24#include "dom/dom_xml.h"
25#include "dom/dom_exception.h"
26#include "xml/dom_textimpl.h"
27#include "xml/dom_xmlimpl.h"
41 NodeImpl* ohandle = other.handle();
42 if ( impl != ohandle ) {
43 if (!ohandle || ohandle->nodeType() != CDATA_SECTION_NODE) {
44 if ( impl ) impl->deref();
47 Node::operator =(other);
55 Node::operator =(other);
63CDATASection::CDATASection(CDATASectionImpl *i) :
78 NodeImpl* ohandle = other.handle();
79 if ( impl != ohandle ) {
80 if (!ohandle || ohandle->nodeType() != ENTITY_NODE) {
81 if ( impl ) impl->deref();
84 Node::operator =(other);
92 Node::operator =(other);
105 return ((EntityImpl*)impl)->publicId();
113 return ((EntityImpl*)impl)->systemId();
121 return ((EntityImpl*)impl)->notationName();
124Entity::Entity(EntityImpl *i) :
140 NodeImpl* ohandle = other.handle();
141 if ( impl != ohandle ) {
142 if (!ohandle || ohandle->nodeType() != ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) {
143 if ( impl ) impl->deref();
146 Node::operator =(other);
154 Node::operator =(other);
162EntityReference::EntityReference(EntityReferenceImpl *i) :
178 NodeImpl* ohandle = other.handle();
179 if ( impl != ohandle ) {
180 if (!ohandle || ohandle->nodeType() != NOTATION_NODE) {
181 if ( impl ) impl->deref();
184 Node::operator =(other);
192 Node::operator =(other);
205 return ((NotationImpl*)impl)->publicId();
213 return ((NotationImpl*)impl)->systemId();
216Notation::Notation(NotationImpl *i) :
234 NodeImpl* ohandle = other.handle();
235 if ( impl != ohandle ) {
236 if (!ohandle || ohandle->nodeType() != PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE) {
237 if ( impl ) impl->deref();
240 Node::operator =(other);
248 Node::operator =(other);
261 return ((ProcessingInstructionImpl*)impl)->target();
269 return ((ProcessingInstructionImpl*)impl)->data();
277 int exceptioncode = 0;
278 ((ProcessingInstructionImpl*)impl)->setData(_data, exceptioncode);
283ProcessingInstruction::ProcessingInstruction(ProcessingInstructionImpl *i) :
289 if (impl)
return ((ProcessingInstructionImpl*)impl)->sheet();
CDATA sections are used to escape blocks of text containing characters that would otherwise be regard...
DOM operations only raise exceptions in "exceptional" circumstances, i.e., when an operation is impos...
This class implements the basic string we use in the DOM.
EntityReference objects may be inserted into the structure model when an entity reference is in the s...
This interface represents an entity, either parsed or unparsed, in an XML document.
DOMString publicId() const
The public identifier associated with the entity, if specified.
DOMString notationName() const
For unparsed entities, the name of the notation for the entity.
DOMString systemId() const
The system identifier associated with the entity, if specified.
The Node interface is the primary datatype for the entire Document Object Model.
This interface represents a notation declared in the DTD.
DOMString publicId() const
The public identifier of this notation.
DOMString systemId() const
The system identifier of this notation.
The ProcessingInstruction interface represents a "processing instruction", used in XML as a way to ke...
DOMString data() const
The content of this processing instruction.
StyleSheet sheet() const
Introduced in DOM Level 2 This method is from the LinkStyle interface.
DOMString target() const
The target of this processing instruction.
void setData(const DOMString &)
see data
The StyleSheet interface is the abstract base interface for any type of style sheet.
The Text interface represents the textual content (termed character data in XML) of an Element or At...
The Document Object Model (DOM) is divided into two parts, the COREDOM core DOM, specifying some core...