Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- a -
- appendText : KSpeech
- c -
- changeTextTalker : KSpeech
- g -
- getCurrentTextJob : KSpeech
- getTalkers : KSpeech
- getTextCount : KSpeech
- getTextJobCount : KSpeech
- getTextJobInfo : KSpeech
- getTextJobNumbers : KSpeech
- getTextJobSentence : KSpeech
- getTextJobState : KSpeech
- i -
- isSpeakingText : KSpeech
- j -
- jsFinished : KSpeech, KSpeechSink
- jsPaused : KSpeech, KSpeechSink
- jsQueued : KSpeech, KSpeechSink
- jsSpeakable : KSpeech, KSpeechSink
- jsSpeaking : KSpeech, KSpeechSink
- jumpToTextPart : KSpeech
- k -
- kttsdExit : KSpeech
- kttsdExiting() : KSpeech, KSpeechSink
- kttsdJobState : KSpeech, KSpeechSink
- kttsdMarkupType : KSpeech, KSpeechSink
- kttsdStarted() : KSpeech, KSpeechSink
- m -
- markerSeen() : KSpeech, KSpeechSink
- moveRelTextSentence : KSpeech
- moveTextLater : KSpeech
- mtHtml : KSpeech
- mtJsml : KSpeech, KSpeechSink
- mtPlain : KSpeech, KSpeechSink
- mtSable : KSpeech, KSpeechSink
- mtSmml : KSpeechSink
- mtSsml : KSpeech
- p -
- pauseText : KSpeech
- r -
- s -
- sayMessage : KSpeech
- sayScreenReaderOutput : KSpeech
- sayText : KSpeech
- sayWarning : KSpeech
- sentenceFinished() : KSpeech, KSpeechSink
- sentenceStarted() : KSpeech, KSpeechSink
- setFile : KSpeech
- setSentenceDelimiter : KSpeech
- setText : KSpeech
- showDialog : KSpeech
- speakClipboard : KSpeech
- startText : KSpeech
- stopText : KSpeech
- supportsMarkers : KSpeech
- supportsMarkup : KSpeech
- t -
- talkerCodeToTalkerId : KSpeech
- textAppended() : KSpeech, KSpeechSink
- textFinished() : KSpeech, KSpeechSink
- textPaused() : KSpeech, KSpeechSink
- textRemoved() : KSpeech, KSpeechSink
- textResumed() : KSpeech, KSpeechSink
- textSet() : KSpeech, KSpeechSink
- textStarted() : KSpeech, KSpeechSink
- textStopped() : KSpeech, KSpeechSink
- u -
- userDefaultTalker : KSpeech
- v -
- version : KSpeech