4#include <kdialogbase.h>
22 static Preferences *instance( const TQString& icsfile = "" );
23 void disableIdleDetection();
26 bool detectIdleness() const;
27 int idlenessTimeout() const;
28 TQString iCalFile() const;
29 TQString activeCalendarFile() const;
30 bool autoSave() const;
32 int autoSavePeriod() const;
33 bool promptDelete() const;
34 TQString setPromptDelete( bool prompt );
35 bool displayColumn( int n) const;
36 TQString userRealName() const;
39 bool readBoolEntry( const TQString& uid );
40 void writeEntry( const TQString &key, bool value );
41 void deleteEntry( const TQString &key );
49 void detectIdleness( bool on);
50 void idlenessTimeout( int minutes);
51 void iCalFile(TQString);
52 void autoSave( bool on);
53 void autoSavePeriod( int minutes);
57 virtual void slotOk();
58 virtual void slotCancel();
59 void idleDetectCheckBoxChanged();
60 void autoSaveCheckBoxChanged();
63 void makeDisplayPage();
64 void makeBehaviorPage();
65 void makeStoragePage();
72 TQCheckBox *_doIdleDetectionW, *_doAutoSaveW, *_promptDeleteW;
73 TQCheckBox *_displayTimeW, *_displaySessionW,
74 *_displayTotalTimeW, *_displayTotalSessionW;
75 TQCheckBox *_loggingW;
76 TQLabel *_idleDetectLabelW, *_displayColumnsLabelW;
77 TQSpinBox *_idleDetectValueW, *_autoSaveValueW;
78 KURLRequester *_iCalFileW ;
81 bool _doIdleDetectionV, _doAutoSaveV, _promptDeleteV, _loggingV;
82 bool _displayColumnV[4];
83 int _idleDetectValueV, _autoSaveValueV;
87 TQString _userRealName;
Provide an interface to the configuration options for the program.