Deprecated List
- Member TDEABC::AddressBook::cleanUp () TDE_DEPRECATED
- There is no need to call this function anymore.
- Class TDEABC::DistributionListEditor
- Class TDEABC::Format
- use FormatPlugin instead
- Class TDEABC::GUIErrorHandler
- Use GuiErrorHandler instead.
- Member TDEABC::LDIFConverter::makeLDIFfieldString (TQString field, TQString value, bool allowEncode=true) TDE_DEPRECATED
- Obsoleted - please use LDIF::assembleLine() Returns a LDIF compatible string representing a given field/value pair. If necessary, the value parameter will be base64encoded and split into multiple. This function will return an empty string if the given value is empty.
- Member TDEABC::PhoneNumber::label (int type)
- Class TDEABC::ResourceSelectDialog
- , use KRES::SelectDialog instead.
- Member TDEABC::StdAddressBook::handleCrash () TDE_DEPRECATED
- There is no need to call this function anymore.
- Member TDEABC::StdAddressBook::save () TDE_DEPRECATED
- Use AddressBook::save( Ticket* ) instead
- Class TDEABC::VCard21Parser
- use VCardConverter instead.
- Member TDEABC::VCardConverter::addresseeToVCard (const Addressee &, TQString &, Version version=v3_0) TDE_DEPRECATED
- Member TDEABC::VCardConverter::vCardToAddressee (const TQString &, Addressee &, Version version=v3_0) TDE_DEPRECATED
- Class TDEABC::VCardFormat
- use VCardFormatPlugin instead.
- Class TDEABC::VCardFormatImpl
- use VCardFormatPlugin instead.