28#include <libtdemid/dattypes.h>
129 class MidiTrackPrivate;
148 ulong readVariableLengthValue(
154 double time_at_previous_tempochange;
155 double ticks_from_previous_tempochange;
157 double time_at_next_event;
void readEvent(MidiEvent *ev)
Reads the event at the iterator position, and puts it on the structure pointed to by ev.
void clear(void)
Clears the internal variables.
void init(void)
Initializes the iterator.
ulong waitTicks(void)
Returns the number of ticks left for the next event.
MidiTrack(FILE *file, int tpcn, int Id)
int currentMs(double ms)
Returns the current millisecond which the iterator is at.
int ticksPassed(ulong ticks)
Makes the iterator advance the given number of ticks.
void changeTempo(ulong t)
Change the tempo of the song.
int msPassed(ulong ms)
Makes the iterator advance the given number of milliseconds.
double absMsOfNextEvent(void)
Returns the absolute number of milliseconds of the next event.
An structure that represents a MIDI event.
ulong length
Length of the generic data variable.
uchar command
MIDI Command.
uchar ctl
Patch (if command was a controller command)
uchar patch
Patch (if command was a change patch command)
uchar * data
The data for commands like text, sysex, etc.