Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
address.cpp | |
address.h | |
addressbook.cpp | |
addressbook.h | |
addressee.src.cpp | |
addressee.src.h | |
addresseedialog.cpp | |
addresseedialog.h | |
addresseehelper.cpp | |
addresseehelper.h | |
addresseelist.cpp | |
addresseelist.h | |
addresslineedit.cpp | |
addresslineedit.h | |
AdrParam.cpp | |
AdrValue.cpp | |
agent.cpp | |
agent.h | |
AgentParam.cpp | |
AgentValue.cpp | |
binaryformat.cpp | |
binaryformat.h | |
ClassValue.cpp | |
ContentLine.cpp | |
DateParam.cpp | |
DateValue.cpp | |
dbwrapper.cpp | |
dbwrapper.h | |
distributionlist.cpp | |
distributionlist.h | |
distributionlistdialog.cpp | |
distributionlistdialog.h | |
distributionlisteditor.cpp | |
distributionlisteditor.h | |
EmailParam.cpp | |
Entity.cpp | |
Enum.cpp | |
errorhandler.cpp | |
errorhandler.h | |
field.h | |
field.src.cpp | |
FloatValue.cpp | |
format.h | |
formatfactory.cpp | |
formatfactory.h | |
formatplugin.h | |
geo.cpp | |
geo.h | |
GeoValue.cpp | |
ImageParam.cpp | |
ImageValue.cpp | |
ImgValue.cpp | |
key.cpp | |
key.h | |
LangValue.cpp | |
ldapclient.cpp | |
ldapclient.h | |
ldapconfigwidget.cpp | |
ldapconfigwidget.h | |
ldapurl.cpp | |
ldapurl.h | |
ldif.cpp | |
ldif.h | |
ldifconverter.cpp | |
ldifconverter.h | |
lock.cpp | |
lock.h | |
locknull.cpp | |
locknull.h | |
NValue.cpp | |
OrgValue.cpp | |
Param.cpp | |
phonenumber.cpp | |
phonenumber.h | |
PhoneNumberValue.cpp | |
picture.cpp | |
picture.h | |
plugin.cpp | |
plugin.h | |
resource.cpp | |
resource.h | |
resourcedir.cpp | |
resourcedir.h | |
resourcedirconfig.cpp | |
resourcedirconfig.h | |
resourcedirplugin.cpp | |
resourceevo.cpp | |
resourceevo.h | |
resourcefile.cpp | |
resourcefile.h | |
resourcefileconfig.cpp | |
resourcefileconfig.h | |
resourcefileplugin.cpp | |
resourceldaptdeio.cpp | |
resourceldaptdeio.h | |
resourceldaptdeioconfig.cpp | |
resourceldaptdeioconfig.h | |
resourceldaptdeioplugin.cpp | |
resourcenet.cpp | |
resourcenet.h | |
resourcenetconfig.cpp | |
resourcenetconfig.h | |
resourcenetplugin.cpp | |
resourceselectdialog.cpp | |
resourceselectdialog.h | |
resourcesql.cpp | |
resourcesql.h | |
resourcesqlconfig.cpp | |
resourcesqlconfig.h | |
RToken.cpp | |
secrecy.cpp | |
secrecy.h | |
sortmode.cpp | |
sortmode.h | |
sound.cpp | |
sound.h | |
SoundValue.cpp | |
SourceParam.cpp | |
stdaddressbook.cpp | |
stdaddressbook.h | |
tdeab2tdeabc.cpp | |
TelParam.cpp | |
TelValue.cpp | |
vcard/testread.cpp | |
vcardparser/testread.cpp | |
testread2.cpp | |
testutils.cpp | |
testutils.h | |
testvcardformat.cpp | |
testvcardformatimpl.cpp | |
vcard/testwrite.cpp | |
vcardparser/testwrite.cpp | |
testwrite2.cpp | |
TextBinParam.cpp | |
TextBinValue.cpp | |
TextListValue.cpp | |
TextParam.cpp | |
TextValue.cpp | |
timezone.cpp | |
timezone.h | |
URIValue.cpp | |
UTCValue.cpp | |
Value.cpp | |
vCard-all.cpp | |
VCard.cpp | |
vcard.cpp | |
vcard.h | |
VCard.h | |
vcard21parser.cpp | |
vcard21parser.h | |
VCardAdrParam.h | |
VCardAdrValue.h | |
VCardAgentParam.h | |
VCardAgentValue.h | |
VCardClassValue.h | |
VCardContentLine.h | |
vcardconverter.cpp | |
vcardconverter.h | |
VCardDateParam.h | |
VCardDateValue.h | |
VCardDefines.h | |
VCardEmailParam.h | |
VCardEntity.cpp | |
VCardEntity.h | |
VCardEnum.h | |
VCardFloatValue.h | |
vcardformat.cpp | |
vcardformat.h | |
vcardformatimpl.cpp | |
vcardformatimpl.h | |
vcardformatplugin.cpp | |
vcardformatplugin.h | |
VCardGeoValue.h | |
VCardGroup.h | |
VCardImageParam.h | |
VCardImageValue.h | |
VCardImgValue.h | |
VCardLangValue.h | |
vcardline.cpp | |
vcardline.h | |
VCardNValue.h | |
VCardOrgValue.h | |
VCardParam.h | |
vcardparser.cpp | |
vcardparser.h | |
VCardPhoneNumberValue.h | |
VCardRToken.h | |
VCardSoundValue.h | |
VCardSourceParam.h | |
VCardTelParam.h | |
VCardTelValue.h | |
VCardTextBinParam.h | |
VCardTextBinValue.h | |
VCardTextListValue.h | |
VCardTextParam.h | |
VCardTextValue.h | |
vcardtool.cpp | |
vcardtool.h | |
VCardURIValue.h | |
VCardUTCValue.h | |
VCardValue.h | |
VCardVCard.h | |
VCardVCardEntity.h | |