24#include <tdeconfigpropagator.h>
26#include <kdialogbase.h>
41 TDEConfigWizard( TQWidget *parent = 0,
char *name = 0,
bool modal =
false );
47 char *name = 0,
bool modal =
false );
56 void setPropagator( TDEConfigPropagator * );
60 TDEConfigPropagator *
propagator() {
return mPropagator; }
65 TQFrame *createWizardPage(
const TQString &title );
84 virtual TQString
validate() {
return TQString(); }
91 void slotAboutToShowPage( TQWidget *page );
96 void setupRulesPage();
98 void setupChangesPage();
102 TDEConfigPropagator *mPropagator;
104 TQListView *mRuleView;
105 TQListView *mChangeView;
107 TQWidget *mChangesPage;
Configuration wizard base class.
virtual TQString validate()
Validates the supplied data.
virtual void usrReadConfig()=0
Use this function to read the configuration from the TDEConfigSkeleton object to the GUI.
virtual void usrWriteConfig()=0
This function is called when the wizard is finished.
TDEConfigPropagator * propagator()
Return propagator the wizard operates on.