19#ifndef __kstdguiitem_h
20#define __kstdguiitem_h
49 Ok=1, Cancel, Yes, No, Discard, Save, DontSave, SaveAs,
50 Apply, Clear, Help, Defaults, Close, Back, Forward, Print,
51 Continue, Open, Quit, AdminMode, Reset, Delete, Insert,
61 static KGuiItem guiItem ( StdItem ui_enum );
62 static TQString stdItem ( StdItem ui_enum );
118 static KGuiItem back( BidiMode useBidi = IgnoreRTL );
130 static KGuiItem forward( BidiMode useBidi = IgnoreRTL );
144 static TQPair<KGuiItem, KGuiItem> backAndForward();
An abstract class for GUI data such as ToolTip and Icon.
Provides a set of standardized KGuiItems.
The back and forward items by default use the RTL settings for Hebrew and Arab countries.