TDELocale Member List
This is the complete list of members for TDELocale, including all inherited members.
_initLanguage(TDEConfigBase *config) (defined in TDELocale) | TDELocale | static |
AfterMoney enum value (defined in TDELocale) | TDELocale | |
AfterQuantityMoney enum value (defined in TDELocale) | TDELocale | |
allCountriesTwoAlpha() const | TDELocale | |
allLanguagesTwoAlpha() const | TDELocale | |
BeforeMoney enum value (defined in TDELocale) | TDELocale | |
BeforeQuantityMoney enum value (defined in TDELocale) | TDELocale | |
calendar() const | TDELocale | |
calendarType() const | TDELocale | |
charset() const TDE_DEPRECATED | TDELocale | |
codecForEncoding() const | TDELocale | |
country() const | TDELocale | |
currencySymbol() const | TDELocale | |
dateFormat() const | TDELocale | |
dateFormatShort() const | TDELocale | |
dateMonthNamePossessive() const | TDELocale | |
decimalSymbol() const | TDELocale | |
defaultCountry() | TDELocale | static |
defaultLanguage() | TDELocale | static |
encoding() const | TDELocale | |
encodingMib() const | TDELocale | |
fileEncodingMib() const | TDELocale | |
formatDate(const TQDate &pDate, bool shortFormat=false) const | TDELocale | |
formatDateTime(const TQDateTime &pDateTime, bool shortFormat=true, bool includeSecs=false) const | TDELocale | |
formatLong(long num) const | TDELocale | |
formatMoney(double num, const TQString ¤cy=TQString::null, int digits=-1) const | TDELocale | |
formatMoney(const TQString &numStr) const TDE_DEPRECATED | TDELocale | |
formatNumber(double num, int precision=-1) const | TDELocale | |
formatNumber(const TQString &numStr) const TDE_DEPRECATED | TDELocale | |
formatNumber(const TQString &numStr, bool round, int precision) const | TDELocale | |
formatTime(const TQTime &pTime, bool includeSecs, bool isDuration) const | TDELocale | |
formatTime(const TQTime &pTime, bool includeSecs=false) const | TDELocale | |
fracDigits() const | TDELocale | |
i18n(const char *text) | TDELocale | related |
i18n(const char *comment, const char *text) | TDELocale | related |
i18n(const char *singular, const char *plural, unsigned long n) | TDELocale | related |
I18N_NOOP | TDELocale | related |
I18N_NOOP2 | TDELocale | related |
Imperial enum value (defined in TDELocale) | TDELocale | |
initInstance() (defined in TDELocale) | TDELocale | protectedstatic |
insertCatalogue(const TQString &catalog) | TDELocale | |
isApplicationTranslatedInto(const TQString &language) (defined in TDELocale) | TDELocale | |
langLookup(const TQString &fname, const char *rtype="html") | TDELocale | static |
language() const | TDELocale | |
languageList() const | TDELocale | |
languages() const TDE_DEPRECATED | TDELocale | |
languagesTwoAlpha() const | TDELocale | |
MeasureSystem enum name | TDELocale | |
measureSystem() const | TDELocale | |
Metric enum value (defined in TDELocale) | TDELocale | |
monetaryDecimalSymbol() const | TDELocale | |
monetaryThousandsSeparator() const | TDELocale | |
monthName(int i, bool shortName=false) const TDE_DEPRECATED | TDELocale | |
monthNamePossessive(int i, bool shortName=false) const TDE_DEPRECATED | TDELocale | |
negativeMonetarySignPosition() const | TDELocale | |
negativePrefixCurrencySymbol() const | TDELocale | |
negativeSign() const | TDELocale | |
NormalFormat enum value (defined in TDELocale) | TDELocale | |
nounDeclension() const | TDELocale | |
operator=(const TDELocale &rhs) | TDELocale | |
pageSize() const | TDELocale | |
ParensAround enum value (defined in TDELocale) | TDELocale | |
positiveMonetarySignPosition() const | TDELocale | |
positivePrefixCurrencySymbol() const | TDELocale | |
positiveSign() const | TDELocale | |
