was a way to pull in messages from logs since last login so you don't need a bouncer
[19:32]agneli: apt install tdebase-trinity will give me minibal tde
[19:33]agneli: probably some simple script if command line is your thing
[19:34]m1k3: I really liked q4os and even donated to them to keep their TDE spin going. My only issue with it is how customized it is and is missing some minor things out of the box like konqeror utils
[19:34]m1k3: agneli, I like both cli and gui
[19:35]m1k3: I'm using weechat at the moment because non of the trinity gui clients seem to support SASL
[19:35]agneli: q4os misses all of the charm tde has
[19:36]m1k3: Their XP-like theme is kinda nice. But, I honestly like default TDE theme quite a bit.
[19:36]agneli: exactly
[19:36]agneli: https://github.com/zopieux/ircjournal
[19:37]tde-bot: Page title: GitHub - zopieux/ircjournal: A lightweight, fast, standalone IRC log viewer for the web, with real-time log ingestion.
[19:37]agneli: https://github.com/topics/irc-logs
[19:37]agneli: this is what ddg says
[19:37]tde-bot: Page title: irc-logs · GitHub Topics · GitHub
[19:37]agneli: maybe worth taking a look m1k3 ?
[19:38]SlavekB: https://www.trinitydesktop.org/irc/logs_current.html
[19:38]tde-bot: Page title: #trinity-desktop logs
[19:39]m1k3: Yeah, not sure what that would offer over the TDE web logs?
[19:40]m1k3: SlavekB, is that stored as text by any chance?
[19:40]m1k3: Something I could easily parse
[19:41]m1k3: json or xml would work too
[19:41]SlavekB: IRC logs are stored on the server in the SQLite database.
[19:41]m1k3: Accessible?
[19:42]SlavekB: No, this database is not publicly available - only via the web interface that loads and render messages.
[19:43]agneli: anybody wants to help with the name of the package that contains kmix, please?
[19:43]m1k3: Ok, that's what I figured. So if I scripted something I would have to scrape the HTML.
[19:43]agneli: on devuan...
[19:43]SlavekB: kmix-trinity ;)
[19:43]agneli: hmmm
[19:43]agneli: i was looking exactly for kmix
[19:43]agneli: i am blind
[19:44]agneli: but i was hoping i am not that blind yet...
[19:44]agneli: https://mirror.ppa.trinitydesktop.org/trinity/deb/trinity-testing/pool/main/k/
[19:44]agneli: i do not see it here...
[19:44]tde-bot: Page title: Index of /trinity/deb/trinity-testing/pool/main/k/
[19:44]SlavekB: kmix-trinity is from tdemultimedia
[19:45]agneli: so I need to install tdemultimedia package right?
[19:45]agneli: this is what I suspected :)
[19:45]SlavekB: no, you can install kmix-trinity
[19:45]m1k3: SlavekB, do you use a bouncer yourself or do you just catch up on the web logs each time you join the channel?
[19:45]agneli: would you care to explain SlavekB, please?
[19:46]SlavekB: http://mirror.ppa.trinitydesktop.org/trinity/deb/trinity-testing/pool/main/t/tdemultimedia-trinity/
[19:46]tde-bot: Page title: Index of /trinity/deb/trinity-testing/pool/main/t/tdemultimedia-trinity/
[19:46]SlavekB: apt install kmix-trinity
[19:46]agneli: hehehe
[19:46]agneli: ok I am missing something here
[19:46]agneli: but whatever
[19:46]inverted_rabbit: > What would be kind of neat is if there was a way to pull in messages from logs since last login so you don't need a bouncer
[19:46]inverted_rabbit: I use XMPP with a Biboumi gateway for IRC. It supports MAM which means as long as one client is logged in and joined, it keeps message history for as long as the server is set to. Very useful. Also supports auto-NickServ and SASL. XMPP is very nice.
[19:46]agneli: thank you fo ryour patience SlavekB
[19:47]inverted_rabbit: kmix is provided by the tde-tdemultimedia package on Arch. Any particular reason why it isn't in its own package here?
[19:47]m1k3: inverted_rabbit, I considered XMPP but I honestly wouldn't use it for anything else other than this channel and it wouldn't be running on any other device.
[19:50]SlavekB: Debian provides excellent granularity of packaging, where one source package produces many binary packages. It is much more complicated to provide such a way on ArchLinux.
[19:50]inverted_rabbit: Don't use IRC anywhere else? Then it isn't really worth it.
[20:01]inverted_rabbit: You can still use individual PKGBUILDs.
[20:01]inverted_rabbit: I think there is a way to do multiple packages in one but I've not really seen it.
[20:04]SlavekB: Yes, the division into multiple packages is used, for example, in TQt3, where the documentation and binary parts are separately and in the tde-i18n, where individual packages for each language are generated from one source tarball.
