#trinity-desktop < 2025/03/08 > |
[00:17] | SlavekB has joined |
[01:57] | micheleC has joined |
[02:45] | Xu_R has quit (Quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat) |
[02:47] | Xu_R has joined |
[03:21] | inverted_rabbit: Dynamically loaded but I'm unsure how exactly it's handling them. I can make one under a new name and it appear. |
[03:22] | inverted_rabbit: Is there a guide or sort of document that will help me get a proper working environment for window decorations? |
[03:23] | Xu_R has quit (Quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat) |
[03:26] | micheleC has quit (Quit: Kopete 0.12.7 : http://trinitydesktop.org) |
[03:46] | Xu_R has joined |
[07:26] | neoncortex has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
[07:27] | agneli has joined |
[07:27] | agneli: hello |
[07:28] | agneli: :) |
[07:28] | agneli: i finally started my work on gentoo ebuilds |
[07:28] | agneli: live ones |
[07:28] | agneli: and I have a question |
[07:28] | agneli: one of the issues that appeared |
[07:29] | agneli: is the fact that trinity-base/khelpcenter-9999 |
[07:29] | agneli: overwrites all help files that were intalled by the packages |
[07:29] | agneli: hende portage refuses to install it |
[07:30] | agneli: *hence |
[07:31] | agneli: anny suggestions please as to what is actually wrong, the packages that isnall the help or the khelpcenter that install those all over again? |
[07:31] | neoncortex has joined |
[07:32] | agneli: maybe if I install packages with this handbook flag then the khelpcenter shoult not be pulled in? |
[08:25] | micheleC has joined |
[08:30] | micheleC: @inverted_rabbit: this may help perhaps https://wiki.trinitydesktop.org/Creating_TWin_decorations |
[08:30] | micheleC: btw, what is an inverted rabbit? :-P |
[08:31] | inverted_rabbit: I don't know. I hadn't thought about it yet. |
[08:31] | agneli: trinity-base/tdelibs seems to be instaling numerous help files |
[08:32] | inverted_rabbit: micheleC: Was looking more for a "an environment for testing" giude but I have found my own jank way which is running Trinity in a Xephyr. |
[08:32] | agneli: and then trinity-base/khelpcenter tries to install it again |
[08:32] | agneli: *them |
[08:32] | agneli: and gets ferised by emerge |
[08:32] | agneli: udh |
[08:32] | agneli: refused |
[08:32] | agneli: due to collisions |
[08:33] | agneli: which package should be installing these help files? |
[08:33] | agneli: i khelpcenter even needed? |
[08:34] | agneli: trinity-base/tdebase-meta pulls khelpcenter as a dependency |
[08:34] | agneli: I have no idea how to approach this |
[08:35] | micheleC: @agneli: I assume you are on gentoo since you mentioned emege. Not sure the gentoo emerge files are up to date with all the latest changes. @ormorph used to maintain them, but he has been busy/MIA in the last few months |
[08:51] | SlavekB has quit (Quit: Kopete 0.12.7 : http://trinitydesktop.org) |
[09:26] | agneli: micheleC: ebuilds are not up to date for the live buils since long |
[09:26] | agneli: I have finally some time to see if I can fix them |
[09:27] | agneli: btw, I need to remove any references to tqinterfaces in any ebuild whatsoever, correct? |
[09:27] | agneli: and yes I am on gentoo |
[09:28] | agneli: and now I have issues with this khelpcenter |
[09:28] | agneli: that tries to overwrite help files |
[09:29] | agneli: maybe this package is not needed anymore if tdelibs installs all the help files? |
[09:30] | inverted_rabbit: If it helps any, I have no khelpcenter package on Arch. |
[09:30] | agneli: inverted_rabbit: thanks, this is what I suspect |
[09:30] | agneli: but I guess I need confirmation |
[09:30] | agneli: :) |
[09:31] | inverted_rabbit: khelpcenter binary is owned by tde-tdebase on Arch. |
[09:42] | micheleC: tqinterface was remove on master but not on r14.1.x |
[09:43] | micheleC: khelpcenter is the helping system, so I would say it is good to have :-) |
[09:43] | inverted_rabbit: Their issue is its packaging. |
[09:44] | inverted_rabbit: It doesn't seem it is its own package anymore. |
[09:44] | micheleC: tdelibs and tdebase should not overwrite each other. If they do, probably something is wrong somewhere |
[09:44] | micheleC: I don't use Gentoo, so can't say much more about it, but on debian we don't have conflicts |
[09:44] | micheleC: and khelpcenter works as expected |
[09:44] | inverted_rabbit: Is it a seperate package on debian? |
[09:45] | inverted_rabbit: On Arch, there is no tde-khelpcenter package. It's all in tde-tdebase from the looks of it (considering I have khelpcenter). |
[09:46] | micheleC: yes, in debian it is its own khelpcenter-trinity package |
[10:31] | a-865 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
[10:49] | a-865 has joined |
[11:04] | agneli: i am checking now if I have khelpcenter binary already |
[11:04] | agneli: for me integrating help into base woudl make sense |
[11:09] | agneli: so I have no khelpcenter binary |
[11:10] | agneli: micheleC: and what does the package khelpcenter-trinity contain on debian? |
[11:10] | agneli: is it just the binaries for help system |
