Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
NKDE | Namespace for general KDE functions |
▼NKKeyServer | A collection of functions for the conversion of key presses and their modifiers from the window system specific format to the generic format and vice-versa |
CKey | Represents a key press |
CSym | Represents a key symbol |
CVariations | TODO: please document this class |
NKMacroExpander | A group of functions providing macro expansion (substitution) in strings, optionally with quoting appropriate for shell execution |
▼NKNetwork | A namespace to store all networking-related (socket) classes |
CKActiveSocketBase | Abstract class for active sockets |
CKClientSocketBase | Abstract client socket class |
CKDatagramPacket | One datagram |
CKDatagramSocket | A socket that operates on datagrams |
CKHttpProxySocketDevice | The low-level backend for HTTP proxying |
CKInetSocketAddress | Internet socket address |
CKIpAddress | An IP address |
CKMulticastSocket | A multicast-capable datagram socket class |
CKMulticastSocketImpl | The low-level backend for multicasting sockets |
CKNetworkInterface | A place-holder class for a future network interface class |
CKPassiveSocketBase | Abstract base class for passive sockets |
CKResolver | Name and service resolution class |
CKResolverEntry | One resolution entry |
CKResolverResults | Name and service resolution results |
CKReverseResolver | Run a reverse-resolution on a socket address |
CKSocksSocketDevice | The low-level class for SOCKS proxying |
CKStreamSocket | Simple stream socket |
CKUnixSocketAddress | A Unix (local) socket address |
CTDEBufferedSocket | Buffered stream sockets |
CTDEServerSocket | A server socket for accepting connections |
CTDESocketAddress | A generic socket address |
CTDESocketBase | Basic socket functionality |
CTDESocketDevice | Low-level socket functionality |
CTDESocketDeviceFactory | This class provides functionality for creating and registering socket implementations |
▼NKNotifyClient | This namespace provides a method for issuing events to a KNotifyServer call KNotifyClient::event("eventname"); to issue it |
CInstance | Makes it possible to use KNotifyClient with a TDEInstance that is not the application |
NKShell | Provides some basic POSIX shell and bash functionality |
▼NTDEStdAccel | Convenient methods for access to the common accelerator keys in the key configuration |
CShortcutList | TDEShortcutList implementation that accesses TDEStdAccel actions |