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GIT HashBranchDateAuthorLog Message
090c4738 [view]master2001-10-02 15:17:57 +0000dscho[libtdevnc] prototype for rfbSendBell
622de218 [view]master2001-10-02 10:18:23 +0000dscho[libtdevnc] changes
e9b44e06 [view]master2001-10-02 10:11:32 +0000dscho[libtdevnc] forgot files for 3 bpp
095539cd [view]master2001-10-02 02:44:03 +0000dscho[libtdevnc] support for server side colour maps, fix for non-pthread, support for 3bpp
aa8d2ae1 [view]master2001-10-01 15:48:05 +0000dscho[libtdevnc] have to upgrade to newest VNC sources
08ed0461 [view]master2001-09-29 19:51:17 +0000dscho[libtdevnc] finally fixed pthreads
64101231 [view]master2001-09-29 15:29:13 +0000dscho[libtdevnc] nother try
58031bcb [view]master2001-09-29 14:55:25 +0000dscho[libtdevnc] more pthread debugging
25697e82 [view]master2001-09-29 13:07:53 +0000dscho[libtdevnc] cleaned up pthreads (now compiles) and rfb.h (first undefine TRUE)
282b071a [view]master2001-09-29 12:51:24 +0000dscho[libtdevnc] dropped miregion and all the X stuff in favour of Wez' sraRegion, added dox

List generated Tue Mar 18 01:18:03 2025
Currently showing patches 51841 to 51850 of 51878 [View All on Single Page]
Note that you can limit your full-text search to a specific module with the 'module:' keyword. Example: 'module:tdebase <search text>'

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