#trinity-desktop < 2024/12/29 >
[00:40]hunter0one has joined
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[06:54]SlavekB has quit (Quit: Kopete 0.12.7 : http://trinitydesktop.org)
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[11:30]Fat-Zer has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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[13:00]micheleC has quit (Quit: Kopete 0.12.7 : http://trinitydesktop.org)
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[19:33]bonkmaykr has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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[23:39]alloutofnickels: howdy, is there a configuration file somewhere that determines the menu text in an application? for example, I'm in konversation right now and the main menu has "No text! No Text! Insert Bookmarks No Text! Window"

#trinity-desktop < 2024/12/29 >