Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- a -
- c -
- canCertify() : Kpgp::Key, Kpgp::Subkey
- canEncrypt() : Kpgp::Key, Kpgp::Subkey
- canSign() : Kpgp::Key, Kpgp::Subkey
- clear() : Kpgp::Key
- cloneKeyTrust() : Kpgp::Key
- creationDate() : Kpgp::Key, Kpgp::Subkey
- d -
- disabled() : Kpgp::Key, Kpgp::Subkey
- e -
- encryptionPreference() : Kpgp::Key
- expirationDate() : Kpgp::Subkey
- expired() : Kpgp::Key, Kpgp::Subkey
- Key() : Kpgp::Key
- f -
- fingerprint() : Kpgp::Subkey
- g -
- getSubkey() : Kpgp::Key
- i -
- invalid() : Kpgp::Key, Kpgp::Subkey, Kpgp::UserID
- isNull() : Kpgp::Key
- isValid() : Kpgp::Key
- isValidEncryptionKey() : Kpgp::Key
- isValidSigningKey() : Kpgp::Key
- k -
- keyAlgorithm() : Kpgp::Subkey
- keyID() : Kpgp::Subkey
- keyLength() : Kpgp::Subkey
- keyTrust() : Kpgp::Key
- l -
- longKeyID() : Kpgp::Subkey
- m -
- matchesUserID() : Kpgp::Key
- p -
- r -
- revoked() : Kpgp::Key, Kpgp::Subkey, Kpgp::UserID
- s -
- secret() : Kpgp::Key, Kpgp::Subkey
- setCanCertify() : Kpgp::Key, Kpgp::Subkey
- setCanEncrypt() : Kpgp::Key, Kpgp::Subkey
- setCanSign() : Kpgp::Key, Kpgp::Subkey
- setCreationDate() : Kpgp::Subkey
- setDisabled() : Kpgp::Key, Kpgp::Subkey
- setEncryptionPreference() : Kpgp::Key
- setExpirationDate() : Kpgp::Subkey
- setExpired() : Kpgp::Key, Kpgp::Subkey
- setFingerprint() : Kpgp::Key, Kpgp::Subkey
- setInvalid() : Kpgp::Key, Kpgp::Subkey, Kpgp::UserID
- setKeyAlgorithm() : Kpgp::Subkey
- setKeyID() : Kpgp::Subkey
- setKeyLength() : Kpgp::Subkey
- setRevoked() : Kpgp::Key, Kpgp::Subkey, Kpgp::UserID
- setSecret() : Kpgp::Key, Kpgp::Subkey
- setText() : Kpgp::UserID
- setValidity() : Kpgp::UserID
- Subkey() : Kpgp::Subkey
- subkeys() : Kpgp::Key
- t -
- text() : Kpgp::UserID
- u -
- UserID() : Kpgp::UserID
- userIDs() : Kpgp::Key
- v -
- validity() : Kpgp::UserID