
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CChiasmusJobSpecialJob for Chiasmus operations
 CChiasmusLibrarySmall helper class to load xia.o through xia.so and make the functionality available
 CCryptoConfigMain interface to crypto configuration
 CCryptoConfigComponentCrypto config for one component (e.g
 CCryptoConfigDialogSimple KDialogBase wrapper around CryptoConfigModule
 CCryptoConfigEntryDescription of a single option
 CCryptoConfigGroupGroup containing a set of config options
 CCryptoConfigModuleCrypto Config Module widget, dynamically generated from CryptoConfig It's a simple TQWidget so that it can be embedded into a dialog or into a TDECModule
 CDecryptJobAn abstract base class for asynchronous decrypters
 CDecryptVerifyJobAn abstract base class for asynchronous combined decrypters and verifiers
 CDeleteJobAn abstract base class for asynchronous deleters
 CDNDN parser and reorderer
 CDNAttributeMapperDN Attribute mapper
 CDownloadJobAn abstract base class for asynchronous downloaders
 CEncryptJobAn abstract base class for asynchronous encrypters
 CExportJobAn abstract base class for asynchronous exporters
 CGnuPGProcessBaseBase class for GPG and GPGSM processes
 CHierarchicalKeyListJobA convenience job that additionally fetches all available issuers
 CImportJobAn abstract base class for asynchronous importers
 CJobAn abstract base class for asynchronous crypto operations
 CKeyFilterAn abstract base class key filters
 CKeyGenerationJobAn abstract base class for asynchronous key generation
 CKeyListJobAn abstract base class for asynchronous key listers
 CKeyRequesterBase class for SigningKeyRequester and EncryptionKeyRequester
 CMultiDeleteJobA convenience class bundling together multiple DeleteJobs
 CObtainKeysJobSpecialJob for listing Chiasmus key files
 CProgressBarA TQProgressBar with self-powered busy indicator
 CProgressDialogA progress dialog for Kleo::Jobs
 CQGpgMEJobThis is a hackish helper class to avoid code duplication in this backend's Kleo::Job subclasses
 CRefreshKeysJobAn abstract base class for asynchronous key refreshers
 CSignEncryptJobAn abstract base class for asynchronous combined signing and encrypting
 CSignJobAn abstract base class for asynchronous signing
 CSpecialJobAn abstract base class for protocol-specific jobs
 CVerifyDetachedJobAn abstract base class for asynchronous verification of detached signatures
 CVerifyOpaqueJobAn abstract base class for asynchronous verification of opaque signatures
 CCryptPlugWrapperThis class provides C++ access to the CRYPTPLUG API
 CQGpgMECryptoConfigCryptoConfig implementation around the gpgconf command-line tool For method docu, see kleo/cryptoconfig.h
 CQGpgMECryptoConfigComponentFor docu, see kleo/cryptoconfig.h
 CStructuringInfoWrapperThis class provides C++ access to the StructuringInfo helper struct that is specified in cryptplug.h to hold information returned by signing and by encrypting functions