24#include <tqapplication.h>
32#include <tqcombobox.h>
33#include <tqapplication.h>
34#include <tqdragobject.h>
39#include <tdeabc/addressbook.h>
40#include <tdeapplication.h>
42#include <kcolorbutton.h>
45#include <kiconloader.h>
48#include <tdemessagebox.h>
50#include <kurlrequester.h>
51#include <tdeimproxy.h>
53#include "configuretableviewdialog.h"
54#include "contactlistview.h"
59#include "kaddressbooktableview.h"
61class TableViewFactory :
public ViewFactory
64 KAddressBookView *view( KAB::Core *core, TQWidget *parent,
const char *name )
69 TQString type()
const {
return I18N_NOOP(
"Table" ); }
71 TQString description()
const {
return i18n(
"A listing of contacts in a table. Each cell of "
72 "the table holds a field of the contact." ); }
75 const char *name = 0 )
82 void *init_libkaddrbk_tableview()
84 return (
new TableViewFactory );
88KAddressBookTableView::KAddressBookTableView( KAB::Core *core,
89 TQWidget *parent,
const char *name )
92 mMainLayout =
new TQVBoxLayout( viewWidget(), 2 );
103void KAddressBookTableView::reconstructListView()
106 disconnect( mListView, TQ_SIGNAL( selectionChanged() ),
108 disconnect( mListView, TQ_SIGNAL(
executed( TQListViewItem* ) ),
110 disconnect( mListView, TQ_SIGNAL( doubleClicked( TQListViewItem* ) ),
112 disconnect( mListView, TQ_SIGNAL( startAddresseeDrag() ),
114 disconnect( mListView, TQ_SIGNAL( addresseeDropped( TQDropEvent* ) ),
115 this, TQ_SIGNAL(
dropped( TQDropEvent* ) ) );
119 mListView =
new ContactListView(
viewWidget() );
121 mListView->setShowIM( mIMProxy != 0 );
124 const TDEABC::Field::List fieldList(
fields() );
125 TDEABC::Field::List::ConstIterator it;
128 for ( it = fieldList.begin(); it != fieldList.end(); ++it ) {
129 mListView->addColumn( (*it)->label() );
130 mListView->setColumnWidthMode( c++, TQListView::Manual );
133 if ( mListView->showIM() ) {
138 mListView->addColumn( i18n(
"Presence" ) );
139 mListView->setIMColumn( c++ );
142 mListView->setFullWidth(
true );
144 connect( mListView, TQ_SIGNAL( selectionChanged() ),
146 connect( mListView, TQ_SIGNAL( startAddresseeDrag() ),
148 connect( mListView, TQ_SIGNAL( addresseeDropped( TQDropEvent* ) ),
149 this, TQ_SIGNAL(
dropped( TQDropEvent* ) ) );
150 connect( mListView, TQ_SIGNAL( contextMenu( TDEListView*, TQListViewItem*,
const TQPoint& ) ),
151 this, TQ_SLOT(
rmbClicked( TDEListView*, TQListViewItem*,
const TQPoint& ) ) );
152 connect( mListView->header(), TQ_SIGNAL( clicked(
int ) ),
155 if ( KABPrefs::instance()->honorSingleClick() )
156 connect( mListView, TQ_SIGNAL(
executed( TQListViewItem* ) ),
159 connect( mListView, TQ_SIGNAL( doubleClicked( TQListViewItem* ) ),
164 mListView->setSorting( 0,
true );
165 mMainLayout->addWidget( mListView );
166 mMainLayout->activate();
173 return ( mListView->sortColumn() == -1 ?
