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GIT HashBranchDateAuthorLog Message
f1bfe53f [view]master2007-03-24 23:23:25 +0000runge[libtdevnc] reverse (listening) VNC connections.
d013b876 [view]master2007-03-20 23:35:08 +0000runge[libtdevnc] ssvnc: sync to 1.0.13 release.
5e454662 [view]master2007-03-20 23:33:04 +0000runge[libtdevnc] x11vnc: -httpsredir, x11cursor fix, nc=N login opt, no -ncache betatest for java viewer.
f57eb874 [view]master2007-03-20 23:26:33 +0000runge[libtdevnc] Add "Connection: close" to HTTP replies.
61cd498f [view]master2007-03-17 00:13:12 +0000dscho[libtdevnc] Fix a locking problem in libvncserver
There seems to be a locking problem in libvncserver, with respect to how
condition variables are used.
On certain machines in our lab, when using a vncviewer to view a display
that has a very high rate of updates, we will occasionally see the VNC
server process crash. In one stack trace that was obtained, an assertion
had tripped in glibc's pthread_cond_wait, which was called from
Inspection of clientOutput suggests that WAIT is being called incorrectly.
The mutex that protects a condition variable should always be locked when
calling wait, and on return from the wait will still be locked. The
attached patch fixes the locking around this condition variable, and one
other that I found by grepping the source for similar occurrences.
Signed-off-by: Charles Coffing
9e1230c7 [view]master2007-03-13 23:12:06 +0000runge[libtdevnc] ssvnc: sync src/patches/tight-vncviewer-full.patch
15f792bc [view]master2007-03-13 23:06:38 +0000runge[libtdevnc] x11vnc: fix crash for kde dcop. limit ncache beta tester to 96MB viewers.
0d4870c0 [view]master2007-02-19 23:00:42 +0000runge[libtdevnc] ssvnc: more fixes for painting problems.
23f6dc3d [view]master2007-02-19 22:57:44 +0000runge[libtdevnc] x11vnc: fix -users bob= in -inetd mode.
23178cd1 [view]master2007-02-19 03:11:25 +0000runge[libtdevnc] store 1.0.12 snapshot.

List generated Mon Mar 17 05:18:04 2025
Currently showing patches 51071 to 51080 of 51784 [View All on Single Page]
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