readDate(const TQString &str, bool *ok=0) const | TDELocale | |
readDate(const TQString &intstr, const TQString &fmt, bool *ok=0) const | TDELocale | |
readDate(const TQString &str, ReadDateFlags flags, bool *ok=0) const | TDELocale | |
ReadDateFlags enum name (defined in TDELocale) | TDELocale | |
readMoney(const TQString &numStr, bool *ok=0) const | TDELocale | |
readNumber(const TQString &numStr, bool *ok=0) const | TDELocale | |
readTime(const TQString &str, bool *ok=0) const | TDELocale | |
readTime(const TQString &str, ReadTimeFlags flags, bool *ok=0) const | TDELocale | |
ReadTimeFlags enum name (defined in TDELocale) | TDELocale | |
removeCatalogue(const TQString &catalog) | TDELocale | |
setActiveCatalogue(const TQString &catalog) | TDELocale | |
setCalendar(const TQString &calendarType) | TDELocale | |
setCharset(const TQString &charset) TDE_DEPRECATED | TDELocale | |
setCountry(const TQString &country) | TDELocale | |
setCurrencySymbol(const TQString &symbol) | TDELocale | |
setDateFormat(const TQString &format) | TDELocale | |
setDateFormatShort(const TQString &format) | TDELocale | |
setDateMonthNamePossessive(bool possessive) | TDELocale | |
setDecimalSymbol(const TQString &symbol) | TDELocale | |
setEncoding(int mibEnum) | TDELocale | |
setFracDigits(int digits) | TDELocale | |
setLanguage(const TQString &language) | TDELocale | |
setLanguage(const TQStringList &languages) | TDELocale | |
setMainCatalogue(const char *catalog) | TDELocale | static |
setMeasureSystem(MeasureSystem value) | TDELocale | |
setMonetaryDecimalSymbol(const TQString &symbol) | TDELocale | |
setMonetaryThousandsSeparator(const TQString &separator) | TDELocale | |
setNegativeMonetarySignPosition(SignPosition signpos) | TDELocale | |
setNegativePrefixCurrencySymbol(bool prefix) | TDELocale | |
setNegativeSign(const TQString &sign) | TDELocale | |
setPageSize(int paperFormat) | TDELocale | |
setPositiveMonetarySignPosition(SignPosition signpos) | TDELocale | |
setPositivePrefixCurrencySymbol(bool prefix) | TDELocale | |
setPositiveSign(const TQString &sign) | TDELocale | |
setThousandsSeparator(const TQString &separator) | TDELocale | |
setTimeFormat(const TQString &format) | TDELocale | |
setWeekStartDay(int day) | TDELocale | |
setWeekStartsMonday(bool start) TDE_DEPRECATED | TDELocale | |
ShortFormat enum value (defined in TDELocale) | TDELocale | |
SignPosition enum name | TDELocale | |
splitLocale(const TQString &str, TQString &language, TQString &country, TQString &charset) | TDELocale | static |
TDEGlobal (defined in TDELocale) | TDELocale | friend |
TDELocale(const TQString &catalog, TDEConfig *config=0) | TDELocale | |
TDELocale(const TDELocale &rhs) | TDELocale | |
thousandsSeparator() const | TDELocale | |
timeFormat() const | TDELocale | |
tr2i18n(const char *message, const char *=0) | TDELocale | related |
translate(const char *index) const | TDELocale | |
translate(const char *comment, const char *fallback) const | TDELocale | |
translate(const char *singular, const char *plural, unsigned long n) const | TDELocale | |
translateQt(const char *context, const char *sourceText, const char *message) const | TDELocale | |
twoAlphaToCountryName(const TQString &code) const | TDELocale | |
twoAlphaToLanguageName(const TQString &code) const | TDELocale | |
use12Clock() const | TDELocale | |
weekDayName(int i, bool shortName=false) const TDE_DEPRECATED | TDELocale | |
weekStartDay() const | TDELocale | |
weekStartsMonday() const TDE_DEPRECATED | TDELocale | |
WithoutSeconds enum value (defined in TDELocale) | TDELocale | |
WithSeconds enum value (defined in TDELocale) | TDELocale | |
~TDELocale() | TDELocale |