#trinity-desktop < 2025/02/25 >
[02:11]a-865 has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.20 [SeaMonkey 2.53.20/20250104140216])
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[09:44]SlavekB has quit (Quit: Kopete 0.12.7 : http://trinitydesktop.org)
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[18:11]coronavirus is now known as neoncortex
[22:16]adamk has joined
[22:19]adamk: Is there a way to change the color for the start menu button label?
[22:21]adamk has quit (Quit: using sirc version 2.212+KSIRC/1.3.12)
[22:22]adamk has joined
[22:25]adamk: The option doesn't seem to exist but it would go well with custom panel bar images.
[23:16]adamk has quit (Quit: using sirc version 2.212+KSIRC/1.3.12)