#trinity-desktop < 2023/03/23 >
[04:19]krushia has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
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[07:43]a-865: systemctl restart tdm required on F37 because TDM tries to start before /dev/dri0 exists, and restart command then puts X on /dev/dri1
[07:44]a-865: not new, just new to Fedora
[07:44]a-865: happens a lot on openSUSE with TDM and KDM3 and sometimes even LightDM or SDDM
[07:45]a-865: on my fastest PCs, all of which are iGPUs
[08:01]a-865 has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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[09:55]brocashelm has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[09:55]SlavekB has quit (Quit: Kopete 0.12.7 : http://trinitydesktop.org)
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[11:36]Armanelgtron has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
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[12:51]a-865: Tumbleweed has switched to GCC13 in 20230319. TDM loads, but doesn't respond to attempt to login.
[12:54]agneli: speaking about TDM i have the issues as well...
[12:54]agneli: something with timings
[12:54]agneli: as i am starting it with strace it works well :)
[12:54]agneli: otherwise it crashes
[12:55]agneli: I am not sure if those issues might be related...
[12:55]agneli: i never investigated further...
[12:58]micheleC has left (Kopete 0.12.7 : http://trinitydesktop.org)
[13:03]a-865: wrote too soon - mouse button was stuck :p
[14:59]mirda has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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[19:34]SlavekB has quit (Quit: Kopete : https://trinitydesktop.org)
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[23:57]agneli has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
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#trinity-desktop < 2023/03/23 >