25#include "dom/dom_doc.h"
26#include "dom/html_inline.h"
27#include "html/html_inlineimpl.h"
28#include "html/html_baseimpl.h"
29#include "xml/dom_docimpl.h"
30#include "misc/htmlhashes.h"
34HTMLAnchorElement::HTMLAnchorElement() :
42HTMLAnchorElement::HTMLAnchorElement(HTMLAnchorElementImpl *impl) :
48 assignOther( other, ID_A );
54 HTMLElement::operator = (other);
65 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_ACCESSKEY);
70 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_ACCESSKEY, value);
76 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_CHARSET);
81 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_CHARSET, value);
87 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_COORDS);
92 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_COORDS, value);
99 return !
href.isNull() ? impl->getDocument()->completeURL(
href.string()) :
104 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_HREF, value);
110 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_HREFLANG);
115 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_HREFLANG, value);
121 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_NAME);
126 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_NAME, value);
132 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_REL);
137 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_REL, value);
143 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_REV);
148 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_REV, value);
154 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_SHAPE);
159 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_SHAPE, value);
165 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_TABINDEX).toInt();
171 DOMString value(TQString::number(_tabIndex));
172 ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_TABINDEX,value);
179 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_TARGET);
184 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_TARGET, value);
190 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_TYPE);
195 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_TYPE, value);
200 if(impl && impl->getDocument()->focusNode()==impl)
201 impl->getDocument()->setFocusNode(0);
207 impl->getDocument()->setFocusNode(
226HTMLBRElement::HTMLBRElement(HTMLBRElementImpl *impl) :
232 assignOther( other, ID_BR );
238 HTMLElement::operator = (other);
249 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_CLEAR);
254 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_CLEAR, value);
267HTMLFontElement::HTMLFontElement(HTMLFontElementImpl *impl) :
273 assignOther( other, ID_FONT );
279 HTMLElement::operator = (other);
290 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_COLOR);
295 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_COLOR, value);
301 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_FACE);
306 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_FACE, value);
312 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_SIZE);
317 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_SIZE, value);
331HTMLModElement::HTMLModElement(HTMLElementImpl *_impl)
334 if (_impl && (_impl->id() == ID_INS || _impl->id() == ID_DEL))
338 if ( impl ) impl->ref();
343 if (other.handle() != handle()) {
344 if( other.elementId() != ID_INS &&
345 other.elementId() != ID_DEL )
347 if ( impl ) impl->deref();
350 Node::operator = (other);
358 HTMLElement::operator = (other);
369 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_CITE);
374 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_CITE, value);
380 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_DATETIME);
385 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_DATETIME, value);
390HTMLQuoteElement::HTMLQuoteElement() :
398HTMLQuoteElement::HTMLQuoteElement(HTMLGenericElementImpl *_impl)
401 if (_impl && _impl->id() == ID_Q)
405 if ( impl ) impl->ref();
410 assignOther( other, ID_Q );
416 HTMLElement::operator = (other);
427 return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->getAttribute(ATTR_CITE);
432 if(impl) ((ElementImpl *)impl)->setAttribute(ATTR_CITE, value);
This class implements the basic string we use in the DOM.
DOMString getAttribute(const DOMString &name)
Retrieves an attribute value by name.
void setAccessKey(const DOMString &)
see accessKey
DOMString rev() const
Reverse link type.
void focus()
Gives keyboard focus to this element.
void click()
Simulate a mouse-click.
void setHref(const DOMString &)
see href
DOMString hreflang() const
Language code of the linked resource.
DOMString coords() const
Comma-separated list of lengths, defining an active region geometry.
DOMString type() const
Advisory content type.
long tabIndex() const
Index that represents the element's position in the tabbing order.
void setCharset(const DOMString &)
see charset
void setName(const DOMString &)
see name
void setRev(const DOMString &)
see rev
void setShape(const DOMString &)
see shape
DOMString shape() const
The shape of the active area.
void setRel(const DOMString &)
see rel
void setHreflang(const DOMString &)
see hreflang
void setTarget(const DOMString &)
see target
DOMString href() const
The URI of the linked resource.
void blur()
Removes keyboard focus from this element.
DOMString accessKey() const
A single character access key to give access to the form control.
DOMString name() const
Anchor name.
void setType(const DOMString &)
see type
void setCoords(const DOMString &)
see coords
void setTabIndex(long)
see tabIndex
DOMString target() const
Frame to render the resource in.
DOMString charset() const
The character encoding of the linked resource.
DOMString rel() const
Forward link type.
void setClear(const DOMString &)
see clear
DOMString clear() const
Control flow of text around floats.
All HTML element interfaces derive from this class.
DOMString face() const
Font face identifier.
DOMString size() const
Font size.
void setFace(const DOMString &)
see face
void setColor(const DOMString &)
see color
DOMString color() const
Font color.
void setSize(const DOMString &)
see size
Notice of modification to part of a document.
void setDateTime(const DOMString &)
see dateTime
void setCite(const DOMString &)
see cite
DOMString cite() const
A URI designating a document that describes the reason for the change.
DOMString dateTime() const
The date and time of the change.
For the Q and BLOCKQUOTE elements.
void setCite(const DOMString &)
see cite
DOMString cite() const
A URI designating a document that designates a source document or message.
The Node interface is the primary datatype for the entire Document Object Model.
The Document Object Model (DOM) is divided into two parts, the COREDOM core DOM, specifying some core...