26class KSystemTrayPrivate;
81 KSystemTray( TQWidget* parent = 0,
const char* name = 0 );
104 virtual void setPixmap(
const TQPixmap& icon );
110 virtual void setCaption(
const TQString& title );
170 void mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent * );
178 void mouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent * );
186 virtual void contextMenuAboutToShow(
TDEPopupMenu* menu );
191 void showEvent( TQShowEvent * );
196 void enterEvent( TQEvent* );
199 void minimizeRestoreAction();
203 void activateOrHide();
204 void minimizeRestore(
bool restore );
207 int minimizeRestoreId;
210 virtual void virtual_hook(
int id,
void* data );
212 KSystemTrayPrivate* d;
KDE System Tray Window class
void quitSelected()
Emitted when quit is selected in the menu.
A managed set of TDEAction objects.
static TDEInstance * instance()