Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
▼NKleo | |
CChiasmusJob | SpecialJob for Chiasmus operations |
CChiasmusLibrary | Small helper class to load xia.o through and make the functionality available |
CCryptoConfig | Main interface to crypto configuration |
CCryptoConfigComponent | Crypto config for one component (e.g |
CCryptoConfigDialog | Simple KDialogBase wrapper around CryptoConfigModule |
CCryptoConfigEntry | Description of a single option |
CCryptoConfigGroup | Group containing a set of config options |
CCryptoConfigModule | Crypto Config Module widget, dynamically generated from CryptoConfig It's a simple TQWidget so that it can be embedded into a dialog or into a TDECModule |
CDecryptJob | An abstract base class for asynchronous decrypters |
CDecryptVerifyJob | An abstract base class for asynchronous combined decrypters and verifiers |
CDeleteJob | An abstract base class for asynchronous deleters |
CDN | DN parser and reorderer |
CDNAttributeMapper | DN Attribute mapper |
CDownloadJob | An abstract base class for asynchronous downloaders |
CEncryptJob | An abstract base class for asynchronous encrypters |
CExportJob | An abstract base class for asynchronous exporters |
CGnuPGProcessBase | Base class for GPG and GPGSM processes |
CHierarchicalKeyListJob | A convenience job that additionally fetches all available issuers |
CImportJob | An abstract base class for asynchronous importers |
CJob | An abstract base class for asynchronous crypto operations |
CKeyFilter | An abstract base class key filters |
CKeyGenerationJob | An abstract base class for asynchronous key generation |
CKeyListJob | An abstract base class for asynchronous key listers |
CKeyRequester | Base class for SigningKeyRequester and EncryptionKeyRequester |
CMultiDeleteJob | A convenience class bundling together multiple DeleteJobs |
CObtainKeysJob | SpecialJob for listing Chiasmus key files |
CProgressBar | A TQProgressBar with self-powered busy indicator |
CProgressDialog | A progress dialog for Kleo::Jobs |
CQGpgMEJob | This is a hackish helper class to avoid code duplication in this backend's Kleo::Job subclasses |
CRefreshKeysJob | An abstract base class for asynchronous key refreshers |
CSignEncryptJob | An abstract base class for asynchronous combined signing and encrypting |
CSignJob | An abstract base class for asynchronous signing |
CSpecialJob | An abstract base class for protocol-specific jobs |
CVerifyDetachedJob | An abstract base class for asynchronous verification of detached signatures |
CVerifyOpaqueJob | An abstract base class for asynchronous verification of opaque signatures |
CCryptPlugWrapper | This class provides C++ access to the CRYPTPLUG API |
CQGpgMECryptoConfig | CryptoConfig implementation around the gpgconf command-line tool For method docu, see kleo/cryptoconfig.h |
CQGpgMECryptoConfigComponent | For docu, see kleo/cryptoconfig.h |
CStructuringInfoWrapper | This class provides C++ access to the StructuringInfo helper struct that is specified in cryptplug.h to hold information returned by signing and by encrypting functions |