Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
▼NKTextEditor | KTextEditor is KDE's standard text editing KPart interface |
CBlockSelectionDCOPInterface | This is the main interface to the BlockSelectionInterface of KTextEditor |
CBlockSelectionInterface | An interface for the Document class which allows the selection method to be changed between selecting rectangular blocks of text and normal mode (all text between the start cursor and the current cursor) |
CClipboardDCOPInterface | This is the main interface to the ClipboardInterface of KTextEdit |
CClipboardInterface | This is an interface for accessing the clipboard through the View class |
CCodeCompletionInterface | This is an interface for the KTextEditor::View class |
CCompletionEntry | An item for the completion popup |
CConfigInterface | This is an interface for accessing the configuration of the Document and Plugin classes |
CConfigInterfaceExtension | This is an interface to extend the configuration of the Document, Plugin and PluginViewInterface classes |
CCursor | This class represents a text cursor |
CCursorInterface | This is an interface for accessing the cursor of the Document class |
CDocument | The main class representing a text document |
CDocumentInfoDCOPInterface | This is the main interface to the DocumentInfoInterface of KTextEdit |
CDocumentInfoInterface | This is an interface for accessing information about files open in the Document, Plugin and PluginViewInterface classes |
CDynWordWrapInterface | This is an interface for accessing dynamic word wrapping functionality of the View class |
CEditDCOPInterface | This is the main interface to the EditInterface of KTextEdit |
CEditInterface | This is the main interface for accessing and modifying text of the Document class |
CEditInterfaceExt | This is the main interface for accessing and modifying text of the Document class |
CEditor | This is a simplfied version of the Document & View classes Usage: Load it, merge it's gui + be happy Extensibility: Use the Document / View classes if you want advanced features, interfaces, etc |
CEncodingDCOPInterface | This is the main interface to the EncodingInterface of KTextEdit |
CEncodingInterface | This is an interface to the text encoding of a Document class |
CHighlightingInterface | This is an interface for syntax highlighting of a Document |
CMarkInterface | This is an interface to enable marks to be made in the iconborder of the Document class |
CMarkInterfaceExtension | This is an interface for custom extensions of the MarkInterface |
CPlugin | Basic KTextEditor plugin class |
CPluginViewInterface | View plugin class |
CPopupMenuInterface | This is an interface to provide custom popup menus for a View |
CPrintDCOPInterface | This is the main interface to the PrintInterface of KTextEdit |
CPrintInterface | This is an interface to printing functions of a Document |
CSearchDCOPInterface | This is the main interface to the SearchInterface of KTextEdit |
CSearchInterface | This is an interface to allow searching of a Document |
CSelectionDCOPInterface | This is the main interface to the SelectionInterface of KTextEdit |
CSelectionExtDCOPInterface | DCOP interface for the SelectionInterfaceExt |
CSelectionInterface | This is an interface to text selection for the Document class |
CSelectionInterfaceExt | Provide access to seleciton positions |
CSessionConfigInterface | This is an interface to session-specific configuration of the Document, Plugin and PluginViewInterface classes |
CTemplateInterface | This is an interface for inserting template strings with user editable fields into a document |
CTextHintInterface | This is an interface for the KTextEditor::View class |
CUndoDCOPInterface | This is the main interface to the UndoInterface of KTextEdit |
CUndoInterface | This is an interface to undo functionality of a Document |
CVariableInterface | This interface is designed to provide access to "document variables", for example variables defined in files like "kate: variable value;" or the emacs style "-*- variable: value -*-" |
CView | Single view of a Document |
CViewCursorDCOPInterface | This is the main interface to the ViewCursorInterface of KTextEdit |
CViewCursorInterface | This is an interface to access the text cursor of a View class |
CViewStatusMsgDCOPInterface | This is the main interface to the ViewStatusMsgInterface of KTextEdit |
CViewStatusMsgInterface | This is an interface for retrieving status bar messages from the Document class |
CWordWrapInterface | This is an interface to control fixed-column word-wrapping of a Document |