fields()[ 0 ] :
fields()[ mListView->sortColumn() ] );
180 mListView->saveLayout( config, config->group() );
187 if ( config->readBoolEntry(
false ) ) {
189 mIMProxy = KIMProxy::instance( tdeApp->dcopClient() );
190 connect( mIMProxy, TQ_SIGNAL( sigContactPresenceChanged(
const TQString& ) ),
195 disconnect( mIMProxy, TQ_SIGNAL( sigContactPresenceChanged(
const TQString& ) ),
203 reconstructListView();
206 mListView->setAlternateBackgroundEnabled( config->readBoolEntry(
true ) );
207 mListView->setSingleLineEnabled( config->readBoolEntry(
false ) );
208 mListView->setToolTipsEnabled( config->readBoolEntry(
true ) );
210 if ( config->readBoolEntry(
false ) )
211 mListView->setBackgroundPixmap( config->readPathEntry(
"BackgroundName" ) );
214 mListView->restoreLayout( config, config->group() );
219 if ( uid.isEmpty() ) {
221 TQString currentUID, nextUID;
222 ContactListViewItem *currentItem =
>( mListView->currentItem() );
224 ContactListViewItem *nextItem =
>( currentItem->itemBelow() );
226 nextUID = nextItem->addressee().uid();
227 currentUID = currentItem->addressee().uid();
233 const TDEABC::Addressee::List addresseeList(
addressees() );
234 TDEABC::Addressee::List::ConstIterator it( addresseeList.begin() );
235 const TDEABC::Addressee::List::ConstIterator endIt( addresseeList.end() );
236 for ( ; it != endIt; ++it ) {
237 ContactListViewItem *item =
new ContactListViewItem( *it, mListView,
239 if ( (*it).uid() == currentUID )
241 else if ( (*it).uid() == nextUID && !currentItem )
247 mListView->repaint();
250 mListView->setCurrentItem( currentItem );
251 mListView->ensureItemVisible( currentItem );
255 ContactListViewItem *ceItem;
256 TQPtrList<TQListViewItem> selectedItems( mListView->selectedItems() );
258 for ( it = selectedItems.first(); it; it = selectedItems.next() ) {
259 ceItem =
>( it );
260 if ( ceItem && ceItem->addressee().uid() == uid ) {
271 TQStringList uidList;
272 ContactListViewItem *item;
274 TQListViewItemIterator it( mListView, TQListViewItemIterator::Selected );
275 while ( it.current() ) {
276 item =
>( it.current() );
278 uidList << item->addressee().uid();
291 TQListViewItemIterator it( mListView );
292 while ( it.current() ) {
293 ContactListViewItem *item =
>( it.current() );
294 if ( item && (item->addressee().uid() == uid) ) {
295 mListView->setSelected( item,
selected );
298 mListView->ensureItemVisible( item );
308 if ( mListView->firstChild() ) {
309 mListView->setSelected( mListView->firstChild(),
selected );
310 mListView->ensureItemVisible( mListView->firstChild() );
322 TQListViewItemIterator it( mListView, TQListViewItemIterator::Selected );
323 while ( it.current() && !found ) {
325 ContactListViewItem *item =
>( it.current() );
327 emit
selected( item->addressee().uid() );
339 ContactListViewItem *ceItem =
>( item );
342 emit
executed( ceItem->addressee().uid() );
358 TQListViewItem *item;
359 ContactListViewItem *ceItem;
360 for ( item = mListView->firstChild(); item; item = item->itemBelow() ) {
361 ceItem =
>( item );
362 if ( ( ceItem != 0L ) && ( ceItem->addressee().uid() == uid ) ) {
363 ceItem->setHasIM(
true );
369 if ( mListView->sortColumn() == mListView->imColumn() )
373void KAddressBookTableView::scrollUp()
375 TQApplication::postEvent( mListView,
new TQKeyEvent( TQEvent::KeyPress, TQt::Key_Up, 0, 0 ) );
378void KAddressBookTableView::scrollDown()
380 TQApplication::postEvent( mListView,
new TQKeyEvent( TQEvent::KeyPress, TQt::Key_Down, 0, 0 ) );
384#include "kaddressbooktableview.moc"
This class is the table view for kaddressbook.
virtual void readConfig(TDEConfig *config)
Called whenever this view should read the config.
virtual void refresh(const TQString &uid=TQString())
Must be overloaded in subclasses to refresh the view.
virtual void setSelected(const TQString &uid=TQString(), bool selected=false)
This method must be overloaded in subclasses.
void rmbClicked(TDEListView *, TQListViewItem *, const TQPoint &)
RBM menu called.
void addresseeSelected()
Called whenever the user selects an addressee in the list view.
void addresseeExecuted(TQListViewItem *)
Called whenever the user executes an addressee.
virtual void setFirstSelected(bool selected=true)
Selects the first contact in the view.
virtual void writeConfig(TDEConfig *config)
Called whenever this view should write the config.
virtual TDEABC::Field * sortField() const
virtual TQStringList selectedUids()
Must be overloaded in subclasses.
void updatePresence(const TQString &uid)
Called to update the presence of a single item.
Base class for all views in kaddressbook.
void startDrag()
This signal is emitted whenever a user attempts to start a drag in the view.
TQWidget * viewWidget()
This method returns the widget that should be used as the parent for all view components.
void dropped(TQDropEvent *)
This signal is emitted whenever the user drops something on the view.
void popup(const TQPoint &point)
Call this slot to popup a rmb menu.
void selected(const TQString &uid)
This signal should be emitted by a subclass whenever an addressee is selected.
virtual void writeConfig(TDEConfig *)
Called whenever this view should write the config.
void executed(const TQString &uid)
This signal should be emitted by a subclass whenever an addressee is executed.
TDEABC::Addressee::List addressees()
Returns a list of the addressees that should be displayed.
virtual void readConfig(TDEConfig *config)
Called whenever this view should read the config.
TDEABC::Field::List fields() const
Returns a list of the fields that should be displayed.
void sortFieldChanged()
This signal is emitted whenever the sort field changed.