#trinity-desktop < 2025/03/07 > |
[00:10] | SlavekB has joined |
[10:02] | inverted_rabbit: Small complaint but on the window decorations control center page, the size taken up by the tabbed settings is annoying and means I have to have a tall window if I want to flip through them and look at the previews. I feel like it'd make more sense having the preview up top at least. |
[10:04] | inverted_rabbit: Or something like the style page where its inside the tabbed section so the empty space isn't pushing the preview down |
[10:51] | a-865 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
[11:10] | a-865 has joined |
[12:01] | scaniatrucker has joined |
[13:44] | inverted_rabbit: Are window decorations cached or something? I'm not really sure how my development environment is supposed to be considering I don't really have one (raw-dogging it) but any edits I make and compile (and install) don't seem to show up and I swear they should. Made a button draw nothing and the decoration still looks the same. Perhaps I should read some more... |
[15:14] | ceux: inverted_rabbit: probably comes off the installed libs right? |
[15:14] | ceux: that so could be cached i s'pose but.... idk |
[16:19] | SlavekB has quit (Quit: Kopete 0.12.7 : http://trinitydesktop.org) |
[17:05] | inverted_rabbit: I use "cache" loosely but you seemed to have got my meaning. It's weird because if I uninstall the decoration, it disappears from the dropdown list. If I rename it, it is renamed in the dropdown list, but not a single change I do seems to affect it's appearance or behavior. |
[17:07] | inverted_rabbit: Doesn't help that it isn't a fresh decoration. Trying to modify an existing one because it is almost perfect. If anyone is up for modifying Fahrenheit with an option to align the buttons to the right (like normal), please. It seems I don't know what I'm doing. |
[19:08] | ceux: the decorations i think are loaded as libraries no? |
[19:31] | scaniatrucker has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) |
[20:34] | neoncortex has joined |
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