[20:05]SlavekB: But there is a need for more effort to prepare such split packages.
[20:08]agneli: anyway
[20:09]agneli: i installed daedalus ith trinity preliminary builds
[20:09]agneli: wnm my monitors work perfectly
[20:09]agneli: *and
[20:09]agneli: what am I doing wong on getoo :(
[20:10]agneli: while playing with panel I even saw a black hole on some icon
[20:10]agneli: exactly where the gap between monitor sizes is
[20:10]agneli: anybody has any good gess where to look?
[20:11]agneli: when I install xface on my gentoo everything works perfectly
[20:11]agneli: on my old gentoo system also everything is perfect
[20:21]agneli: SlavekB: iiuw you are the one building packages for Debian/Devuan
[20:21]agneli: would you care share with me the options you are using to compile packages?
[20:22]agneli: the ones you pass to configure script or whatever you are using to set compile time options, please
[20:22]SlavekB: I use sbuild to build packages. In principle, it calls dpkg-buildpackage.
[20:23]SlavekB: The configuration parameters are given in "debian/rules".
[20:24]agneli: in the deb-src?
[20:24]SlavekB: This is contained in tde-packaging/debain/_base.
[20:25]agneli: thank you
[20:25]agneli: shall I expect the offcial tde ebuild is in sync with your build as far as otopns go?
[20:25]agneli: or is it a too brave assumption?
[20:26]SlavekB: There are a few people who take care of the Gentoo packaging.
[20:27]SlavekB: However, in recent weeks there is no activity.
[20:27]agneli: yes I can see that
[20:27]agneli: I had to manualy modify ebuild
[20:27]agneli: with a very simple error
[20:28]agneli: i am battling that for 2 weeks already
[20:28]agneli: every free moment
[20:28]agneli: the monitors
[20:28]SlavekB: I am not experienced with Gentoo, so I cannot be the one who can manage it.
[20:28]agneli: for soem reason tde treats them like in xinerama times
[20:28]agneli: so smaller one is sort of unsuable
[20:29]agneli: SlavekB: I do not think there is an issue with ebuild
[20:29]agneli: i have something wrong but what...
[20:29]agneli: some library maybe?
[20:29]agneli: what causes TWIN to misdetect my monitors
[20:30]agneli: maybe tehre are soem options to twin I coudl set?
[20:30]SlavekB: I am glad that I have learned the basics necessary to maintain packages for ArchLinux.
[20:30]SlavekB: You can try to compare it to the options that are used to build deb packages.
[20:31]agneli: i will do
[20:31]agneli: but i do not expect to find anything
[20:31]agneli: are there any config files for twin, please?
[20:31]agneli: for a running tde environment?
[20:34]SlavekB: There are no special twin configuration files in Debian packaging.
[20:34]agneli: https://wiki.trinitydesktop.org/Suggested_Build_Flags
[20:34]tde-bot: Page title: Suggested Build Flags - Trinity Desktop Project Wiki
[20:34]agneli: thesa re the flags you are using, please?
[20:35]agneli: ach old page
[20:36]SlavekB: https://mirror.git.trinitydesktop.org/gitea/TDE/tde-packaging/src/branch/master/debian/_base/core/tdebase/debian/rules#L20
[20:36]tde-bot: Page title: tde-packaging/rules at master - tde-packaging - TDE Gitea Workspace
[20:36]SlavekB has quit (Quit: TDE Kopete : https://trinitydesktop.org)
[20:54]m1k3: Is Tim still involved with this project?
[20:55]agneli: just realized that on old gentoo twin was -xrandr
[20:55]agneli: and on new +xrandr
[20:55]agneli: could this be it?
[20:55]agneli: devuan is clearly compiled with xrandr support
[20:56]agneli: i mean tde on devuan
[21:16]m1k3 has quit (Quit: WeeChat 4.4.2)
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[21:28]m1k3: In Kopete it doesn't look like you can see any of the server messages upon joining the server. Is that correct?
[21:29]m1k3: I opened the server window but nothing is there
[21:38]SlavekB has joined
[21:44]SlavekB: m1k3, Tim still uses TDE, so he is still nearby, but he rarely participates in development.
[21:45]m1k3: Ah, 4ok.
[21:45]m1k3: I was just curious
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[21:49]m1k3: hrm...kopete crashed on me a couple of times. Back to weechat I guess.
[21:50]a-865: just curious: can TDM launch any kind of Wayland sessions, such as Plasma?
[21:57]SlavekB: TDM triggers XServer, so I suppose it will make it impossible to switch to Wayland session.
[22:03]neoncortex: also just saying, bibletime output garbage, like, squares instead of font glyphs.
[22:22]rav has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[22:45]neoncortex: also, how do I set substitute fonts? Settingin tqt3 configuration tool apparently does nothing.

#trinity-desktop < 2024/10/30 >