File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
▼ kalarm | |
alarmcalendar.cpp | |
alarmcalendar.h | |
alarmevent.cpp | |
alarmevent.h |
alarmlistview.cpp | |
alarmlistview.h | |
alarmtext.cpp | |
alarmtext.h | |
alarmtimewidget.cpp | |
alarmtimewidget.h | |
birthdaydlg.cpp | |
birthdaydlg.h | |
calendarcompat.cpp | |
calendarcompat.h | |
daemon.cpp | |
daemon.h | |
dcophandler.cpp | |
dcophandler.h | |
deferdlg.cpp | |
deferdlg.h | |
editdlg.cpp | |
editdlg.h | |
editdlgprivate.h | |
emailidcombo.cpp | |
emailidcombo.h | |
eventlistviewbase.cpp | |
eventlistviewbase.h | |
find.cpp | |
find.h | |
fontcolour.cpp | |
fontcolour.h | |
fontcolourbutton.cpp | |
fontcolourbutton.h | |
functions.cpp | |
functions.h |
kalarm.h | |
kalarmapp.cpp | |
kalarmapp.h |
kalarmiface.h |
kamail.cpp | |
kamail.h | |
karecurrence.cpp | |
karecurrence.h | |
latecancel.cpp | |
latecancel.h | |
main.cpp | |
mainwindow.cpp | |
mainwindow.h |
mainwindowbase.cpp | |
mainwindowbase.h | |
messagewin.cpp | |
messagewin.h |
pickfileradio.cpp | |
pickfileradio.h |
prefdlg.cpp | |
prefdlg.h | |
preferences.cpp | |
preferences.h | |
recurrenceedit.cpp | |
recurrenceedit.h | |
recurrenceeditprivate.h | |
reminder.cpp | |
reminder.h | |
repetition.cpp | |
repetition.h | |
sounddlg.cpp | |
sounddlg.h | |
soundpicker.cpp | |
soundpicker.h | |
specialactions.cpp | |
specialactions.h | |
startdaytimer.cpp | |
startdaytimer.h | |
templatedlg.cpp | |
templatedlg.h | |
templatelistview.cpp | |
templatelistview.h | |
templatemenuaction.cpp | |
templatemenuaction.h | |
templatepickdlg.cpp | |
templatepickdlg.h | |
timeselector.cpp | |
timeselector.h | |
traywindow.cpp | |
traywindow.h | |
undo.cpp | |
undo.h |