24#include "dom/html_head.h"
25#include "html/html_headimpl.h"
26#include "misc/htmlhashes.h"
27#include "xml/dom_docimpl.h"
39HTMLBaseElement::HTMLBaseElement(HTMLBaseElementImpl *impl) :
45 assignOther( other, ID_BASE );
51 HTMLElement::operator = (other);
63 return !
href.isNull() ? impl->getDocument()->completeURL(
href.string()) :
68 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_HREF, value);
74 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_TARGET);
79 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_TARGET, value);
92HTMLLinkElement::HTMLLinkElement(HTMLLinkElementImpl *impl) :
98 assignOther( other, ID_LINK );
104 HTMLElement::operator = (other);
115 return !((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_DISABLED).isNull();
121 ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_DISABLED, _disabled ?
"" : 0);
127 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_CHARSET);
132 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_CHARSET, value);
139 return !
href.isNull() ? impl->getDocument()->completeURL(
href.string()) :
144 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_HREF, value);
150 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_HREFLANG);
155 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_HREFLANG, value);
161 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_MEDIA);
166 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_MEDIA, value);
172 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_REL);
177 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_REL, value);
183 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_REV);
188 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_REV, value);
194 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_TARGET);
199 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_TARGET, value);
205 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_TYPE);
210 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_TYPE, value);
216 return ((HTMLLinkElementImpl *)impl)->sheet();
229HTMLMetaElement::HTMLMetaElement(HTMLMetaElementImpl *impl) :
235 assignOther( other, ID_META );
241 HTMLElement::operator = (other);
252 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_CONTENT);
257 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_CONTENT, value);
263 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_HTTP_EQUIV);
268 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_HTTP_EQUIV, value);
274 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_NAME);
279 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_NAME, value);
285 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_SCHEME);
290 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_SCHEME, value);
295HTMLScriptElement::HTMLScriptElement() :
303HTMLScriptElement::HTMLScriptElement(HTMLScriptElementImpl *impl) :
309 assignOther( other, ID_SCRIPT );
315 HTMLElement::operator = (other);
326 return ((HTMLScriptElementImpl *)impl)->text();
331 if(impl) ((HTMLScriptElementImpl *)impl)->setText(value);
359 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_CHARSET);
364 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_CHARSET, value);
370 return !((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_DEFER).isNull();
377 ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_DEFER,_defer ?
"" : 0);
383 DOMString s = ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_SRC);
384 return !s.isNull() ? impl->getDocument()->completeURL(s.string()) : s;
389 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_SRC, value);
395 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_TYPE);
400 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_TYPE, value);
405HTMLStyleElement::HTMLStyleElement() :
413HTMLStyleElement::HTMLStyleElement(HTMLStyleElementImpl *impl) :
419 assignOther( other, ID_STYLE );
425 HTMLElement::operator = (other);
436 return !((HTMLStyleElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_DISABLED).isNull();
443 ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_DISABLED,_disabled ?
"" : 0);
449 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_MEDIA);
454 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_MEDIA, value);
460 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_TYPE);
465 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_TYPE, value);
471 return ((HTMLStyleElementImpl *)impl)->sheet();
477HTMLTitleElement::HTMLTitleElement() :
485HTMLTitleElement::HTMLTitleElement(HTMLTitleElementImpl *impl) :
491 assignOther( other, ID_TITLE );
497 HTMLElement::operator = (other);
508 return ((HTMLTitleElementImpl *)impl)->text();
513 if(impl) ((HTMLTitleElementImpl *)impl)->setText(value);
This class implements the basic string we use in the DOM.
DOMString getAttribute(const DOMString &name)
Retrieves an attribute value by name.
void setHref(const DOMString &)
see href
DOMString href() const
The base URI See the href attribute definition in HTML 4.0.
DOMString target() const
The default target frame.
void setTarget(const DOMString &)
see target
All HTML element interfaces derive from this class.
The LINK element specifies a link to an external resource, and defines this document's relationship t...
void setHref(const DOMString &)
see href
StyleSheet sheet() const
Introduced in DOM Level 2 This method is from the LinkStyle interface.
bool disabled() const
Enables/disables the link.
DOMString charset() const
The character encoding of the resource being linked to.
void setTarget(const DOMString &)
see target
void setType(const DOMString &)
see type
void setRel(const DOMString &)
see rel
DOMString type() const
Advisory content type.
DOMString hreflang() const
Language code of the linked resource.
DOMString media() const
Designed for use with one or more target media.
DOMString target() const
Frame to render the resource in.
void setHreflang(const DOMString &)
see hreflang
void setCharset(const DOMString &)
see charset
void setMedia(const DOMString &)
see media
DOMString rev() const
Reverse link type.
void setRev(const DOMString &)
see rev
DOMString rel() const
Forward link type.
void setDisabled(bool)
see disabled
DOMString href() const
The URI of the linked resource.
DOMString htmlFor() const
Reserved for future use.
void setDefer(bool)
see defer
DOMString text() const
The script content of the element.
DOMString event() const
Reserved for future use.
void setSrc(const DOMString &)
see src
bool defer() const
Indicates that the user agent can defer processing of the script.
void setType(const DOMString &)
see type
DOMString src() const
URI designating an external script.
DOMString type() const
The content type of the script language.
void setText(const DOMString &)
see text
void setEvent(const DOMString &)
see event
void setCharset(const DOMString &)
see charset
DOMString charset() const
The character encoding of the linked resource.
void setHtmlFor(const DOMString &)
see htmlFor
void setType(const DOMString &)
see type
StyleSheet sheet() const
Introduced in DOM Level 2 This method is from the LinkStyle interface.
void setMedia(const DOMString &)
see media
bool disabled() const
Enables/disables the style sheet.
DOMString media() const
Designed for use with one or more target media.
void setDisabled(bool)
see disabled
DOMString type() const
The style sheet language (Internet media type).
void setText(const DOMString &)
see text
DOMString text() const
The specified title as a string.
The Node interface is the primary datatype for the entire Document Object Model.
The StyleSheet interface is the abstract base interface for any type of style sheet.
The Document Object Model (DOM) is divided into two parts, the COREDOM core DOM, specifying some core...