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GIT HashBranchDateAuthorLog Message
b1ec6f9a [view]master2007-01-25 11:01:21 +0000dscho[libtdevnc] complain when SWIG is not present, but needed
918aee6f [view]master2007-01-25 10:59:23 +0000dscho[libtdevnc] Complain if libvncserver-config was not found in PATH
7717d245 [view]master2007-01-10 19:28:46 +0000runge[libtdevnc] some -ncache performance improvements, rootpixmap watching, gnome wm heuristics
5b3e420c [view]master2007-01-09 15:20:02 +0000runge[libtdevnc] Fix old compiler error; fix warnings.
c9e24e5b [view]master2007-01-09 04:55:37 +0000runge[libtdevnc] more speed and accuracy improvements to -ncache mode.
5b607a44 [view]master2007-01-07 20:05:28 +0000runge[libtdevnc] changes to ncache cache aging and xdamage skipping
76a495af [view]master2007-01-04 01:32:50 +0000runge[libtdevnc] x11vnc: more -ncache improvements.
c88d830f [view]master2007-01-02 05:15:07 +0000runge[libtdevnc] x11vnc: more -ncache improvements.
833f0602 [view]master2006-12-29 07:21:37 +0000runge[libtdevnc] x11vnc -ncache on by default for beta test. fix -nofb & -rawfb modes.
e4a397ed [view]master2006-12-28 20:26:27 +0000runge[libtdevnc] a couple more warnings...

List generated Sun Mar 16 21:18:03 2025
Currently showing patches 51091 to 51100 of 51778 [View All on Single Page]
Note that you can limit your full-text search to a specific module with the 'module:' keyword. Example: 'module:tdebase <search text>'

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