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GIT HashBranchDateAuthorLog Message
ce95d705 [view]master2011-01-18 10:28:24 +0000samelian[tdepowersave] [applications/kpowersave] external cmake modules
ce95d705 [view]master2011-01-18 10:28:24 +0000samelian[kpowersave] [applications/kpowersave] external cmake modules
36842ec5 [view]master2011-01-17 22:47:21 +0000tpearson[tdelibs] TQt compilation fix
65e9d3ec [view]master2011-01-17 17:01:57 +0000samelian[amarok] [applications/amarok] sched_setaffinity buggy glibc check
19954ea9 [view]master2011-01-17 10:47:57 +0000samelian[dolphin] [applications/dolphin] make compatible with QT_NO_ASCII_CAST flag
0dab15c5 [view]master2011-01-17 10:35:37 +0000samelian[dolphin] [applications/dolphin] add external cmake
63ecf866 [view]master2011-01-16 20:57:24 +0000tpearson[tqtinterface] Fix multiple definition of tqqt_cast
722704e0 [view]master2011-01-16 20:18:03 +0000samelian[tqtinterface] [dependencies/tqtinterface] improved setup paths; better Qt setup
621e037d [view]master2011-01-16 19:55:24 +0000samelian[tqtinterface] [dependencies/tqtinterface] removed obsoleted header
039cc9f8 [view]master2011-01-16 14:39:07 +0000samelian[tdewebdev] [kdewebdev/quanta] initial cmake support

List generated Thu Mar 13 00:18:02 2025
Currently showing patches 48931 to 48940 of 51061 [View All on Single Page]
Note that you can limit your full-text search to a specific module with the 'module:' keyword. Example: 'module:tdebase <search text>'

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