#trinity-desktop < 2025/03/09 >
[02:36]micheleC has joined
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[12:40]agneli: probably i have identified all the issues with live ebuild of trinity dekstop
[12:40]agneli: it is installing now, we will see :)
[12:40]agneli: but for the moment I skipped this handbook issues
[12:41]agneli: how to fix them is beyond me atm
[13:11]SlavekB has joined
[13:34]agneli: is there any manual/howto about what I need to set up to be able to provide my patches for review, please?
[13:40]micheleC: @agneli: https://wiki.trinitydesktop.org/TDE_Gitea_Workspace#To_contribute_code_changes
[13:40]micheleC: here is a brief guide to TGW on how to create pull requests
[13:41]micheleC: @inverted_rabbit: I will review your PR during the week, need to slot in some time for it
[13:50]inverted_rabbit: Alrighty!
[13:51]micheleC has left (Kopete 0.12.7 : http://trinitydesktop.org)
[16:51]agneli: thanks micheleC
[16:52]agneli: inverted_rabbit: you are working on some graphical theme, right?
[17:01]inverted_rabbit: Was.
[17:03]agneli: meaning u r done?
[17:03]inverted_rabbit: For now.
[17:05]agneli: thx :)
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#trinity-desktop < 2025/03/09 >