#trinity-desktop < 2022/03/21 > |
[17:59] | agneli_ has joined |
[18:00] | libh has joined |
[18:01] | libh: Hi there. Any plans for the future implementing portals so the TDE file picker can be used instead for GTK applications? |
[18:01] | agneli has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
[18:34] | libh has quit (Quit: Leaving) |
[19:21] | pitriss: SlavekB: catch is.. You need to have enabled 2FA to use app passwords.. Which I don't have. I have separate account for my android phone (and I don't wish to have them connected in any way). Anyway, in worst case, I will switch to thunderbird.. Not happy about it but whatever:) |
[19:25] | SlavekB: Thunderbird I couldn't use because it is not nearly as effective as KMail and with the volume of mails, which I usually process, this would mean a major obstacle. |
[19:27] | pitriss: Yes I know what you are talking about, it is ssllooww with few GB of e-mails inside |
[19:28] | pitriss: Kmail does not suffer with this.. but I would need to stick with gmail for some time yet (job offers etc) so if they cut passwords I would need to switch.. As thunderbird does that thing with oauth. |
[19:30] | pitriss: But google is become really annoying with their security policies. Like not allowing you to log in to your mailbox from "unknown" machine.. I thought web mail is designed to be accessed from anywhere.. Not on google apparently |
[19:42] | yakzy has joined |
[19:44] | agneli_ is now known as agneli |
[19:45] | yakzy: Hey guys, how can I put this right bar (with all that content) on my TDE? https://imgur.com/rFJznYy |
[19:55] | pitriss: It is one of the special panels in the TDE. It should be present in the kickers context menu "add new panel".. Apps seems as those nextstep things and I don't think they are part of TDE.. And to be honest I never used this thing since KDE3.5 :) |
[20:03] | yakzy: pitriss: what do you mean by "nextstep things"? and btw how can I install them to make it that custom? |
[20:07] | pitriss: I meant this: http://gnustep.org/experience/apps.html and i clearly have no idea. I never used them. Try searching your distros repository for nextstep gnustep.. |
[20:26] | yakzy: wow! I want to install them! |
[23:41] | yakzy: well... I don't know how to do :( |
#trinity-desktop < 2022/03/21 > |
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