[11:10] | agneli: or are there also help html files, please? |
[11:10] | agneli: 10:42 < micheleC> tqinterface was remove on master but not on r14.1.x |
[11:11] | agneli: i am working on the live builds so I believe I have to remove it as well |
[11:21] | micheleC: it contains the executable, some libraries, several desktop files, docbook and pictures found in tdebase. |
[11:22] | micheleC: like release notes, faq, quickstart guide and so on |
[11:22] | agneli: tdebase and khelpcenter contain the very same help files? |
[11:22] | micheleC: no, files can only belong to a package |
[11:22] | micheleC: otherwise you would get conflicts during installation |
[11:23] | agneli: exacty |
[11:23] | agneli: hence my question help files are in tdebase or in khelpcenter |
[11:23] | agneli: iiuw you have help files in khelpcenter in debian, correct? |
[11:23] | micheleC: most help files are in the package of the relative application |
[11:24] | agneli: ok |
[11:24] | agneli: does tdebase isntall any help files at all for you? |
[11:24] | micheleC: for example konsole docbook is in the konsole package |
[11:25] | micheleC: no, the tdebase-trinity package in debian is pretty empty, only contraing the changelog, the copyright and the README |
[11:26] | micheleC: but one thing to point out is that the structure has not changed in recent months/years. So if everything was working in gentoo before, it should be ok even now (beside the required updates to latest sources). If you suddenly have conflicts, you may be doing something wrong somewhere. |
[11:26] | agneli: ok thx |
[11:26] | micheleC: I can't guess more, since I am not on gentoo. Just using common sense analysis |
[11:27] | agneli: i get that |
[11:27] | micheleC: (y) |
[11:27] | agneli: it used to work |
[11:27] | micheleC: hopefully it helps :-) |
[11:27] | agneli: now i have these conflicts |
[11:27] | agneli: thank you micheleC |
[11:27] | agneli: we will see |
[11:28] | agneli: something has changed |
[11:29] | agneli: so generally help should not be installed by khelpcenter package |
[11:35] | agneli: ok so it seems that bot tdelibs and khelpcenter are built fromt he same source |
[11:35] | agneli: tdelibs-trinity-14.1.1.tar.xz |
[12:14] | inverted_rabbit: https://i.worlio.com:5281/file_share/RihMtClWn7lF2N4DgjzfFjwk/psishare-wUrgSB.png |
[12:15] | inverted_rabbit: Is this edit acceptable for pr or should I have my own theme fork? |
[12:16] | inverted_rabbit: https://i.worlio.com:5281/file_share/P3R7p2pqn3yD0fIUCPBpR2ZI/psishare-EJuICm.png |
[12:16] | inverted_rabbit: Buttons can be moved to the left of the titlebar for the original look. I felt like it made more sense. |
[13:22] | micheleC: @agneli: re "ok so it seems that bot tdelibs and khelpcenter ": this seems weird. khelpcenter executable is in tdebase |
[13:24] | micheleC: @inverted_rabbit: what do you mean by "this edit is acceptable" exactly? colors? button disposition? something else? |
[13:25] | inverted_rabbit: I mean are my changes okay to make a PR on? |
[13:25] | micheleC: what are the changes exactly? I have not compared with current version |
[13:26] | inverted_rabbit: Buttons aligned to the right of the title text now move over to the very right side of the titlebar. |
[13:28] | micheleC: that is a customizable option and every user can arrange the buttons as for their preference. As rule of thumb, we try to avoid changing styles that could be used by users, unless there is a good reason to do so |
[13:28] | inverted_rabbit: It's not customizable in this deco. |
[13:29] | micheleC: eh? it is not? usually buttons can be moved regardless of the decoration. let me try out to see if I am saying something wrong |
[13:29] | inverted_rabbit: https://i.worlio.com:5281/file_share/kOHXdnKWWujptc-Mm-QAr6z_/psishare-IGSAza.png |
[13:30] | inverted_rabbit: No, the deco combined them into one section. |
[13:38] | micheleC: ok, I tested fahrenheit and you are right. the relative position of the buttons can be changed, but not the position relative to the titlebar |
[13:39] | micheleC: if your changes allow to place buttons to the left and/or right of the title bar as per user choice, then it is ok to create a PR |
[13:39] | inverted_rabbit: alright thanks. |
[13:39] | micheleC: if your changes forces the buttons only to one side regardless of the settings, then it should be reworked |
[13:40] | inverted_rabbit: no, my changes are user choice |
[13:40] | inverted_rabbit: I'll pr when I'm done |
[13:40] | micheleC: (y) |
[14:38] | micheleC has quit (Quit: Kopete 0.12.7 : http://trinitydesktop.org) |
[15:09] | agneli: mirchelec: "khelpcenter executable is in tdebase" - not for me |
[15:09] | agneli: I do not have khelpcenter binary |
[16:35] | inverted_rabbit: PR submitted. |
[16:35] | inverted_rabbit: I might be baised but that fixed makes this my favorite deco so far. |
[18:23] | krushia has joined |
[21:32] | neoncortex has quit (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2+deb3.1+deb12u1 - https://znc.in) |
[21:43] | a-865 has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
[21:59] | a-865 has joined |
[23:09] | SlavekB has joined |
#trinity-desktop < 2025/03/08 > |